/* $Id$ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. oroborus - (c) 2001 Ken Lynch xfwm4 - (c) 2002-2006 Olivier Fourdan */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <X11/extensions/shape.h> #include <glib.h> #include <gdk/gdk.h> #include <gdk/gdkx.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #ifdef HAVE_RANDR #include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h> #endif #include <libxfce4util/libxfce4util.h> #include <string.h> #include "misc.h" #include "workspaces.h" #include "settings.h" #include "mywindow.h" #include "frame.h" #include "client.h" #include "stacking.h" #include "transients.h" #include "focus.h" #include "netwm.h" #include "menu.h" #include "hints.h" #include "startup_notification.h" #include "compositor.h" #include "events.h" #include "event_filter.h" #ifndef CHECK_BUTTON_TIME #define CHECK_BUTTON_TIME 0 #endif #define WIN_IS_BUTTON(win) ((win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW(c->buttons[HIDE_BUTTON])) || \ (win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW(c->buttons[CLOSE_BUTTON])) || \ (win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW(c->buttons[MAXIMIZE_BUTTON])) || \ (win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW(c->buttons[SHADE_BUTTON])) || \ (win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW(c->buttons[STICK_BUTTON]))) #define DBL_CLICK_GRAB (ButtonMotionMask | \ PointerMotionMask | \ ButtonPressMask | \ ButtonReleaseMask) #define MODIFIER_MASK (ShiftMask | \ ControlMask | \ AltMask | \ MetaMask | \ SuperMask | \ HyperMask) static guint raise_timeout = 0; static GdkAtom atom_rcfiles = GDK_NONE; static xfwmWindow menu_event_window; static int edge_scroll_x = 0; static int edge_scroll_y = 0; /* Forward decl. */ static void handleEvent (DisplayInfo *display_info, XEvent * ev); static void menu_callback (Menu * menu, MenuOp op, Window xid, gpointer menu_data, gpointer item_data); static void show_window_menu (Client *c, gint px, gint py, guint button, guint32 time); static gboolean show_popup_cb (GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * ev, gpointer data); static gboolean client_event_cb (GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventClient * ev, gpointer data); typedef enum { XFWM_BUTTON_UNDEFINED = 0, XFWM_BUTTON_DRAG = 1, XFWM_BUTTON_CLICK = 2, XFWM_BUTTON_CLICK_AND_DRAG = 3, XFWM_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK = 4 } XfwmButtonClickType; typedef struct _XfwmButtonClickData XfwmButtonClickData; struct _XfwmButtonClickData { DisplayInfo *display_info; Window w; guint button; guint clicks; guint timeout; gint x; gint y; gint xcurrent; gint ycurrent; gboolean allow_double_click; }; static gboolean typeOfClick_break (gpointer data) { XfwmButtonClickData *passdata; passdata = (XfwmButtonClickData *) data; if (passdata->timeout) { g_source_remove (passdata->timeout); passdata->timeout = 0; } gtk_main_quit (); return (TRUE); } static eventFilterStatus typeOfClick_event_filter (XEvent * xevent, gpointer data) { XfwmButtonClickData *passdata; eventFilterStatus status; gboolean keep_going; keep_going = TRUE; passdata = (XfwmButtonClickData *) data; status = EVENT_FILTER_STOP; /* Update the display time */ myDisplayUpdateCurrentTime (passdata->display_info, xevent); if ((xevent->type == ButtonRelease) || (xevent->type == ButtonPress)) { if (xevent->xbutton.button == passdata->button) { passdata->clicks++; } if (((XfwmButtonClickType) passdata->clicks == XFWM_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK) || (!(passdata->allow_double_click) && (XfwmButtonClickType) passdata->clicks == XFWM_BUTTON_CLICK)) { keep_going = FALSE; } } else if (xevent->type == MotionNotify) { passdata->xcurrent = xevent->xmotion.x_root; passdata->ycurrent = xevent->xmotion.y_root; } else if ((xevent->type == DestroyNotify) || (xevent->type == UnmapNotify)) { if (xevent->xany.window == passdata->w) { /* Discard, mark the click as undefined */ passdata->clicks = (guint) XFWM_BUTTON_UNDEFINED; keep_going = FALSE; } status = EVENT_FILTER_CONTINUE; } else { status = EVENT_FILTER_CONTINUE; } if ((ABS (passdata->x - passdata->xcurrent) > 1) || (ABS (passdata->y - passdata->ycurrent) > 1) || (!keep_going)) { TRACE ("event loop now finished"); typeOfClick_break (data); } return status; } static XfwmButtonClickType typeOfClick (ScreenInfo *screen_info, Window w, XEvent * ev, gboolean allow_double_click) { DisplayInfo *display_info; XfwmButtonClickData passdata; gboolean g; g_return_val_if_fail (screen_info != NULL, XFWM_BUTTON_UNDEFINED); g_return_val_if_fail (ev != NULL, XFWM_BUTTON_UNDEFINED); g_return_val_if_fail (w != None, XFWM_BUTTON_UNDEFINED); display_info = screen_info->display_info; XFlush (display_info->dpy); g = myScreenGrabPointer (screen_info, DBL_CLICK_GRAB, None, ev->xbutton.time); if (!g) { TRACE ("grab failed in typeOfClick"); gdk_beep (); myScreenUngrabPointer (screen_info, ev->xbutton.time); return XFWM_BUTTON_UNDEFINED; } passdata.display_info = display_info; passdata.button = ev->xbutton.button; passdata.w = w; passdata.x = ev->xbutton.x_root; passdata.y = ev->xbutton.y_root; passdata.xcurrent = passdata.x; passdata.ycurrent = passdata.y; passdata.clicks = 1; passdata.allow_double_click = allow_double_click; passdata.timeout = g_timeout_add_full (0, display_info->dbl_click_time, (GtkFunction) typeOfClick_break, (gpointer) &passdata, NULL); TRACE ("entering typeOfClick loop"); eventFilterPush (display_info->xfilter, typeOfClick_event_filter, &passdata); gtk_main (); eventFilterPop (display_info->xfilter); TRACE ("leaving typeOfClick loop"); myScreenUngrabPointer (screen_info, myDisplayGetCurrentTime (display_info)); XFlush (display_info->dpy); return (XfwmButtonClickType) passdata.clicks; } #if CHECK_BUTTON_TIME static gboolean check_button_time (XButtonEvent *ev) { static Time last_button_time = (Time) 0; if (last_button_time > ev->time) { return FALSE; } last_button_time = ev->time; return TRUE; } #endif static void clear_timeout (void) { if (raise_timeout) { g_source_remove (raise_timeout); raise_timeout = 0; } } static gboolean raise_cb (gpointer data) { Client *c; TRACE ("entering raise_cb"); clear_timeout (); c = clientGetFocus (); if (c) { clientRaise (c, None); } return (TRUE); } static void reset_timeout (ScreenInfo *screen_info) { if (raise_timeout) { g_source_remove (raise_timeout); } raise_timeout = g_timeout_add_full (0, screen_info->params->raise_delay, (GtkFunction) raise_cb, NULL, NULL); } static void moveRequest (Client * c, XEvent * ev) { if (FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_HAS_MOVE) && !FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_FULLSCREEN)) { clientMove (c, ev); } } static void resizeRequest (Client * c, int corner, XEvent * ev) { if (!FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_FULLSCREEN)) { if (FLAG_TEST_ALL (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_HAS_RESIZE | XFWM_FLAG_IS_RESIZABLE)) { clientResize (c, corner, ev); } else if (FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_HAS_MOVE)) { clientMove (c, ev); } } } static void toggle_show_desktop (ScreenInfo *screen_info) { screen_info->show_desktop = !screen_info->show_desktop; setHint (screen_info->display_info, screen_info->xroot, NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP, screen_info->show_desktop); sendRootMessage (screen_info, NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP, screen_info->show_desktop, myDisplayGetCurrentTime (screen_info->display_info)); } static void handleMotionNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XMotionEvent * ev) { TRACE ("entering handleMotionNotify"); } static int getKeyPressed (ScreenInfo *screen_info, XKeyEvent * ev) { int key, state; state = ev->state & MODIFIER_MASK; for (key = 0; key < KEY_LAST; key++) { if ((screen_info->params->keys[key].keycode == ev->keycode) && (screen_info->params->keys[key].modifier == state)) { break; } } return key; } static void handleKeyPress (DisplayInfo *display_info, XKeyEvent * ev) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; Client *c; int key; TRACE ("entering handleKeyEvent"); c = clientGetFocus (); if (c) { screen_info = c->screen_info; key = getKeyPressed (screen_info, ev); switch (key) { case KEY_MOVE_UP: case KEY_MOVE_DOWN: case KEY_MOVE_LEFT: case KEY_MOVE_RIGHT: moveRequest (c, (XEvent *) ev); break; case KEY_RESIZE_UP: case KEY_RESIZE_DOWN: case KEY_RESIZE_LEFT: case KEY_RESIZE_RIGHT: if (FLAG_TEST_ALL (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_HAS_RESIZE | XFWM_FLAG_IS_RESIZABLE)) { clientResize (c, CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT, (XEvent *) ev); } break; case KEY_CYCLE_WINDOWS: clientCycle (c, (XEvent *) ev); break; case KEY_CLOSE_WINDOW: clientClose (c); break; case KEY_HIDE_WINDOW: if (CLIENT_CAN_HIDE_WINDOW (c)) { clientHide (c, c->win_workspace, TRUE); } break; case KEY_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW: clientToggleMaximized (c, WIN_STATE_MAXIMIZED, TRUE); break; case KEY_MAXIMIZE_VERT: clientToggleMaximized (c, WIN_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT, TRUE); break; case KEY_MAXIMIZE_HORIZ: clientToggleMaximized (c, WIN_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORIZ, TRUE); break; case KEY_SHADE_WINDOW: clientToggleShaded (c); break; case KEY_STICK_WINDOW: if (CLIENT_CAN_STICK_WINDOW(c)) { clientToggleSticky (c, TRUE); frameDraw (c, FALSE); } break; case KEY_RAISE_WINDOW: clientRaise (c, None); break; case KEY_LOWER_WINDOW: clientLower (c, None); break; case KEY_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN: clientToggleFullscreen (c); break; case KEY_MOVE_NEXT_WORKSPACE: workspaceSwitch (screen_info, screen_info->current_ws + 1, c, TRUE); break; case KEY_MOVE_PREV_WORKSPACE: workspaceSwitch (screen_info, screen_info->current_ws - 1, c, TRUE); break; case KEY_MOVE_UP_WORKSPACE: workspaceMove (screen_info, -1, 0, c); break; case KEY_MOVE_DOWN_WORKSPACE: workspaceMove (screen_info, 1, 0, c); break; case KEY_MOVE_LEFT_WORKSPACE: workspaceMove (screen_info, 0, -1, c); break; case KEY_MOVE_RIGHT_WORKSPACE: workspaceMove (screen_info, 0, 1, c); break; case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_1: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_2: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_3: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_4: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_5: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_6: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_7: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_8: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_9: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_10: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_11: case KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_12: if (key - KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_1 < screen_info->workspace_count) { clientRaise (c, None); workspaceSwitch (screen_info, key - KEY_MOVE_WORKSPACE_1, c, TRUE); } break; case KEY_POPUP_MENU: /* We need to release the events here prior to grabbing the keyboard in gtk menu otherwise we end with a dead lock... */ XAllowEvents (display_info->dpy, AsyncKeyboard, CurrentTime); show_window_menu (c, frameX (c) + frameLeft (c), frameY (c) + frameTop (c), Button1, GDK_CURRENT_TIME); /* 'nuff for now */ return; break; default: break; } } else { screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromRoot (display_info, ev->root); if (!screen_info) { return; } key = getKeyPressed (screen_info, ev); switch (key) { case KEY_CYCLE_WINDOWS: if (screen_info->clients) { clientCycle (screen_info->clients->prev, (XEvent *) ev); } break; case KEY_CLOSE_WINDOW: if (display_info->session) { logout_session (display_info->session); } break; default: break; } } /* Here we know that "screen_info" is defined, otherwise, we would already have returned... */ switch (key) { case KEY_NEXT_WORKSPACE: workspaceSwitch (screen_info, screen_info->current_ws + 1, NULL, TRUE); break; case KEY_PREV_WORKSPACE: workspaceSwitch (screen_info, screen_info->current_ws - 1, NULL, TRUE); break; case KEY_UP_WORKSPACE: workspaceMove(screen_info, -1, 0, NULL); break; case KEY_DOWN_WORKSPACE: workspaceMove(screen_info, 1, 0, NULL); break; case KEY_LEFT_WORKSPACE: workspaceMove(screen_info, 0, -1, NULL); break; case KEY_RIGHT_WORKSPACE: workspaceMove(screen_info, 0, 1, NULL); break; case KEY_ADD_WORKSPACE: workspaceSetCount (screen_info, screen_info->workspace_count + 1); break; case KEY_DEL_WORKSPACE: workspaceSetCount (screen_info, screen_info->workspace_count - 1); break; case KEY_WORKSPACE_1: case KEY_WORKSPACE_2: case KEY_WORKSPACE_3: case KEY_WORKSPACE_4: case KEY_WORKSPACE_5: case KEY_WORKSPACE_6: case KEY_WORKSPACE_7: case KEY_WORKSPACE_8: case KEY_WORKSPACE_9: case KEY_WORKSPACE_10: case KEY_WORKSPACE_11: case KEY_WORKSPACE_12: if (key - KEY_WORKSPACE_1 < screen_info->workspace_count) { workspaceSwitch (screen_info, key - KEY_WORKSPACE_1, NULL, TRUE); } break; case KEY_SHOW_DESKTOP: toggle_show_desktop (screen_info); break; default: break; } XAllowEvents (display_info->dpy, AsyncKeyboard, CurrentTime); } /* User has clicked on an edge or corner. * Button 1 : Raise and resize * Button 2 : Move * Button 3 : Resize */ static void edgeButton (Client * c, int part, XButtonEvent * ev) { if (ev->button == Button2) { XfwmButtonClickType tclick; ScreenInfo *screen_info = c->screen_info; tclick = typeOfClick (screen_info, c->window, (XEvent *) ev, FALSE); if (tclick == XFWM_BUTTON_CLICK) { clientLower (c, None); } else if (tclick != XFWM_BUTTON_UNDEFINED) { moveRequest (c, (XEvent *) ev); } } else { if (ev->button == Button1) { if (!(c->type & WINDOW_TYPE_DONT_FOCUS)) { clientSetFocus (c->screen_info, c, ev->time, NO_FOCUS_FLAG); } clientRaise (c, None); } if ((ev->button == Button1) || (ev->button == Button3)) { resizeRequest (c, part, (XEvent *) ev); } } } static void button1Action (Client * c, XButtonEvent * ev) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; DisplayInfo *display_info; XEvent copy_event; XfwmButtonClickType tclick; g_return_if_fail (c != NULL); g_return_if_fail (ev != NULL); screen_info = c->screen_info; display_info = screen_info->display_info; if (!(c->type & WINDOW_TYPE_DONT_FOCUS)) { clientSetFocus (screen_info, c, ev->time, NO_FOCUS_FLAG); } clientRaise (c, None); memcpy(©_event, ev, sizeof(XEvent)); tclick = typeOfClick (screen_info, c->window, ©_event, TRUE); if ((tclick == XFWM_BUTTON_DRAG) || (tclick == XFWM_BUTTON_CLICK_AND_DRAG)) { moveRequest (c, (XEvent *) ev); } else if (tclick == XFWM_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK) { switch (screen_info->params->double_click_action) { case ACTION_MAXIMIZE: clientToggleMaximized (c, WIN_STATE_MAXIMIZED, TRUE); break; case ACTION_SHADE: clientToggleShaded (c); break; case ACTION_HIDE: if (CLIENT_CAN_HIDE_WINDOW (c)) { clientHide (c, c->win_workspace, TRUE); } break; } } } static void titleButton (Client * c, int state, XButtonEvent * ev) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; DisplayInfo *display_info; g_return_if_fail (c != NULL); g_return_if_fail (ev != NULL); /* Get Screen data from the client itself */ screen_info = c->screen_info; display_info = screen_info->display_info; if (ev->button == Button1) { button1Action (c, ev); } else if (ev->button == Button2) { clientLower (c, None); } else if (ev->button == Button3) { /* We need to copy the event to keep the original event untouched for gtk to handle it (in case we open up the menu) */ XEvent copy_event; XfwmButtonClickType tclick; memcpy(©_event, ev, sizeof(XEvent)); tclick = typeOfClick (screen_info, c->window, ©_event, FALSE); if (tclick == XFWM_BUTTON_DRAG) { moveRequest (c, (XEvent *) ev); } else if (tclick != XFWM_BUTTON_UNDEFINED) { if (!(c->type & WINDOW_TYPE_DONT_FOCUS)) { clientSetFocus (screen_info, c, ev->time, NO_FOCUS_FLAG); } if (screen_info->params->raise_on_click) { clientRaise (c, None); } ev->window = ev->root; if (screen_info->button_handler_id) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (myScreenGetGtkWidget (screen_info)), screen_info->button_handler_id); } screen_info->button_handler_id = g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (myScreenGetGtkWidget (screen_info)), "button_press_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (show_popup_cb), (gpointer) c); /* Let GTK handle this for us. */ } } else if (ev->button == Button4) { /* Mouse wheel scroll up */ if (state == AltMask) { clientIncOpacity(c); } else if (!FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_SHADED)) { clientShade (c); } } else if (ev->button == Button5) { /* Mouse wheel scroll down */ if (state == AltMask) { clientDecOpacity(c); } else if (FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_SHADED)) { clientUnshade (c); } } else if (ev->button == Button6) { /* Mouse wheel scroll left, or left side button */ clientDecOpacity(c); } else if (ev->button == Button7) { /* Mouse wheel scroll right, or right side button */ clientIncOpacity(c); } } static void rootScrollButton (DisplayInfo *display_info, XButtonEvent * ev) { static Time lastscroll = (Time) 0; ScreenInfo *screen_info; if ((ev->time - lastscroll) < 25) /* ms */ { /* Too many events in too little time, drop this event... */ return; } lastscroll = ev->time; /* Get the screen structure from the root of the event */ screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromRoot (display_info, ev->root); if (!screen_info) { return; } if (ev->button == Button4) { workspaceSwitch (screen_info, screen_info->current_ws - 1, NULL, TRUE); } else if (ev->button == Button5) { workspaceSwitch (screen_info, screen_info->current_ws + 1, NULL, TRUE); } } static void handleButtonPress (DisplayInfo *display_info, XButtonEvent * ev) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; Client *c; Window win; int state; gboolean replay; TRACE ("entering handleButtonPress"); #if CHECK_BUTTON_TIME /* Avoid treating the same event twice */ if (!check_button_time (ev)) { TRACE ("ignoring ButtonPress event because it has been already handled"); return; } #endif replay = FALSE; c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, ANY); if (c) { state = ev->state & MODIFIER_MASK; win = ev->subwindow; screen_info = c->screen_info; if ((ev->button == Button1) && (screen_info->params->easy_click) && (state == screen_info->params->easy_click)) { button1Action (c, ev); } else if ((ev->button == Button2) && (screen_info->params->easy_click) && (state == screen_info->params->easy_click)) { clientLower (c, None); } else if ((ev->button == Button3) && (screen_info->params->easy_click) && (state == screen_info->params->easy_click)) { int part, x_corner_pixels, y_corner_pixels, x_distance, y_distance; /* Corner is 1/3 of the side */ x_corner_pixels = MAX(c->width / 3, 50); y_corner_pixels = MAX(c->height / 3, 50); /* Distance from event to edge of client window */ x_distance = c->width / 2 - abs(c->width / 2 - ev->x); y_distance = c->height / 2 - abs(c->height / 2 - ev->y); if (x_distance < x_corner_pixels && y_distance < y_corner_pixels) { /* In a corner */ if (ev->x < c->width / 2) { if (ev->y < c->height / 2) { part = CORNER_TOP_LEFT; } else { part = CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT; } } else { if (ev->y < c->height / 2) { part = CORNER_TOP_RIGHT; } else { part = CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT; } } } else { /* Not a corner - some side */ if (x_distance / x_corner_pixels < y_distance / y_corner_pixels) { /* Left or right side */ if (ev->x < c->width / 2) { part = CORNER_COUNT + SIDE_LEFT; } else { part = CORNER_COUNT + SIDE_RIGHT; } } else { /* Top or bottom side */ if (ev->y < c->height / 2) { part = CORNER_COUNT + SIDE_TOP; } else { part = CORNER_COUNT + SIDE_BOTTOM; } } } edgeButton (c, part, ev); } else if (WIN_IS_BUTTON (win)) { if (ev->button <= Button3) { if (!(c->type & WINDOW_TYPE_DONT_FOCUS)) { clientSetFocus (screen_info, c, ev->time, NO_FOCUS_FLAG); } if (screen_info->params->raise_on_click) { /* Clear timeout */ clear_timeout (); clientRaise (c, None); } clientButtonPress (c, win, ev); } } else if (win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW (c->title)) { titleButton (c, state, ev); } else if (win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW (c->buttons[MENU_BUTTON])) { if (ev->button == Button1) { /* We need to copy the event to keep the original event untouched for gtk to handle it (in case we open up the menu) */ XEvent copy_event; XfwmButtonClickType tclick; memcpy(©_event, ev, sizeof(XEvent)); tclick = typeOfClick (screen_info, c->window, ©_event, TRUE); if (tclick == XFWM_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK) { clientClose (c); } else if (tclick != XFWM_BUTTON_UNDEFINED) { if (!(c->type & WINDOW_TYPE_DONT_FOCUS)) { clientSetFocus (screen_info, c, ev->time, NO_FOCUS_FLAG); } if (screen_info->params->raise_on_click) { /* Clear timeout */ clear_timeout (); clientRaise (c, None); } ev->window = ev->root; if (screen_info->button_handler_id) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (myScreenGetGtkWidget (screen_info)), screen_info->button_handler_id); } screen_info->button_handler_id = g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (myScreenGetGtkWidget (screen_info)), "button_press_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (show_popup_cb), (gpointer) c); /* Let GTK handle this for us. */ } } } else if ((win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW (c->corners[CORNER_TOP_LEFT])) && (state == 0)) { edgeButton (c, CORNER_TOP_LEFT, ev); } else if ((win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW (c->corners[CORNER_TOP_RIGHT])) && (state == 0)) { edgeButton (c, CORNER_TOP_RIGHT, ev); } else if ((win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW (c->corners[CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT])) && (state == 0)) { edgeButton (c, CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT, ev); } else if ((win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW (c->corners[CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT])) && (state == 0)) { edgeButton (c, CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT, ev); } else if ((win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW (c->sides[SIDE_BOTTOM])) && (state == 0)) { edgeButton (c, CORNER_COUNT + SIDE_BOTTOM, ev); } else if ((win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW (c->sides[SIDE_LEFT])) && (state == 0)) { edgeButton (c, CORNER_COUNT + SIDE_LEFT, ev); } else if ((win == MYWINDOW_XWINDOW (c->sides[SIDE_RIGHT])) && (state == 0)) { edgeButton (c, CORNER_COUNT + SIDE_RIGHT, ev); } else if (ev->window == c->window) { clientPassGrabMouseButton (c); if (((screen_info->params->raise_with_any_button) && (c->type & WINDOW_REGULAR_FOCUSABLE)) || (ev->button == Button1)) { if (!(c->type & WINDOW_TYPE_DONT_FOCUS)) { clientSetFocus (screen_info, c, ev->time, NO_FOCUS_FLAG); } if ((screen_info->params->raise_on_click) || !FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_HAS_BORDER)) { /* Clear timeout */ clear_timeout (); clientRaise (c, None); } } replay = TRUE; } if (replay) { XAllowEvents (display_info->dpy, ReplayPointer, CurrentTime); } else { XAllowEvents (display_info->dpy, SyncPointer, CurrentTime); } return; } /* The event did not occur in one of our known good client... Get the screen structure from the root of the event. */ screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromRoot (display_info, ev->root); if (!screen_info) { return; } if ((ev->window == screen_info->xroot) && (screen_info->params->scroll_workspaces) && ((ev->button == Button4) || (ev->button == Button5))) { rootScrollButton (display_info, ev); } else { XUngrabPointer (display_info->dpy, myDisplayGetCurrentTime (display_info)); XSendEvent (display_info->dpy, screen_info->xfwm4_win, FALSE, SubstructureNotifyMask, (XEvent *) ev); } } static void handleButtonRelease (DisplayInfo *display_info, XButtonEvent * ev) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; TRACE ("entering handleButtonRelease"); #if CHECK_BUTTON_TIME /* Avoid treating the same event twice */ if (!check_button_time (ev)) { TRACE ("ignoring ButtonRelease event because it has been already handled"); return; } #endif /* Get the screen structure from the root of the event */ screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromRoot (display_info, ev->root); if (!screen_info) { return; } XSendEvent (display_info->dpy, screen_info->xfwm4_win, FALSE, SubstructureNotifyMask, (XEvent *) ev); } static void handleDestroyNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XDestroyWindowEvent * ev) { Client *c; #ifdef ENABLE_KDE_SYSTRAY_PROXY ScreenInfo *screen_info; #endif TRACE ("entering handleDestroyNotify"); TRACE ("DestroyNotify on window (0x%lx)", ev->window); #ifdef ENABLE_KDE_SYSTRAY_PROXY screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromSystray (display_info, ev->window); if (screen_info) { /* systray window is gone */ screen_info->systray = None; return; } #endif c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, WINDOW); if (c) { TRACE ("DestroyNotify for \"%s\" (0x%lx)", c->name, c->window); clientPassFocus (c->screen_info, c, c); clientUnframe (c, FALSE); } } static void handleMapRequest (DisplayInfo *display_info, XMapRequestEvent * ev) { Client *c; TRACE ("entering handleMapRequest"); TRACE ("MapRequest on window (0x%lx)", ev->window); if (ev->window == None) { TRACE ("Mapping None ???"); return; } c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, WINDOW); if (c) { ScreenInfo *screen_info = c->screen_info; TRACE ("handleMapRequest: clientShow"); if (FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_MAP_PENDING)) { TRACE ("Ignoring MapRequest on window (0x%lx)", ev->window); return; } clientShow (c, TRUE); clientClearAllShowDesktop (screen_info); if (FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_STICKY) || (c->win_workspace == screen_info->current_ws)) { clientFocusNew(c); } } else { TRACE ("handleMapRequest: clientFrame"); clientFrame (display_info, ev->window, FALSE); } } static void handleMapNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XMapEvent * ev) { Client *c; TRACE ("entering handleMapNotify"); TRACE ("MapNotify on window (0x%lx)", ev->window); c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, WINDOW); if (c) { TRACE ("MapNotify for \"%s\" (0x%lx)", c->name, c->window); if (FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_MAP_PENDING)) { FLAG_UNSET (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_MAP_PENDING); } } } static void handleUnmapNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XUnmapEvent * ev) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; Client *c; TRACE ("entering handleUnmapNotify"); TRACE ("UnmapNotify on window (0x%lx)", ev->window); if (ev->from_configure) { TRACE ("Ignoring UnmapNotify caused by parent's resize"); return; } screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromWindow (display_info, ev->window); if (screen_info && (ev->event != ev->window) && (ev->event != screen_info->xroot || !ev->send_event)) { TRACE ("handleUnmapNotify (): Event ignored"); return; } c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, WINDOW); if (c) { TRACE ("UnmapNotify for \"%s\" (0x%lx)", c->name, c->window); TRACE ("ignore_unmap for \"%s\" is %i", c->name, c->ignore_unmap); if (FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_MAP_PENDING)) { /* * This UnmapNotify event is caused by reparenting * so we just ignore it, so the window won't return * to withdrawn state by mistake. */ TRACE ("Client \"%s\" is not mapped, event ignored", c->name); return; } screen_info = c->screen_info; /* * ICCCM spec states that a client wishing to switch * to WithdrawnState should send a synthetic UnmapNotify * with the event field set to root if the client window * is already unmapped. * Therefore, bypass the ignore_unmap counter and * unframe the client. */ if ((ev->event == screen_info->xroot) && (ev->send_event)) { TRACE ("ICCCM UnmapNotify for \"%s\"", c->name); clientPassFocus (screen_info, c, c); clientUnframe (c, FALSE); return; } if (c->ignore_unmap) { c->ignore_unmap--; TRACE ("ignore_unmap for \"%s\" is now %i", c->name, c->ignore_unmap); } else { TRACE ("unmapping \"%s\" as ignore_unmap is %i", c->name, c->ignore_unmap); clientPassFocus (screen_info, c, c); clientUnframe (c, FALSE); } } } static gboolean update_screen_idle_cb (gpointer data) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; DisplayInfo *display_info; screen_info = (ScreenInfo *) data; display_info = screen_info->display_info; setNetWorkarea (display_info, screen_info->xroot, screen_info->workspace_count, screen_info->width, screen_info->height, screen_info->margins); placeSidewalks (screen_info, screen_info->params->wrap_workspaces); clientScreenResize (screen_info); compositorUpdateScreenSize (screen_info); return FALSE; } static void handleConfigureNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XConfigureEvent * ev) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; TRACE ("entering handleConfigureNotify"); screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromRoot (display_info, ev->window); if (!screen_info) { return; } if (display_info->have_xrandr) { #ifdef HAVE_RANDR XRRUpdateConfiguration ((XEvent *) ev); #endif } else { TRACE ("ConfigureNotify on the screen_info->xroot win (0x%lx)", ev->window); screen_info->xscreen->width = ev->width; screen_info->xscreen->height = ev->height; } screen_info->width = WidthOfScreen (screen_info->xscreen); screen_info->height = HeightOfScreen (screen_info->xscreen); /* We need to use an idle function to update our screen layout to give gdk the time to update its internal structures for Xinerama and monitor size, otherwise the functions gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry () don't return accurate values... */ g_idle_add_full (G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, update_screen_idle_cb, screen_info, NULL); } static void handleConfigureRequest (DisplayInfo *display_info, XConfigureRequestEvent * ev) { Client *c = NULL; XWindowChanges wc; TRACE ("entering handleConfigureRequest"); TRACE ("ConfigureRequest on window (0x%lx)", ev->window); wc.x = ev->x; wc.y = ev->y; wc.width = ev->width; wc.height = ev->height; wc.sibling = ev->above; wc.stack_mode = ev->detail; wc.border_width = ev->border_width; c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, WINDOW); if (!c) { /* Some app tend or try to manipulate the wm frame to achieve fullscreen mode */ c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, FRAME); if (c) { TRACE ("client %s (0x%lx) is attempting to manipulate its frame!", c->name, c->window); if (ev->value_mask & CWX) { wc.x += frameLeft (c); } if (ev->value_mask & CWY) { wc.y += frameTop (c); } if (ev->value_mask & CWWidth) { wc.width -= frameLeft (c) + frameRight (c); } if (ev->value_mask & CWHeight) { wc.height -= frameTop (c) + frameBottom (c); } /* We don't allow changing stacking order by accessing the frame window because that would break the layer management in xfwm4 */ ev->value_mask &= ~(CWSibling | CWStackMode); } } if (c) { gboolean constrained = FALSE; ScreenInfo *screen_info = c->screen_info; TRACE ("handleConfigureRequest managed window \"%s\" (0x%lx)", c->name, c->window); if (FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_MOVING_RESIZING)) { /* Sorry, but it's not the right time for configure request */ return; } if (c->type == WINDOW_DESKTOP) { /* Ignore stacking request for DESKTOP windows */ ev->value_mask &= ~(CWSibling | CWStackMode); } clientCoordGravitate (c, APPLY, &wc.x, &wc.y); if (FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_FULLSCREEN)) { GdkRectangle rect; gint monitor_nbr; int cx, cy; /* size request from fullscreen windows get fullscreen */ cx = frameX (c) + (frameWidth (c) / 2); cy = frameY (c) + (frameHeight (c) / 2); monitor_nbr = find_monitor_at_point (screen_info->gscr, cx, cy); gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry (screen_info->gscr, monitor_nbr, &rect); wc.x = rect.x; wc.y = rect.y; wc.width = rect.width; wc.height = rect.height; ev->value_mask |= (CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight); } else if (FLAG_TEST_ALL (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_MAXIMIZED) && (screen_info->params->borderless_maximize)) { wc.x = c->x; wc.y = c->y; wc.width = c->width; wc.height = c->height; } /* Clean up buggy requests that set all flags */ if ((ev->value_mask & CWX) && (wc.x == c->x)) { ev->value_mask &= ~CWX; } if ((ev->value_mask & CWY) && (wc.y == c->y)) { ev->value_mask &= ~CWY; } if ((ev->value_mask & CWWidth) && (wc.width == c->width)) { ev->value_mask &= ~CWWidth; } if ((ev->value_mask & CWHeight) && (wc.height == c->height)) { ev->value_mask &= ~CWHeight; } /* Still a move/resize after cleanup? */ if (ev->value_mask & (CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight)) { if (FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_MAXIMIZED)) { clientRemoveMaximizeFlag (c); } constrained = TRUE; } #if 0 /* Let's say that if the client performs a XRaiseWindow, we show the window if hidden */ if ((ev->value_mask & CWStackMode) && (wc.stack_mode == Above)) { if ((c->win_workspace == screen_info->current_ws) || (FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_STICKY))) { if (FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_ICONIFIED)) { clientShow (c, TRUE); clientClearAllShowDesktop (screen_info); } } } #endif clientConfigure (c, &wc, ev->value_mask, (constrained ? CFG_CONSTRAINED : 0) | CFG_REQUEST); } else { TRACE ("unmanaged configure request for win 0x%lx", ev->window); XConfigureWindow (display_info->dpy, ev->window, ev->value_mask, &wc); } } static void handleEnterNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XCrossingEvent * ev) { static Time lastresist = (Time) 0; ScreenInfo *screen_info; Client *c; gboolean warp_pointer; /* See http://rfc-ref.org/RFC-TEXTS/1013/chapter12.html for details */ TRACE ("entering handleEnterNotify"); if ((ev->mode == NotifyGrab) || (ev->mode == NotifyUngrab) || (ev->detail > NotifyNonlinearVirtual)) { /* We're not interested in such notifications */ return; } TRACE ("EnterNotify on window (0x%lx)", ev->window); warp_pointer = FALSE; c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, FRAME); if (c) { screen_info = c->screen_info; if (!(screen_info->params->click_to_focus) && clientAcceptFocus (c)) { TRACE ("EnterNotify window is \"%s\"", c->name); if (!(c->type & (WINDOW_DOCK | WINDOW_DESKTOP))) { clientSetFocus (c->screen_info, c, ev->time, NO_FOCUS_FLAG); } } /* No need to process the event any further */ return; } /* The event was not for a client window */ if (display_info->nb_screens > 1) { /* Wrap workspace/wrap windows is disabled with multiscreen */ return; } /* Get the screen structure from the root of the event */ screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromRoot (display_info, ev->root); if (!screen_info) { return; } if (screen_info->workspace_count && screen_info->params->wrap_workspaces && screen_info->params->wrap_resistance) { int msx, msy, maxx, maxy; int rx, ry; msx = ev->x_root; msy = ev->y_root; maxx = screen_info->width - 1; maxy = screen_info->height - 1; rx = 0; ry = 0; warp_pointer = FALSE; if ((msx == 0) || (msx == maxx)) { if ((ev->time - lastresist) > 250) /* ms */ { edge_scroll_x = 0; } else { edge_scroll_x++; } if (msx == 0) { rx = 1; } else { rx = -1; } warp_pointer = TRUE; lastresist = ev->time; } if ((msy == 0) || (msy == maxy)) { if ((ev->time - lastresist) > 250) /* ms */ { edge_scroll_y = 0; } else { edge_scroll_y++; } if (msy == 0) { ry = 1; } else { ry = -1; } warp_pointer = TRUE; lastresist = ev->time; } if (edge_scroll_x > screen_info->params->wrap_resistance) { edge_scroll_x = 0; if (msx == 0) { if (workspaceMove (screen_info, 0, -1, NULL)) { rx = 4 * maxx / 5; } } else { if (workspaceMove (screen_info, 0, 1, NULL)) { rx = -4 * maxx / 5; } } warp_pointer = TRUE; } if (edge_scroll_y > screen_info->params->wrap_resistance) { edge_scroll_y = 0; if (msy == 0) { if (workspaceMove (screen_info, -1, 0, NULL)) { ry = 4 * maxy / 5; } } else { if (workspaceMove (screen_info, 1, 0, NULL)) { ry = -4 * maxy / 5; } } warp_pointer = TRUE; } if (warp_pointer) { XWarpPointer (display_info->dpy, None, None, 0, 0, 0, 0, rx, ry); XFlush (display_info->dpy); } } } static void handleLeaveNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XCrossingEvent * ev) { TRACE ("entering handleLeaveNotify"); } static void handleFocusIn (DisplayInfo *display_info, XFocusChangeEvent * ev) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; Client *c, *last_raised; /* See http://rfc-ref.org/RFC-TEXTS/1013/chapter12.html for details */ TRACE ("entering handleFocusIn"); TRACE ("handleFocusIn (0x%lx) mode = %s", ev->window, (ev->mode == NotifyNormal) ? "NotifyNormal" : (ev->mode == NotifyWhileGrabbed) ? "NotifyWhileGrabbed" : (ev->mode == NotifyGrab) ? "NotifyGrab" : (ev->mode == NotifyUngrab) ? "NotifyUngrab" : "(unknown)"); TRACE ("handleFocusIn (0x%lx) detail = %s", ev->window, (ev->detail == NotifyAncestor) ? "NotifyAncestor" : (ev->detail == NotifyVirtual) ? "NotifyVirtual" : (ev->detail == NotifyInferior) ? "NotifyInferior" : (ev->detail == NotifyNonlinear) ? "NotifyNonlinear" : (ev->detail == NotifyNonlinearVirtual) ? "NotifyNonlinearVirtual" : (ev->detail == NotifyPointer) ? "NotifyPointer" : (ev->detail == NotifyPointerRoot) ? "NotifyPointerRoot" : (ev->detail == NotifyDetailNone) ? "NotifyDetailNone" : "(unknown)"); screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromWindow (display_info, ev->window); if (!screen_info) { /* Not for us */ return; } last_raised = NULL; if ((ev->window == screen_info->xroot) && ((ev->detail == NotifyDetailNone) || ((ev->mode == NotifyNormal) && (ev->detail == NotifyInferior)))) { /* Handle unexpected focus transition to root (means that an unknown window has vanished and the focus is returned to the root). */ c = clientGetFocus (); if (c) { clientSetFocus (screen_info, c, myDisplayGetCurrentTime (display_info), FOCUS_FORCE); } return; } if ((ev->mode == NotifyGrab) || (ev->mode == NotifyUngrab) || (ev->detail > NotifyNonlinearVirtual)) { /* We're not interested in such notifications */ return; } c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, ANY); TRACE ("FocusIn on window (0x%lx)", ev->window); if (c) { TRACE ("focus set to \"%s\" (0x%lx)", c->name, c->window); screen_info = c->screen_info; clientUpdateFocus (screen_info, c, FOCUS_SORT); last_raised = clientGetLastRaise (screen_info); if ((screen_info->params->click_to_focus) && (screen_info->params->raise_on_click) && (last_raised != NULL) && (c != last_raised)) { clientRaise (c, None); } if (screen_info->params->raise_on_focus) { reset_timeout (screen_info); } return; } if (ev->window == screen_info->xroot) { /* "Normal" focus transition to root, should not happen though */ clientPassFocus (screen_info, NULL, NULL); } } static void handleFocusOut (DisplayInfo *display_info, XFocusChangeEvent * ev) { Client *c; /* See http://rfc-ref.org/RFC-TEXTS/1013/chapter12.html for details */ TRACE ("entering handleFocusOut"); TRACE ("handleFocusOut (0x%lx) mode = %s", ev->window, (ev->mode == NotifyNormal) ? "NotifyNormal" : (ev->mode == NotifyWhileGrabbed) ? "NotifyWhileGrabbed" : "(unknown)"); TRACE ("handleFocusOut (0x%lx) detail = %s", ev->window, (ev->detail == NotifyAncestor) ? "NotifyAncestor" : (ev->detail == NotifyVirtual) ? "NotifyVirtual" : (ev->detail == NotifyInferior) ? "NotifyInferior" : (ev->detail == NotifyNonlinear) ? "NotifyNonlinear" : (ev->detail == NotifyNonlinearVirtual) ? "NotifyNonlinearVirtual" : (ev->detail == NotifyPointer) ? "NotifyPointer" : (ev->detail == NotifyPointerRoot) ? "NotifyPointerRoot" : (ev->detail == NotifyDetailNone) ? "NotifyDetailNone" : "(unknown)"); if ((ev->mode == NotifyNormal) && ((ev->detail == NotifyNonlinear) || (ev->detail == NotifyNonlinearVirtual))) { c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, ANY); TRACE ("FocusOut on window (0x%lx)", ev->window); if ((c) && (c == clientGetFocus ())) { TRACE ("focus lost from \"%s\" (0x%lx)", c->name, c->window); clientPassGrabMouseButton (NULL); clientUpdateFocus (c->screen_info, NULL, NO_FOCUS_FLAG); /* Clear timeout */ clear_timeout (); } } } static void handlePropertyNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XPropertyEvent * ev) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; Client *c; TRACE ("entering handlePropertyNotify"); c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, WINDOW); if (c) { screen_info = c->screen_info; if (ev->atom == XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS notify", c->name, c->window); clientGetWMNormalHints (c, TRUE); } else if ((ev->atom == XA_WM_NAME) || (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_NAME]) || (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[WM_CLIENT_MACHINE])) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a XA_WM_NAME/NET_WM_NAME/WM_CLIENT_MACHINE notify", c->name, c->window); if (c->name) { g_free (c->name); } getWindowName (display_info, c->window, &c->name); FLAG_SET (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_NAME_CHANGED); frameDraw (c, TRUE); } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[MOTIF_WM_HINTS]) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a motif_wm_hints notify", c->name, c->window); clientGetMWMHints (c, TRUE); } else if (ev->atom == XA_WM_HINTS) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a XA_WM_HINTS notify", c->name, c->window); c->wmhints = XGetWMHints (display_info->dpy, c->window); if (c->wmhints) { if (c->wmhints->flags & WindowGroupHint) { c->group_leader = c->wmhints->window_group; } if ((c->wmhints->flags & IconPixmapHint) && (screen_info->params->show_app_icon)) { clientUpdateIcon (c); frameDraw (c, TRUE); } if (HINTS_ACCEPT_INPUT (c->wmhints)) { FLAG_SET (c->wm_flags, WM_FLAG_INPUT); } else { FLAG_UNSET (c->wm_flags, WM_FLAG_INPUT); } } clientUpdateUrgency (c); } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[WM_PROTOCOLS]) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a wm_protocols notify", c->name, c->window); clientGetWMProtocols (c); } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[WM_TRANSIENT_FOR]) { Window w; TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a wm_transient_for notify", c->name, c->window); getTransientFor (display_info, c->screen_info->xroot, c->window, &w); if (clientCheckTransientWindow (c, w)) { c->transient_for = w; #if 0 /* Java 1.6 updates the WM_TRANSIENT_FOR properties "on-the-fly" of its windows to maintain the z-order. If we raise the transient then, we clearly have a race condition between the WM and Java... And that breaks the z-order. Bug #2483. I still think that raising here makes sense, to ensure that the newly promoted transient window is placed above its parent. Chances are that Java 1.6 won't change any time soon (heh, it's not even released yet), so let's adjust the WM to work with Java 1.6... */ clientRaise (c, w); #endif } } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[WIN_HINTS]) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a win_hints notify", c->name, c->window); getHint (display_info, c->window, WIN_HINTS, (long *) &c->win_hints); } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE]) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_wm_window_type notify", c->name, c->window); clientGetNetWmType (c); frameDraw (c, TRUE); } else if ((ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_STRUT]) || (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL])) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_wm_strut notify", c->name, c->window); clientGetNetStruts (c); } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS]) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a wm_colormap_windows notify", c->name, c->window); clientUpdateColormaps (c); if (c == clientGetFocus ()) { clientInstallColormaps (c); } } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_USER_TIME]) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_wm_user_time notify", c->name, c->window); if (getNetWMUserTime (display_info, c->window, &c->user_time)) { myDisplaySetLastUserTime (display_info, c->user_time); FLAG_SET (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_HAS_USER_TIME); } } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY]) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_wm_opacity notify", c->name, c->window); if (!getOpacity (display_info, c->window, &c->opacity)) { c->opacity = NET_WM_OPAQUE; } compositorWindowSetOpacity (display_info, c->frame, c->opacity); } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY_LOCKED]) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_wm_opacity_locked notify", c->name, c->window); c->opacity_locked = getOpacityLock (display_info, c->window); } else if ((screen_info->params->show_app_icon) && ((ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_ICON]) || (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[KWM_WIN_ICON]))) { clientUpdateIcon (c); frameDraw (c, TRUE); } #ifdef HAVE_STARTUP_NOTIFICATION else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_STARTUP_ID]) { if (c->startup_id) { g_free (c->startup_id); c->startup_id = NULL; } getWindowStartupId (display_info, c->window, &c->startup_id); } #endif /* HAVE_STARTUP_NOTIFICATION */ #ifdef HAVE_XSYNC else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER]) { getXSyncCounter (display_info, c->window, &c->xsync_counter); TRACE ("Window 0x%lx has NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER set to 0x%lx", c->window, c->xsync_counter); } #endif /* HAVE_XSYNC */ return; } screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromWindow (display_info, ev->window); if (!screen_info) { return; } if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_DESKTOP_NAMES]) { gchar **names; int items; TRACE ("root has received a net_desktop_names notify"); if (getUTF8StringList (display_info, screen_info->xroot, NET_DESKTOP_NAMES, &names, &items)) { workspaceSetNames (screen_info, names, items); } } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[GNOME_PANEL_DESKTOP_AREA]) { TRACE ("root has received a gnome_panel_desktop_area notify"); getGnomeDesktopMargins (display_info, screen_info->xroot, screen_info->gnome_margins); workspaceUpdateArea (screen_info); } else if (ev->atom == display_info->atoms[NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT]) { TRACE ("root has received a net_desktop_layout notify"); getDesktopLayout(display_info, screen_info->xroot, screen_info->workspace_count, &screen_info->desktop_layout); placeSidewalks(screen_info, screen_info->params->wrap_workspaces); } } static void handleClientMessage (DisplayInfo *display_info, XClientMessageEvent * ev) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; Client *c; gboolean is_transient; TRACE ("entering handleClientMessage"); c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, WINDOW); if (c) { screen_info = c->screen_info; is_transient = clientIsValidTransientOrModal (c); if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[WM_CHANGE_STATE]) && (ev->format == 32) && (ev->data.l[0] == IconicState)) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a wm_change_state event", c->name, c->window); if (!FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_ICONIFIED) && CLIENT_CAN_HIDE_WINDOW (c)) { clientHide (c, c->win_workspace, TRUE); } } else if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[WIN_STATE]) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a win_state event", c->name, c->window); clientUpdateWinState (c, ev); } else if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[WIN_LAYER]) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a win_layer event", c->name, c->window); if ((ev->data.l[0] != c->win_layer) && !is_transient) { clientSetLayer (c, ev->data.l[0]); } } else if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[WIN_WORKSPACE]) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a win_workspace event", c->name, c->window); if ((ev->data.l[0] != c->win_workspace) && !is_transient) { clientSetWorkspace (c, ev->data.l[0], TRUE); } } else if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_DESKTOP]) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_wm_desktop event", c->name, c->window); if (!is_transient) { if (ev->data.l[0] == ALL_WORKSPACES) { if (FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_HAS_STICK) && !FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_STICKY)) { clientStick (c, TRUE); frameDraw (c, FALSE); } } else { if (FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_HAS_STICK) && FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_STICKY)) { clientUnstick (c, TRUE); frameDraw (c, FALSE); } if (ev->data.l[0] != c->win_workspace) { clientSetWorkspace (c, ev->data.l[0], TRUE); } } } } else if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[NET_CLOSE_WINDOW]) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_close_window event", c->name, c->window); clientClose (c); } else if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_STATE]) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_wm_state event", c->name, c->window); clientUpdateNetState (c, ev); } else if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[NET_WM_MOVERESIZE]) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_wm_moveresize event", c->name, c->window); g_warning ("Operation not supported (yet)"); /* TBD */ } else if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW]) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_active_window event", c->name, c->window); if (ev->data.l[0] != 0) { Time current = myDisplayGetLastUserTime (screen_info->display_info); Time ev_time = (Time) ev->data.l[1]; TRACE ("Time of event received is %u, current XServer time is %u", (unsigned int) ev_time, (unsigned int) current); if ((screen_info->params->prevent_focus_stealing) && (ev_time != (Time) 0) && TIMESTAMP_IS_BEFORE(ev_time, current)) { FLAG_SET (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_DEMANDS_ATTENTION); clientSetNetState (c); } else { clientSetWorkspace (c, screen_info->current_ws, TRUE); clientShow (c, TRUE); clientClearAllShowDesktop (screen_info); clientRaise (c, None); clientSetFocus (screen_info, c, (Time) ev_time, NO_FOCUS_FLAG); } } else { clientSetWorkspace (c, screen_info->current_ws, TRUE); clientShow (c, TRUE); clientClearAllShowDesktop (screen_info); clientRaise (c, None); clientSetFocus (screen_info, c, myDisplayGetCurrentTime (screen_info->display_info), NO_FOCUS_FLAG); } } else if (ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[NET_REQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS]) { TRACE ("client \"%s\" (0x%lx) has received a net_request_frame_extents event", c->name, c->window); setNetFrameExtents (display_info, c->window, frameTop (c), frameLeft (c), frameRight (c), frameBottom (c)); } } else { screen_info = myDisplayGetScreenFromWindow (display_info, ev->window); if (!screen_info) { return; } if (((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[WIN_WORKSPACE]) || (ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP])) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("root has received a win_workspace or a net_current_desktop event %li", ev->data.l[0]); if ((ev->data.l[0] >= 0) && (ev->data.l[0] < screen_info->workspace_count) && (ev->data.l[0] != screen_info->current_ws)) { workspaceSwitch (screen_info, ev->data.l[0], NULL, TRUE); } } else if (((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[WIN_WORKSPACE_COUNT]) || (ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS])) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("root has received a win_workspace_count event"); if (ev->data.l[0] != screen_info->workspace_count) { workspaceSetCount (screen_info, ev->data.l[0]); getDesktopLayout(display_info, screen_info->xroot, screen_info->workspace_count, &screen_info->desktop_layout); } } #ifdef ENABLE_KDE_SYSTRAY_PROXY else if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[MANAGER]) && (ev->data.l[1] == screen_info->net_system_tray_selection) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("root has received a net_system_tray_manager event"); screen_info->systray = getSystrayWindow (display_info, screen_info->net_system_tray_selection); } #endif else if ((ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP]) && (ev->format == 32)) { TRACE ("root has received a net_showing_desktop event"); screen_info->show_desktop = (ev->data.l[0] != 0); clientToggleShowDesktop (screen_info); setHint (display_info, screen_info->xroot, NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP, ev->data.l[0]); } else if (ev->message_type == display_info->atoms[NET_REQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS]) { TRACE ("window (0x%lx) has received a net_request_frame_extents event", ev->window); /* Size estimate from the decoration extents */ setNetFrameExtents (display_info, ev->window, frameDecorationTop (screen_info), frameDecorationLeft (screen_info), frameDecorationRight (screen_info), frameDecorationBottom (screen_info)); } else { TRACE ("unidentified client message for window 0x%lx", ev->window); } } } static void handleShape (DisplayInfo *display_info, XShapeEvent * ev) { Client *c; gboolean update; TRACE ("entering handleShape"); c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, WINDOW); if (c) { update = FALSE; if (ev->kind == ShapeBounding) { if ((ev->shaped) && !FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_HAS_SHAPE)) { FLAG_SET (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_HAS_SHAPE); clientGetMWMHints (c, TRUE); update = TRUE; } else if (!(ev->shaped) && FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_HAS_SHAPE)) { FLAG_UNSET (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_HAS_SHAPE); clientGetMWMHints (c, TRUE); update = TRUE; } } if (!update) { frameDraw (c, FALSE); } } } static void handleColormapNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XColormapEvent * ev) { Client *c; TRACE ("entering handleColormapNotify"); c = myDisplayGetClientFromWindow (display_info, ev->window, WINDOW); if ((c) && (ev->window == c->window) && (ev->new)) { if (c == clientGetFocus ()) { clientInstallColormaps (c); } } } static void handleMappingNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XMappingEvent * ev) { GSList *screens; TRACE ("entering handleMappingNotify"); /* Refreshes the stored modifier and keymap information */ XRefreshKeyboardMapping (ev); /* Update internal modifiers masks if necessary */ if (ev->request == MappingModifier) { TRACE ("handleMappingNotify: modifiers mapping has changed"); initModifiers (display_info->dpy); } /* Regrab all keys if the notify is for keyboard (ie not pointer) */ if (ev->request != MappingPointer) { TRACE ("handleMappingNotify: Regrab keys"); for (screens = display_info->screens; screens; screens = g_slist_next (screens)) { ScreenInfo *screen_info = (ScreenInfo *) screens->data; /* We need to reload all the settings to recompute the key bindings... */ loadSettings (screen_info); /* ...then update all frames grabs... */ clientUpdateAllFrames (screen_info, UPDATE_BUTTON_GRABS); /* ...and regrab the keys we have on the root win... */ myScreenGrabKeys (screen_info); } } } #ifdef HAVE_XSYNC static void handleXSyncAlarmNotify (DisplayInfo *display_info, XSyncAlarmNotifyEvent * ev) { XWindowChanges wc; Client *c; TRACE ("entering handleXSyncAlarmNotify"); c = myDisplayGetClientFromXSyncAlarm (display_info, ev->alarm); if (c) { c->xsync_waiting = FALSE; c->xsync_value = ev->counter_value; wc.x = c->x; wc.y = c->y; wc.width = c->width; wc.height = c->height; clientConfigure (c, &wc, CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight, NO_CFG_FLAG); } } #endif /* HAVE_XSYNC */ static void handleEvent (DisplayInfo *display_info, XEvent * ev) { TRACE ("entering handleEvent"); /* Update the display time */ myDisplayUpdateCurrentTime (display_info, ev); sn_process_event (ev); compositorHandleEvent (display_info, ev); switch (ev->type) { case MotionNotify: handleMotionNotify (display_info, (XMotionEvent *) ev); break; case KeyPress: handleKeyPress (display_info, (XKeyEvent *) ev); break; case ButtonPress: handleButtonPress (display_info, (XButtonEvent *) ev); break; case ButtonRelease: handleButtonRelease (display_info, (XButtonEvent *) ev); break; case DestroyNotify: handleDestroyNotify (display_info, (XDestroyWindowEvent *) ev); break; case UnmapNotify: handleUnmapNotify (display_info, (XUnmapEvent *) ev); break; case MapRequest: handleMapRequest (display_info, (XMapRequestEvent *) ev); break; case MapNotify: handleMapNotify (display_info, (XMapEvent *) ev); break; case ConfigureNotify: handleConfigureNotify (display_info, (XConfigureEvent *) ev); break; case ConfigureRequest: handleConfigureRequest (display_info, (XConfigureRequestEvent *) ev); break; case EnterNotify: handleEnterNotify (display_info, (XCrossingEvent *) ev); break; case LeaveNotify: handleLeaveNotify (display_info, (XCrossingEvent *) ev); break; case FocusIn: handleFocusIn (display_info, (XFocusChangeEvent *) ev); break; case FocusOut: handleFocusOut (display_info, (XFocusChangeEvent *) ev); break; case PropertyNotify: handlePropertyNotify (display_info, (XPropertyEvent *) ev); break; case ClientMessage: handleClientMessage (display_info, (XClientMessageEvent *) ev); break; case ColormapNotify: handleColormapNotify (display_info, (XColormapEvent *) ev); break; case MappingNotify: handleMappingNotify (display_info, (XMappingEvent *) ev); break; default: if ((display_info->have_shape) && (ev->type == display_info->shape_event_base)) { handleShape (display_info, (XShapeEvent *) ev); } #ifdef HAVE_XSYNC if ((display_info->have_xsync) && (ev->type == (display_info->xsync_event_base + XSyncAlarmNotify))) { handleXSyncAlarmNotify (display_info, (XSyncAlarmNotifyEvent *) ev); } #endif /* HAVE_XSYNC */ } if (!gdk_events_pending () && !XPending (display_info->dpy)) { if (display_info->reload) { reloadSettings (display_info, UPDATE_ALL); display_info->reload = FALSE; } else if (display_info->quit) { gtk_main_quit (); } } } eventFilterStatus xfwm4_event_filter (XEvent * xevent, gpointer data) { DisplayInfo *display_info; display_info = (DisplayInfo *) data; TRACE ("entering xfwm4_event_filter"); handleEvent (display_info, xevent); TRACE ("leaving xfwm4_event_filter"); return EVENT_FILTER_STOP; } /* GTK specific stuff */ static void menu_callback (Menu * menu, MenuOp op, Window xid, gpointer menu_data, gpointer item_data) { Client *c; TRACE ("entering menu_callback"); if (!xfwmWindowDeleted(&menu_event_window)) { xfwmWindowDelete (&menu_event_window); } c = NULL; if ((menu_data != NULL) && (xid != None)) { ScreenInfo *screen_info = (ScreenInfo *) menu_data; c = clientGetFromWindow (screen_info, xid, WINDOW); } if (c) { c->button_pressed[MENU_BUTTON] = FALSE; switch (op) { case MENU_OP_QUIT: gtk_main_quit (); break; case MENU_OP_MAXIMIZE: case MENU_OP_UNMAXIMIZE: if (CLIENT_CAN_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW (c)) { clientToggleMaximized (c, WIN_STATE_MAXIMIZED, TRUE); } break; case MENU_OP_MINIMIZE: if (CLIENT_CAN_HIDE_WINDOW (c)) { clientHide (c, c->win_workspace, TRUE); } frameDraw (c, FALSE); break; case MENU_OP_MINIMIZE_ALL: clientHideAll (c, c->win_workspace); frameDraw (c, FALSE); break; case MENU_OP_UNMINIMIZE: clientShow (c, TRUE); clientClearAllShowDesktop (c->screen_info); break; case MENU_OP_SHADE: case MENU_OP_UNSHADE: clientToggleShaded (c); break; case MENU_OP_STICK: case MENU_OP_UNSTICK: clientToggleSticky (c, TRUE); frameDraw (c, FALSE); break; case MENU_OP_WORKSPACES: clientSetWorkspace (c, GPOINTER_TO_INT (item_data), TRUE); frameDraw (c, FALSE); break; case MENU_OP_DELETE: frameDraw (c, FALSE); clientClose (c); break; case MENU_OP_CONTEXT_HELP: clientEnterContextMenuState (c); frameDraw (c, FALSE); break; case MENU_OP_ABOVE: case MENU_OP_NORMAL: clientToggleAbove (c); /* Fall thru */ default: frameDraw (c, FALSE); break; } } else { gdk_beep (); } menu_free (menu); } void initMenuEventWin (void) { xfwmWindowInit (&menu_event_window); } static void show_window_menu (Client *c, gint px, gint py, guint button, guint32 time) { ScreenInfo *screen_info; DisplayInfo *display_info; Menu *menu; MenuOp ops; MenuOp insensitive; gint x, y; TRACE ("entering show_window_menu"); if (!c || ((button != Button1) && (button != Button3))) { return; } x = px; y = py; c->button_pressed[MENU_BUTTON] = TRUE; frameDraw (c, FALSE); y = (gdouble) c->y; ops = MENU_OP_DELETE | MENU_OP_MINIMIZE_ALL | MENU_OP_WORKSPACES; insensitive = 0; if (!FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_HAS_CLOSE)) { insensitive |= MENU_OP_DELETE; } if (FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_MAXIMIZED)) { ops |= MENU_OP_UNMAXIMIZE; if (!CLIENT_CAN_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW (c)) { insensitive |= MENU_OP_UNMAXIMIZE; } } else { ops |= MENU_OP_MAXIMIZE; if (!CLIENT_CAN_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW (c)) { insensitive |= MENU_OP_MAXIMIZE; } } if (FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_ICONIFIED)) { ops |= MENU_OP_UNMINIMIZE; if (!CLIENT_CAN_HIDE_WINDOW (c)) { insensitive |= MENU_OP_UNMINIMIZE; } } else { ops |= MENU_OP_MINIMIZE; if (!CLIENT_CAN_HIDE_WINDOW (c)) { insensitive |= MENU_OP_MINIMIZE; } } if (FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_SHADED)) { ops |= MENU_OP_UNSHADE; } else { ops |= MENU_OP_SHADE; } if (FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_STICKY)) { ops |= MENU_OP_UNSTICK; if (!CLIENT_CAN_STICK_WINDOW(c)) { insensitive |= MENU_OP_UNSTICK; } } else { ops |= MENU_OP_STICK; if (!CLIENT_CAN_STICK_WINDOW(c)) { insensitive |= MENU_OP_STICK; } } /* KDE extension */ clientGetWMProtocols(c); if (FLAG_TEST (c->wm_flags, WM_FLAG_CONTEXT_HELP)) { ops |= MENU_OP_CONTEXT_HELP; } if (FLAG_TEST(c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_ABOVE)) { ops |= MENU_OP_NORMAL; if (clientIsValidTransientOrModal (c) || FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_BELOW | CLIENT_FLAG_FULLSCREEN)) { insensitive |= MENU_OP_NORMAL; } } else { ops |= MENU_OP_ABOVE; if (clientIsValidTransientOrModal (c) || FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_BELOW | CLIENT_FLAG_FULLSCREEN)) { insensitive |= MENU_OP_ABOVE; } } if (clientIsValidTransientOrModal (c) || !FLAG_TEST (c->xfwm_flags, XFWM_FLAG_HAS_STICK) || FLAG_TEST (c->flags, CLIENT_FLAG_STICKY)) { insensitive |= MENU_OP_WORKSPACES; } /* c is not null here */ screen_info = c->screen_info; display_info = screen_info->display_info; if (screen_info->button_handler_id) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (GTK_OBJECT (myScreenGetGtkWidget (screen_info)), screen_info->button_handler_id); } screen_info->button_handler_id = g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (myScreenGetGtkWidget (screen_info)), "button_press_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (show_popup_cb), (gpointer) NULL); if (!xfwmWindowDeleted(&menu_event_window)) { xfwmWindowDelete (&menu_event_window); } /* Since all button press/release events are catched by the windows frames, there is some side effect with GTK menu. When a menu is opened, any click on the window frame is not detected as a click outside the menu, and the menu doesn't close. To avoid this (painless but annoying) behaviour, we just setup a no event window that "hides" the events to regular windows. That might look tricky, but it's very efficient and save plenty of lines of complicated code. Don't forget to delete that window once the menu is closed, though, or we'll get in trouble. */ xfwmWindowTemp (screen_info, NULL, 0, screen_info->xroot, &menu_event_window, 0, 0, screen_info->width, screen_info->height, NoEventMask, FALSE); menu = menu_default (screen_info->gscr, c->window, ops, insensitive, menu_callback, c->win_workspace, screen_info->workspace_count, screen_info->workspace_names, screen_info->workspace_names_items, display_info->xfilter, screen_info); if (!menu_popup (menu, x, y, button, time)) { TRACE ("Cannot open menu"); gdk_beep (); c->button_pressed[MENU_BUTTON] = FALSE; frameDraw (c, FALSE); xfwmWindowDelete (&menu_event_window); menu_free (menu); } } static gboolean show_popup_cb (GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventButton * ev, gpointer data) { TRACE ("entering show_popup_cb"); show_window_menu ((Client *) data, (gint) ev->x_root, (gint) ev->y_root, ev->button, ev->time); return (TRUE); } static gboolean set_reload (GObject * obj, GdkEvent * ev, gpointer data) { DisplayInfo *display_info; TRACE ("setting reload flag so all prefs will be reread at next event loop"); display_info = (DisplayInfo *) data; display_info->reload = TRUE; return (TRUE); } static gboolean dbl_click_time_cb (GObject * obj, GdkEvent * ev, gpointer data) { DisplayInfo *display_info; GValue tmp_val = { 0, }; display_info = (DisplayInfo *) data; g_return_val_if_fail (display_info, TRUE); g_value_init (&tmp_val, G_TYPE_INT); if (gdk_setting_get ("gtk-double-click-time", &tmp_val)) { display_info->dbl_click_time = abs (g_value_get_int (&tmp_val)); } return (TRUE); } static gboolean client_event_cb (GtkWidget * widget, GdkEventClient * ev, gpointer data) { TRACE ("entering client_event_cb"); if (!atom_rcfiles) { atom_rcfiles = gdk_atom_intern ("_GTK_READ_RCFILES", FALSE); } if (ev->message_type == atom_rcfiles) { set_reload (G_OBJECT (widget), (GdkEvent *) ev, data); } return (FALSE); } void initGtkCallbacks (ScreenInfo *screen_info) { GtkSettings *settings; screen_info->button_handler_id = g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (myScreenGetGtkWidget (screen_info)), "button_press_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (show_popup_cb), (gpointer) NULL); g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (myScreenGetGtkWidget (screen_info)), "client_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (client_event_cb), (gpointer) (screen_info->display_info)); settings = gtk_settings_get_default (); if (settings) { g_signal_connect (settings, "notify::gtk-theme-name", G_CALLBACK (set_reload), (gpointer) (screen_info->display_info)); g_signal_connect (settings, "notify::gtk-font-name", G_CALLBACK (set_reload), (gpointer) (screen_info->display_info)); g_signal_connect (settings, "notify::gtk-double-click-time", G_CALLBACK (dbl_click_time_cb), (gpointer) (screen_info->display_info)); } }