Logout, shutdown and reboot buttons don't save session
Submitted by Daniel Pielmeier
Assigned to Nick Schermer
When using the actions plugin there are two different Logout buttons selectable in the properties dialog. One is called "Logout..." and the other just "Logout". It seems like the "Logout..." botton behaves like the logout button from the applications menu. The other one behaves different. First it does not save the session even if session saving is enabled in the settings. Also the logout prompt is different, it shows a 30 seconds timeout instead of prompting for "Logout, Restart or Shutdown" like the other does.
Maybe this is also somehow related to bug #9173. Looks like this additional button does not obey any settings at all. It is probably best to remove the second logout button.
Version: 4.10.0
Edited by Yousuf Philips