diff --git a/data/interfaces/xfpm-settings.ui b/data/interfaces/xfpm-settings.ui
index 216b882a443f3c909943481f74b293b91aefea82..37171afb2e5a08bd265089b408e9ef7a2594587e 100644
--- a/data/interfaces/xfpm-settings.ui
+++ b/data/interfaces/xfpm-settings.ui
@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@
-                                  <object class="GtkMenuButton">
+                                  <object class="GtkMenuButton" id="critical-warning-button">
                                     <property name="visible">True</property>
                                     <property name="can-focus">True</property>
                                     <property name="image">image4</property>
diff --git a/settings/xfpm-settings.c b/settings/xfpm-settings.c
index 9e31b12ab4a444b74e87a646350b00ca26f290d3..47f3207a97f844c93db4985f191e397958f11967 100644
--- a/settings/xfpm-settings.c
+++ b/settings/xfpm-settings.c
@@ -811,9 +811,7 @@ xfpm_settings_others (XfconfChannel *channel,
     GtkTreeIter iter;
     GtkTreeModel *model;
-    GtkWidget *label;
     const gchar *action;
-    gchar *text;
     critical_level = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml, "critical-power-level-spin"));
     gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (critical_level, _("When all the power sources of the computer reach this charge level"));
@@ -835,11 +833,18 @@ xfpm_settings_others (XfconfChannel *channel,
     } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter));
-    label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml, "critical-warning-label"));
     action = upower != NULL ? up_client_get_critical_action (upower) : "Unknown";
-    text = g_strdup_printf (_("Make sure you set a sufficiently high value here, otherwise the system will trigger its own action before xfce4-power-manager, without being able to prevent it or know exactly when it will do so. The action triggered by the system in this case will be: %s."), action);
-    gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label), text);
-    g_free (text);
+    if (g_strcmp0 (action, "Ignore") == 0)
+    {
+      gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml, "critical-warning-button")));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      GtkWidget *label = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (xml, "critical-warning-label"));
+      gchar *text = g_strdup_printf (_("Make sure you set a sufficiently high value here, otherwise the system will trigger its own action before xfce4-power-manager, without being able to prevent it or know exactly when it will do so. The action triggered by the system in this case will be: %s."), action);
+      gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label), text);
+      g_free (text);
+    }