Clicking on the desktop causes redraw of the root window erasing the root-tail
This worked earlier and stopped with some Xfce update. If root-tail is stuck to the root window of the desktop and if user clicks on the desktop by the left mouse button, the desktop is redrawn which erases the root tail output. Then the logs have to be updated for the root-tail output to re-appear.
I think this behaviour could be configurable. Or maybe fully dropped, because the redraw seems useless to me. I.e. if there was no background change and no artifacts, the useless redraw just wastes CPU/GPU resources.
$ root-tail -id `xwininfo -int -name 'Desktop' | sed -n '/Window id:/ s/[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/p'` /var/log/messages,darkgreen,"ALL"
# Click on the desktop
If there is a icon, I think just the box around the icon should be redrawn. If there is no icon, I think nothing should be redrawn.
Edited by Jaroslav Škarvada