Thunar 4.16.8 (2020) opens a desktop file's directory with types Link instead of the linked document
Context: a bunch of desktop files, used for documentation purposes with electronics components datasheet. A shell script is invoked on the command line to find the datasheet for a given component and run Thunar with the found desktop file as an argument. All of those desktop files are of "Type=Link" and the "URL" (relative) is that of the PDF. This is a regression as that behaviour did not occur a few days before Thunar was updated to version 4.16.8.
Issue: Thunar now only opens the desktop file directory instead of running the appropriate command that opens the Link'ed document.
Operating system: Manjaro (Arch), Xfce
Running exo-open only opens the desktop file in an editor so this is no valid workaround.
Here's a sample desktop file
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=8-bit AVR® Microcontroller with 16/32/64KB Flash
X-Manufacturers=Atmel Corporation;Microchip;
Edited by Clafi