xfce4-panel: choosing system background color causes immense cpu leak on skylake when specific plugins are activated
Submitted by svn..@..web.de
Assigned to Nick Schermer
When activating xfce4-powermanager-plugin and xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin, both applications cause immense cpu-leak up to 40% cpu, system starts to hang after few seconds.
Both applications use the panel wrapper 2.0 instead of 1.0 Issue is gone when: -choosing background image instead system color in panel options -choosing personal color and changing one time transperency back and forth. -removing the plugins from the panel. Tested on vm and 2 different machines. Can only reproduce on Skylake cpu...
Steps to reproduce: -Skylake Cpu -install the 2 plugins -activate plugins -inspect behaviour in taskmanager and see immense cpu leak
It has still to be tested if more plugins are afftected.
Version: 4.12.0