'Disable touchpad while typing' option not available
Submitted by Gregor Santner
Assigned to Nick Schermer
Created attachment 8060 left-doc-right-mine
Hi! I wanted to play some small games on XFCE desktop and noticed that I can't move mouse when typing. XFCE docs show that there should be an 'Disable touchpad while typing' option in mouse/touchpad settings, but there is no such option available anywhere.
In attached screenshot left is from the doc, while on right is what I do see. Link to docs: https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/mouse I'm having a generic/common Synaptics touchpad which is correctly recognized as such.
Version/sys info:
- Arch Linux with Xfce 4.12
- xfce4-settings-manager 4.12.4
- libinput 1.12.1
- xf86-input-libinput 0.28.1
- xorg-xinput 1.6.2
As shortly noted in docs, the toggle seems to invoke "syndaemon" somehow. Don't know hows the state on that but libinput doesn't package this additional tool, also it's not available to install separately.