Thunar does not implement the "shared thumbnails" feature of thumbnail spec
Submitted by Michael Wyraz
Assigned to Xfce Bug Triage
The freedesktop thumbnail spec described how to store and retreive thumbnails. Thunar impements only part of the spec. The "shared thumbnail folder" part described in is entirely missing.
To implement the spec fully, the following things needs to be changed:
- thunar needs to check .sh_thumbnails and display thumbnails there before requesting new thumbanils to be created by tumbler
- tubler needs only to create tumbnails if they are not already in .sh_thumbnails
- for remote drive, thumbnails should also be displayed if they are in .sh_thumbnails, even if thumbanils for remote drives are disabled.
How to test:
- delete ~/.cache/thumbnails
- on a remote drive, create shared thumbnails (e.g. using
- on thunar browse the folder with remote thumbnails enabled
- verify that thumbnails are shown
- verify that ~/.cache/thumbnails remains empty.
Version: 1.6.12