Add a way to restore default settings
Submitted by Junaid Ahmed
Assigned to Nick Schermer
Created attachment 7694 Screenshot of Session and Startup settings
Distribution: Xubuntu 18.04 Package: xfce4-settings 4.12.3-0ubuntu1
The current interface of Settings is mouse driven with many sections filled with checkboxes and sliders. It doesn't have old Appy/OK interface and also makes any changes effective immediately. Sometimes when browsing settings it is very easy to accidentally toggle/turn any slider and change any sensitive settings. But there is no way of knowing the former state of the button/slider/checkbox to change it back and we have to depend on our best guesses. Sometimes unintentional changes go unnoticed and later create undesired behaviours. So please consider-
A. Adding an option/way to restore the default settings in every possible section of Setting app and where it isn't possible introduce Apply/OK button. Or, B. Introduce Apply/OK button in every section of Setting app.
Attachment 7694, "Screenshot of Session and Startup settings":