settings-editor: Add proper support for GPtrArray
Submitted by Stefan Berzl
Assigned to Jérôme Guelfucci
Created attachment 7282 Patch for the renderer
Using only the newest builds, a command like
xfconf-query -c test -p /test2 -n -t int -t int -s 4 -s 30
adds a GPtrArray to the registry. That's also what the tooltip says when hovering over the type field
in xfce4-settings-editor. The value displayed however is "<unkown>
". Looking at the code, that's
reasonable, because GPtrArray isn't handled at all, only
dbus_g_type_get_collection ("GPtrArray", G_TYPE_VALUE);
meaning a custom type thats a GPtrArray with G_TYPE_VALUE in it, which doesn't seem to be used anymore. The attached patches make handling both formats possible.
Patch 7282, "Patch for the renderer":