Selected item in Thunar will sometimes jump using custom action rename
I do not see really a pattern. Steps to reproduce:
- Edit -> Create custom actions.
- Add => Name: DEMO, Description: DEMO, Command: "/path/to/ %f"
- Script content:
filename" "
if [ -f "${input}" ]; then
mv -n "- Create some files: for i in {1..100}; do printf %${i}s |tr " " "=" > "${i}.txt"; done
- Sort by filesize (the same effect with other columns it seems)
- Created a screen capture. Notice that after "62.txt" the selection is changed to "69.txt.DEMO" instead of "61.txt"
simplescreenrecorder-2021-11-24_20.39.01.mkv A second minor issue is after "99.txt" is renamed that "100.txt" is out of focus/screen.