[Wayland] Keyboard grab not released by panel (plugins)
[Follow up to discussion with @Tamaranch]
When running on Wayland (Wayfire 0.7.5) I noticed my lockscreen is unable to receive keyboard input (after I've clicked a panel plugin, doesn't matter what gets focus after that point the locksreen doesn't get input then) on the output that xfce4-panel exists on. Bit of debugging later determined its because of (in wrapper/wrapper-plug-wayland:174
gtk_layer_set_keyboard_mode (GTK_WINDOW (plug), GTK_LAYER_SHELL_KEYBOARD_MODE_ON_DEMAND);
Now I know Wayfire (and wlroots as the backend alone) doesn't support on_demand
keyboard interactivity (introduced in version 4 of the wlr_layer_shell protocol). Last I checked, (they could have fixed the bug by now) the versioning API wasn't working properly (such that you couldn't reliably check if the backend compositor actually supported this new mode).
So before I look into a proper fix* I was wondering why the above call is made? i.e. Why does the plugin try to receive keyboard interactivity?
*Currently thinking the best method might be to acquire and release keyboard interactivity is the best best