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  • Ali Abdallah's avatar
    Fix GPtrArray usage in launcher and systray · fd4b03b1
    Ali Abdallah authored
    For some properties, the launcher and systray plugins use a GPtrArray.
    In their _get_property, they set the array to the value using g_value_set_boxed,
    followed by a call to xfconf_array_free, which calls g_value_unset, g_free on each
    array's values and at the end a call to g_ptr_array_free.
    This results in xfconf_channel_set_property getting an array with length 0, making
    the preparation of the GVariant fails (xfconf_gvalue_to_gvariant).
    This is fixed in both plugins, by using a g_ptr_array_new_full, setting the boxed value
    and releasing the reference count of the array, the array's values are later destroyed
    by the (GDestroyNotify) function. No idea why it worked before with xfconf < 4.13.0.