Monitor unable to suspend
Submitted by Aaditya Bagga
Assigned to Xfce Bug Triage
Due to a combination of Monitor hardware and graphics driver, my monitor is unable sleep (DPMS). Whenever it tries to suspend, xfsettingsd detects that something has changed and tries to reconfigure it. This results in the monitor waking up again after a second.
"Configure new displays when connected" is OFF in display settings.
Hardware and software details below.
Hardware: BENQ GW2283 monitor connected via HDMI to Rock Pi 4 SBC.
Software: Linux 5.3.11 (also tested with 5.4.8) X.Org 1.20.4 (also tested with 1.20.6) Xfce 4.12 Mesa 18.3.6 (also tested with 19.3.1 and 20.0-git)
Other people also face this issue, for example with amdgpu drivers:
To fix it, people have modifying xfsettingsd to ignore the RRScreenChangeNotify event (mentioned in gitlab issue above). I think xfsettingsd can be updated to ignore this event when "Configure new displays when connected" is off.
Alternatively, an option can be added in xfconf to not check for these events like here:
Version: 4.12.1