[PATCH] Useless and annoying search when invoking "find"
Submitted by Tamaranch Assigned to Matthew Brush @matt
Created attachment 9878 0001-Don-t-search-for-previously-selected-text.patch
If a search has already taken place, and the "find" feature is invoked again, a search is automatically launched for the previously selected text, which is not what we generally want.
It moves us from where we are to find something that is out of date, which is quite confusing and annoying.
If we actually want to search for this text again, we just have to press enter, but this search should not be automatic.
The patch for that is straightforward.
NB: Note also that the function whose call is eliminated in the patch: mousepad_search_bar_entry_changed(), is partly redundant with the function which calls it: mousepad_search_bar_focus().
Patch 9878, "0001-Don-t-search-for-previously-selected-text.patch":
Version: 0.4.2