diff --git a/thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml b/thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml
index 0a8dba8e63c96206e27be5504fdc225b576aa3a5..9322e29fb9b668fcc3a00e80ee25f580ea2ea116 100644
--- a/thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml
+++ b/thunar/thunar-dbus-service-infos.xml
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
-      Launch (uri : STRING, display : STRING) : VOID
+      Launch (uri : STRING, display : STRING, startup_id : STRING) : VOID
       uri        : either a file:-URI or an absolute path.
       display    : the screen on which to launch the file or ""
@@ -130,6 +130,27 @@
+    <!--
+      Execute (working_directory : STRING, uri : STRING, files : ARRAY OF STRING, display : STRING, startup_id : STRING) : VOID
+      working_directory : working directory used to resolve relative filenames.
+      uri               : either a file:-URI or an relative or absolute path.
+      files             : an array of file:-URIs, relative or absolute paths to supply to
+                          the executed URI on execution.
+      display           : the screen on which to launch the file or ""
+                          to use the default screen of the file manager.
+      startup_id        : the DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID environment variable for properly
+                          handling startup notification and focus stealing.
+    -->
+    <method name="Execute">
+      <arg direction="in" name="working_directory" type="s" />
+      <arg direction="in" name="uri" type="s" />
+      <arg direction="in" name="files" type="as" />
+      <arg direction="in" name="display" type="s" />
+      <arg direction="in" name="startup_id" type="s" />
+    </method>
       DisplayPreferencesDialog (display : STRING) : VOID
diff --git a/thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c b/thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c
index 8a864a9ced9d7c2552241b6e494078f2d9056ff7..202b06cb297ceac533298b4ddc09a6c612f51dca 100644
--- a/thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c
+++ b/thunar/thunar-dbus-service.c
@@ -103,6 +103,13 @@ static gboolean thunar_dbus_service_launch                      (ThunarDBusServi
                                                                  const gchar            *display,
                                                                  const gchar            *startup_id,
                                                                  GError                **error);
+static gboolean thunar_dbus_service_execute                     (ThunarDBusService      *dbus_service,
+                                                                 const gchar            *working_directory,
+                                                                 const gchar            *uri,
+                                                                 const gchar           **files,
+                                                                 const gchar            *display,
+                                                                 const gchar            *startup_id,
+                                                                 GError                **error);
 static gboolean thunar_dbus_service_display_preferences_dialog  (ThunarDBusService      *dbus_service,
                                                                  const gchar            *display,
                                                                  const gchar            *startup_id,
@@ -552,6 +559,59 @@ thunar_dbus_service_launch (ThunarDBusService *dbus_service,
+static gboolean
+thunar_dbus_service_execute (ThunarDBusService *dbus_service,
+                             const gchar       *working_directory,
+                             const gchar       *uri,
+                             const gchar      **files,
+                             const gchar       *display,
+                             const gchar       *startup_id,
+                             GError           **error)
+  ThunarFile *file;
+  GdkScreen  *screen;
+  gboolean    result = FALSE;
+  GFile      *working_dir;
+  GList      *file_list = NULL;
+  gchar      *tmp_working_dir = NULL;
+  gchar      *old_working_dir = NULL;
+  guint       n;
+  /* parse uri and display parameters */
+  if (thunar_dbus_service_parse_uri_and_display (dbus_service, uri, display, &file, &screen, error))
+    {
+      if (working_directory != NULL && *working_directory != '\0')
+        old_working_dir = thunar_util_change_working_directory (working_directory);
+      for (n = 0; files != NULL && files[n] != NULL; ++n)
+        file_list = g_list_prepend (file_list, g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (files[n]));
+      file_list = g_list_reverse (file_list);
+      if (old_working_dir != NULL)
+        {
+          tmp_working_dir = thunar_util_change_working_directory (old_working_dir);
+          g_free (tmp_working_dir);
+          g_free (old_working_dir);
+        }
+      /* try to launch the file on the given screen */
+      working_dir = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (working_directory);
+      result = thunar_file_execute (file, working_dir, screen, file_list, error);
+      g_object_unref (working_dir);
+      /* cleanup */
+      g_list_foreach (file_list, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
+      g_list_free (file_list);
+      g_object_unref (screen);
+      g_object_unref (file);
+    }
+  return result;
 static gboolean
 thunar_dbus_service_display_preferences_dialog (ThunarDBusService *dbus_service,
                                                 const gchar       *display,