xfce4-appfinder sets DISPLAY incorrectly for child applications in a Wayland session.
Submitted by PMo..@..di.net
Assigned to Xfce Bug Triage
Refer #12867. xfce4-terminal should have DISPLAY set to Xwayland's screen number.
Steps to reproduce:
- Log onto a Sway session (or other Wayland session?)
- (optional) Launch xfconfd
- Launch xfce4-appfinder (if xfconfd was not launched: forks xfconfd, which relaunches xfce4-appfinder)
- Launch a program using xfce4-appfinder
Expected result:
- The program will have "DISPLAY=
<Xwayland's X11 Screen number>
" in its environment (For example: ":0" or ":1")
Actual result:
- The program will have 'DISPLAY=
' in its environment (For example: "wayland-0")
After digging for anywhere DISPLAY was changed, I found this:
/* pass correct DISPLAY to children, in case of --display in argv */ g_setenv ("DISPLAY", gdk_display_get_name (gdk_display_get_default ()), TRUE);
gdk_display_get_default seems to use WAYLAND_DISPLAY if it exists. Related issue in ibus: https://github.com/ibus/ibus/commit/ffdcc6cd1368143b77e6f535e90974651575b02e I am not well versed in gdk/gtk, so this remains just speculation.
Version: 4.12.1