Closing and opening the laptop lid results in a black screen
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Assigned to Ali Abdallah @ali
On a Thinkpad W530, with Xfce-power-manager 1.6.1, upon closing and opening the lid, the display turns on for a fraction of a second before it goes blank, then black. Switching to a virtual console terminal is possible, and then switching back to Xorg is possible again (ctrl+alt+f7), however, this is greeted by an unresponsive locked screen.
I believe this problem is related to xfce4-power-manager, because I have another, identical Thinkpad W530, running exactly the same BIOS version and Embedded Controller version, both with XFCE 4.12 (both on Debian), but only the laptop with Xfce-power-manager 1.6.1 presents with this particular problem.
Version: 1.6.1