Crash with malformed .desktop file
Version: 4.19.2 and compiled from master. Distribution: Xubuntu 24.10
With a recent update(distro) the xfce4-appfinder did crash in xfce_appfinder_model_item_compare_command, g_utf8_collate trying to load the history items (general exception). Debugging the function shows that it tries to compare: /home/alexandrus/.ftba/bin/runtime/jdk8u302-b08-jre/bin/java\E2 with firefox (first entry in the history file)
The last character of the filename is obviously malformed.
The .desktop file responsible for this was created by discord, using this java path for unknown reasons:
[Desktop Entry] Name=Game 482370205331226644 Exec=/home/alexandrus/.ftba/bin/runtime/jdk8u302-b08-jre/bin/javaâ %u Type=Application NoDisplay=true Categories=Discord;Games; MimeType=x-scheme-handler/discord-482370205331226644;
I report this here because it was crashing xfce4-appfinder, not entirely sure where it actually should be fixed.