From e8ab1199680450718a753b0ed59c20ed35ee2c70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Arkadiy Illarionov <>
Date: Sun, 15 May 2022 18:10:16 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Replace ImageMagick convert with pure Python xpm2png module is from PyPNG library
 themes/         |    5 +-
 themes/ |    9 +-
 themes/              | 2356 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 themes/          |   92 ++
 4 files changed, 2456 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 themes/
 create mode 100644 themes/

diff --git a/themes/ b/themes/
index d906af3..1e45db4 100644
--- a/themes/
+++ b/themes/
@@ -3,4 +3,7 @@
 SUBDIRS = windowck windowck-dark
+ \
+ \
diff --git a/themes/ b/themes/
index fe4403b..3078294 100644
--- a/themes/
+++ b/themes/
@@ -20,9 +20,11 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 import shutil
-import subprocess
 from dataclasses import dataclass
 from os import linesep
+from pathlib import Path
+from xpm2png import xpm2png
@@ -137,10 +139,7 @@ def build_xfwm4(icons: dict, active: IconMap, inactive: IconMap):
 def build_unity(icons: dict):
     for name, icon in icons.items():
         generate(name, icon)
-        try:
-  ["convert", f"{name}.xpm", f"{name}.png"])
-        except FileNotFoundError as e:
-            print(f"Can't convert {name}.xpm to {name}.png: {e.strerror} '{e.filename}'" )
+        xpm2png(Path(f"{name}.xpm"), Path(f"{name}.png"))
     for i in ("close", "maximize", "minimize", "menu", "unmaximize"):
diff --git a/themes/ b/themes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c689f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/
@@ -0,0 +1,2356 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# - PNG encoder/decoder in pure Python
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Johann C. Rocholl <>
+# Portions Copyright (C) 2009 David Jones <>
+# And probably portions Copyright (C) 2006 Nicko van Someren <>
+# Original concept by Johann C. Rocholl.
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+# subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+The ``png`` module can read and write PNG files.
+Installation and Overview
+``pip install pypng``
+For help, type ``import png; help(png)`` in your python interpreter.
+A good place to start is the :class:`Reader` and :class:`Writer` classes.
+Coverage of PNG formats is fairly complete;
+all allowable bit depths (1/2/4/8/16/24/32/48/64 bits per pixel) and
+colour combinations are supported:
+- greyscale (1/2/4/8/16 bit);
+- RGB, RGBA, LA (greyscale with alpha) with 8/16 bits per channel;
+- colour mapped images (1/2/4/8 bit).
+Interlaced images,
+which support a progressive display when downloading,
+are supported for both reading and writing.
+A number of optional chunks can be specified (when writing)
+and understood (when reading): ``tRNS``, ``bKGD``, ``gAMA``.
+The ``sBIT`` chunk can be used to specify precision for
+non-native bit depths.
+Requires Python 3.5 or higher.
+Installation is trivial,
+but see the ``README.txt`` file (with the source distribution) for details.
+Full use of all features will need some reading of the PNG specification
+The package also comes with command line utilities.
+- ``pripamtopng`` converts
+  `Netpbm <>`_ PAM/PNM files to PNG;
+- ``pripngtopam`` converts PNG to file PAM/PNM.
+There are a few more for simple PNG manipulations.
+Spelling and Terminology
+Generally British English spelling is used in the documentation.
+So that's "greyscale" and "colour".
+This not only matches the author's native language,
+it's also used by the PNG specification.
+Colour Models
+The major colour models supported by PNG (and hence by PyPNG) are:
+- greyscale;
+- greyscale--alpha;
+- RGB;
+- RGB--alpha.
+Also referred to using the abbreviations: L, LA, RGB, RGBA.
+Each letter codes a single channel:
+*L* is for Luminance or Luma or Lightness (greyscale images);
+*A* stands for Alpha, the opacity channel
+(used for transparency effects, but higher values are more opaque,
+so it makes sense to call it opacity);
+*R*, *G*, *B* stand for Red, Green, Blue (colour image).
+Lists, arrays, sequences, and so on
+When getting pixel data out of this module (reading) and
+presenting data to this module (writing) there are
+a number of ways the data could be represented as a Python value.
+The preferred format is a sequence of *rows*,
+which each row being a sequence of *values*.
+In this format, the values are in pixel order,
+with all the values from all the pixels in a row
+being concatenated into a single sequence for that row.
+Consider an image that is 3 pixels wide by 2 pixels high, and each pixel
+has RGB components:
+Sequence of rows::
+  list([R,G,B, R,G,B, R,G,B],
+       [R,G,B, R,G,B, R,G,B])
+Each row appears as its own list,
+but the pixels are flattened so that three values for one pixel
+simply follow the three values for the previous pixel.
+This is the preferred because
+it provides a good compromise between space and convenience.
+PyPNG regards itself as at liberty to replace any sequence type with
+any sufficiently compatible other sequence type;
+in practice each row is an array (``bytearray`` or ``array.array``).
+To allow streaming the outer list is sometimes
+an iterator rather than an explicit list.
+An alternative format is a single array holding all the values.
+Array of values::
+  [R,G,B, R,G,B, R,G,B,
+   R,G,B, R,G,B, R,G,B]
+The entire image is one single giant sequence of colour values.
+Generally an array will be used (to save space), not a list.
+The top row comes first,
+and within each row the pixels are ordered from left-to-right.
+Within a pixel the values appear in the order R-G-B-A
+(or L-A for greyscale--alpha).
+There is another format, which should only be used with caution.
+It is mentioned because it is used internally,
+is close to what lies inside a PNG file itself,
+and has some support from the public API.
+This format is called *packed*.
+When packed, each row is a sequence of bytes (integers from 0 to 255),
+just as it is before PNG scanline filtering is applied.
+When the bit depth is 8 this is the same as a sequence of rows;
+when the bit depth is less than 8 (1, 2 and 4),
+several pixels are packed into each byte;
+when the bit depth is 16 each pixel value is decomposed into 2 bytes
+(and `packed` is a misnomer).
+This format is used by the :meth:`Writer.write_packed` method.
+It isn't usually a convenient format,
+but may be just right if the source data for
+the PNG image comes from something that uses a similar format
+(for example, 1-bit BMPs, or another PNG file).
+__version__ = "0.0.21"
+import collections
+import io   # For io.BytesIO
+import itertools
+import math
+import operator
+import re
+import struct
+import sys
+import warnings
+import zlib
+from array import array
+__all__ = ['Image', 'Reader', 'Writer', 'write_chunks', 'from_array']
+# The PNG signature.
+signature = struct.pack('8B', 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10)
+# The xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep for the Adam7 interlace passes.
+adam7 = ((0, 0, 8, 8),
+         (4, 0, 8, 8),
+         (0, 4, 4, 8),
+         (2, 0, 4, 4),
+         (0, 2, 2, 4),
+         (1, 0, 2, 2),
+         (0, 1, 1, 2))
+def adam7_generate(width, height):
+    """
+    Generate the coordinates for the reduced scanlines
+    of an Adam7 interlaced image
+    of size `width` by `height` pixels.
+    Yields a generator for each pass,
+    and each pass generator yields a series of (x, y, xstep) triples,
+    each one identifying a reduced scanline consisting of
+    pixels starting at (x, y) and taking every xstep pixel to the right.
+    """
+    for xstart, ystart, xstep, ystep in adam7:
+        if xstart >= width:
+            continue
+        yield ((xstart, y, xstep) for y in range(ystart, height, ystep))
+# Models the 'pHYs' chunk (used by the Reader)
+Resolution = collections.namedtuple('_Resolution', 'x y unit_is_meter')
+def group(s, n):
+    return list(zip(* [iter(s)] * n))
+def isarray(x):
+    return isinstance(x, array)
+def check_palette(palette):
+    """
+    Check a palette argument (to the :class:`Writer` class) for validity.
+    Returns the palette as a list if okay;
+    raises an exception otherwise.
+    """
+    # None is the default and is allowed.
+    if palette is None:
+        return None
+    p = list(palette)
+    if not (0 < len(p) <= 256):
+        raise ProtocolError(
+            "a palette must have between 1 and 256 entries,"
+            " see")
+    seen_triple = False
+    for i, t in enumerate(p):
+        if len(t) not in (3, 4):
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "palette entry %d: entries must be 3- or 4-tuples." % i)
+        if len(t) == 3:
+            seen_triple = True
+        if seen_triple and len(t) == 4:
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "palette entry %d: all 4-tuples must precede all 3-tuples" % i)
+        for x in t:
+            if int(x) != x or not(0 <= x <= 255):
+                raise ProtocolError(
+                    "palette entry %d: "
+                    "values must be integer: 0 <= x <= 255" % i)
+    return p
+def check_sizes(size, width, height):
+    """
+    Check that these arguments, if supplied, are consistent.
+    Return a (width, height) pair.
+    """
+    if not size:
+        return width, height
+    if len(size) != 2:
+        raise ProtocolError(
+            "size argument should be a pair (width, height)")
+    if width is not None and width != size[0]:
+        raise ProtocolError(
+            "size[0] (%r) and width (%r) should match when both are used."
+            % (size[0], width))
+    if height is not None and height != size[1]:
+        raise ProtocolError(
+            "size[1] (%r) and height (%r) should match when both are used."
+            % (size[1], height))
+    return size
+def check_color(c, greyscale, which):
+    """
+    Checks that a colour argument for transparent or background options
+    is the right form.
+    Returns the colour
+    (which, if it's a bare integer, is "corrected" to a 1-tuple).
+    """
+    if c is None:
+        return c
+    if greyscale:
+        try:
+            len(c)
+        except TypeError:
+            c = (c,)
+        if len(c) != 1:
+            raise ProtocolError("%s for greyscale must be 1-tuple" % which)
+        if not is_natural(c[0]):
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "%s colour for greyscale must be integer" % which)
+    else:
+        if not (len(c) == 3 and
+                is_natural(c[0]) and
+                is_natural(c[1]) and
+                is_natural(c[2])):
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "%s colour must be a triple of integers" % which)
+    return c
+class Error(Exception):
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__class__.__name__ + ': ' + ' '.join(self.args)
+class FormatError(Error):
+    """
+    Problem with input file format.
+    In other words, PNG file does not conform to
+    the specification in some way and is invalid.
+    """
+class ProtocolError(Error):
+    """
+    Problem with the way the programming interface has been used,
+    or the data presented to it.
+    """
+class ChunkError(FormatError):
+    pass
+class Default:
+    """The default for the greyscale parameter."""
+class Writer:
+    """
+    PNG encoder in pure Python.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, width=None, height=None,
+                 size=None,
+                 greyscale=Default,
+                 alpha=False,
+                 bitdepth=8,
+                 palette=None,
+                 transparent=None,
+                 background=None,
+                 gamma=None,
+                 compression=None,
+                 interlace=False,
+                 planes=None,
+                 colormap=None,
+                 maxval=None,
+                 chunk_limit=2**20,
+                 x_pixels_per_unit=None,
+                 y_pixels_per_unit=None,
+                 unit_is_meter=False):
+        """
+        Create a PNG encoder object.
+        Arguments:
+        width, height
+          Image size in pixels, as two separate arguments.
+        size
+          Image size (w,h) in pixels, as single argument.
+        greyscale
+          Pixels are greyscale, not RGB.
+        alpha
+          Input data has alpha channel (RGBA or LA).
+        bitdepth
+          Bit depth: from 1 to 16 (for each channel).
+        palette
+          Create a palette for a colour mapped image (colour type 3).
+        transparent
+          Specify a transparent colour (create a ``tRNS`` chunk).
+        background
+          Specify a default background colour (create a ``bKGD`` chunk).
+        gamma
+          Specify a gamma value (create a ``gAMA`` chunk).
+        compression
+          zlib compression level: 0 (none) to 9 (more compressed);
+          default: -1 or None.
+        interlace
+          Create an interlaced image.
+        chunk_limit
+          Write multiple ``IDAT`` chunks to save memory.
+        x_pixels_per_unit
+          Number of pixels a unit along the x axis (write a
+          `pHYs` chunk).
+        y_pixels_per_unit
+          Number of pixels a unit along the y axis (write a
+          `pHYs` chunk). Along with `x_pixel_unit`, this gives
+          the pixel size ratio.
+        unit_is_meter
+          `True` to indicate that the unit (for the `pHYs`
+          chunk) is metre.
+        The image size (in pixels) can be specified either by using the
+        `width` and `height` arguments, or with the single `size`
+        argument.
+        If `size` is used it should be a pair (*width*, *height*).
+        The `greyscale` argument indicates whether input pixels
+        are greyscale (when true), or colour (when false).
+        The default is true unless `palette=` is used.
+        The `alpha` argument (a boolean) specifies
+        whether input pixels have an alpha channel (or not).
+        `bitdepth` specifies the bit depth of the source pixel values.
+        Each channel may have a different bit depth.
+        Each source pixel must have values that are
+        an integer between 0 and ``2**bitdepth-1``, where
+        `bitdepth` is the bit depth for the corresponding channel.
+        For example, 8-bit images have values between 0 and 255.
+        PNG only stores images with bit depths of
+        1,2,4,8, or 16 (the same for all channels).
+        When `bitdepth` is not one of these values or where
+        channels have different bit depths,
+        the next highest valid bit depth is selected,
+        and an ``sBIT`` (significant bits) chunk is generated
+        that specifies the original precision of the source image.
+        In this case the supplied pixel values will be rescaled to
+        fit the range of the selected bit depth.
+        The PNG file format supports many bit depth / colour model
+        combinations, but not all.
+        The details are somewhat arcane
+        (refer to the PNG specification for full details).
+        Briefly:
+        Bit depths < 8 (1,2,4) are only allowed with greyscale and
+        colour mapped images;
+        colour mapped images cannot have bit depth 16.
+        For colour mapped images
+        (in other words, when the `palette` argument is specified)
+        the `bitdepth` argument must match one of
+        the valid PNG bit depths: 1, 2, 4, or 8.
+        (It is valid to have a PNG image with a palette and
+        an ``sBIT`` chunk, but the meaning is slightly different;
+        it would be awkward to use the `bitdepth` argument for this.)
+        The `palette` option, when specified,
+        causes a colour mapped image to be created:
+        the PNG colour type is set to 3;
+        `greyscale` must not be true; `alpha` must not be true;
+        `transparent` must not be set.
+        The bit depth must be 1,2,4, or 8.
+        When a colour mapped image is created,
+        the pixel values are palette indexes and
+        the `bitdepth` argument specifies the size of these indexes
+        (not the size of the colour values in the palette).
+        The palette argument value should be a sequence of 3- or
+        4-tuples.
+        3-tuples specify RGB palette entries;
+        4-tuples specify RGBA palette entries.
+        All the 4-tuples (if present) must come before all the 3-tuples.
+        A ``PLTE`` chunk is created;
+        if there are 4-tuples then a ``tRNS`` chunk is created as well.
+        The ``PLTE`` chunk will contain all the RGB triples in the same
+        sequence;
+        the ``tRNS`` chunk will contain the alpha channel for
+        all the 4-tuples, in the same sequence.
+        Palette entries are always 8-bit.
+        If specified, the `transparent` and `background` parameters must be
+        a tuple with one element for each channel in the image.
+        Either a 3-tuple of integer (RGB) values for a colour image, or
+        a 1-tuple of a single integer for a greyscale image.
+        If specified, the `gamma` parameter must be a positive number
+        (generally, a `float`).
+        A ``gAMA`` chunk will be created.
+        Note that this will not change the values of the pixels as
+        they appear in the PNG file,
+        they are assumed to have already
+        been converted appropriately for the gamma specified.
+        The `compression` argument specifies the compression level to
+        be used by the ``zlib`` module.
+        Values from 1 to 9 (highest) specify compression.
+        0 means no compression.
+        -1 and ``None`` both mean that the ``zlib`` module uses
+        the default level of compression (which is generally acceptable).
+        If `interlace` is true then an interlaced image is created
+        (using PNG's so far only interlace method, *Adam7*).
+        This does not affect how the pixels should be passed in,
+        rather it changes how they are arranged into the PNG file.
+        On slow connexions interlaced images can be
+        partially decoded by the browser to give
+        a rough view of the image that is
+        successively refined as more image data appears.
+        .. note ::
+          Enabling the `interlace` option requires the entire image
+          to be processed in working memory.
+        `chunk_limit` is used to limit the amount of memory used whilst
+        compressing the image.
+        In order to avoid using large amounts of memory,
+        multiple ``IDAT`` chunks may be created.
+        """
+        # At the moment the `planes` argument is ignored;
+        # its purpose is to act as a dummy so that
+        # ``Writer(x, y, **info)`` works, where `info` is a dictionary
+        # returned by and friends.
+        # Ditto for `colormap`.
+        width, height = check_sizes(size, width, height)
+        del size
+        if not is_natural(width) or not is_natural(height):
+            raise ProtocolError("width and height must be integers")
+        if width <= 0 or height <= 0:
+            raise ProtocolError("width and height must be greater than zero")
+        #
+        if width > 2 ** 31 - 1 or height > 2 ** 31 - 1:
+            raise ProtocolError("width and height cannot exceed 2**31-1")
+        if alpha and transparent is not None:
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "transparent colour not allowed with alpha channel")
+        # bitdepth is either single integer, or tuple of integers.
+        # Convert to tuple.
+        try:
+            len(bitdepth)
+        except TypeError:
+            bitdepth = (bitdepth, )
+        for b in bitdepth:
+            valid = is_natural(b) and 1 <= b <= 16
+            if not valid:
+                raise ProtocolError(
+                    "each bitdepth %r must be a positive integer <= 16" %
+                    (bitdepth,))
+        # Calculate channels, and
+        # expand bitdepth to be one element per channel.
+        palette = check_palette(palette)
+        alpha = bool(alpha)
+        colormap = bool(palette)
+        if greyscale is Default and palette:
+            greyscale = False
+        greyscale = bool(greyscale)
+        if colormap:
+            color_planes = 1
+            planes = 1
+        else:
+            color_planes = (3, 1)[greyscale]
+            planes = color_planes + alpha
+        if len(bitdepth) == 1:
+            bitdepth *= planes
+        bitdepth, self.rescale = check_bitdepth_rescale(
+                palette,
+                bitdepth,
+                transparent, alpha, greyscale)
+        # These are assertions, because above logic should have
+        # corrected or raised all problematic cases.
+        if bitdepth < 8:
+            assert greyscale or palette
+            assert not alpha
+        if bitdepth > 8:
+            assert not palette
+        transparent = check_color(transparent, greyscale, 'transparent')
+        background = check_color(background, greyscale, 'background')
+        # It's important that the true boolean values
+        # (greyscale, alpha, colormap, interlace) are converted
+        # to bool because Iverson's convention is relied upon later on.
+        self.width = width
+        self.height = height
+        self.transparent = transparent
+        self.background = background
+        self.gamma = gamma
+        self.greyscale = greyscale
+        self.alpha = alpha
+        self.colormap = colormap
+        self.bitdepth = int(bitdepth)
+        self.compression = compression
+        self.chunk_limit = chunk_limit
+        self.interlace = bool(interlace)
+        self.palette = palette
+        self.x_pixels_per_unit = x_pixels_per_unit
+        self.y_pixels_per_unit = y_pixels_per_unit
+        self.unit_is_meter = bool(unit_is_meter)
+        self.color_type = (4 * self.alpha +
+                           2 * (not greyscale) +
+                           1 * self.colormap)
+        assert self.color_type in (0, 2, 3, 4, 6)
+        self.color_planes = color_planes
+        self.planes = planes
+        # :todo: fix for bitdepth < 8
+        self.psize = (self.bitdepth / 8) * self.planes
+    def write(self, outfile, rows):
+        """
+        Write a PNG image to the output file.
+        `rows` should be an iterable that yields each row
+        (each row is a sequence of values).
+        The rows should be the rows of the original image,
+        so there should be ``self.height`` rows of
+        ``self.width * self.planes`` values.
+        If `interlace` is specified (when creating the instance),
+        then an interlaced PNG file will be written.
+        Supply the rows in the normal image order;
+        the interlacing is carried out internally.
+        .. note ::
+          Interlacing requires the entire image to be in working memory.
+        """
+        # Values per row
+        vpr = self.width * self.planes
+        def check_rows(rows):
+            """
+            Yield each row in rows,
+            but check each row first (for correct width).
+            """
+            for i, row in enumerate(rows):
+                try:
+                    wrong_length = len(row) != vpr
+                except TypeError:
+                    # When using an itertools.ichain object or
+                    # other generator not supporting __len__,
+                    # we set this to False to skip the check.
+                    wrong_length = False
+                if wrong_length:
+                    # Note: row numbers start at 0.
+                    raise ProtocolError(
+                        "Expected %d values but got %d values, in row %d" %
+                        (vpr, len(row), i))
+                yield row
+        if self.interlace:
+            fmt = 'BH'[self.bitdepth > 8]
+            a = array(fmt, itertools.chain(*check_rows(rows)))
+            return self.write_array(outfile, a)
+        nrows = self.write_passes(outfile, check_rows(rows))
+        if nrows != self.height:
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "rows supplied (%d) does not match height (%d)" %
+                (nrows, self.height))
+        return nrows
+    def write_passes(self, outfile, rows):
+        """
+        Write a PNG image to the output file.
+        Most users are expected to find the :meth:`write` or
+        :meth:`write_array` method more convenient.
+        The rows should be given to this method in the order that
+        they appear in the output file.
+        For straightlaced images, this is the usual top to bottom ordering.
+        For interlaced images the rows should have been interlaced before
+        passing them to this function.
+        `rows` should be an iterable that yields each row
+        (each row being a sequence of values).
+        """
+        # Ensure rows are scaled (to 4-/8-/16-bit),
+        # and packed into bytes.
+        if self.rescale:
+            rows = rescale_rows(rows, self.rescale)
+        if self.bitdepth < 8:
+            rows = pack_rows(rows, self.bitdepth)
+        elif self.bitdepth == 16:
+            rows = unpack_rows(rows)
+        return self.write_packed(outfile, rows)
+    def write_packed(self, outfile, rows):
+        """
+        Write PNG file to `outfile`.
+        `rows` should be an iterator that yields each packed row;
+        a packed row being a sequence of packed bytes.
+        The rows have a filter byte prefixed and
+        are then compressed into one or more IDAT chunks.
+        They are not processed any further,
+        so if bitdepth is other than 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,
+        the pixel values should have been scaled
+        before passing them to this method.
+        This method does work for interlaced images but it is best avoided.
+        For interlaced images, the rows should be
+        presented in the order that they appear in the file.
+        """
+        self.write_preamble(outfile)
+        #
+        if self.compression is not None:
+            compressor = zlib.compressobj(self.compression)
+        else:
+            compressor = zlib.compressobj()
+        # data accumulates bytes to be compressed for the IDAT chunk;
+        # it's compressed when sufficiently large.
+        data = bytearray()
+        # raise i scope out of the for loop. set to -1, because the for loop
+        # sets i to 0 on the first pass
+        i = -1
+        for i, row in enumerate(rows):
+            # Add "None" filter type.
+            # Currently, it's essential that this filter type be used
+            # for every scanline as
+            # we do not mark the first row of a reduced pass image;
+            # that means we could accidentally compute
+            # the wrong filtered scanline if we used
+            # "up", "average", or "paeth" on such a line.
+            data.append(0)
+            data.extend(row)
+            if len(data) > self.chunk_limit:
+                compressed = compressor.compress(data)
+                if len(compressed):
+                    write_chunk(outfile, b'IDAT', compressed)
+                data = bytearray()
+        compressed = compressor.compress(bytes(data))
+        flushed = compressor.flush()
+        if len(compressed) or len(flushed):
+            write_chunk(outfile, b'IDAT', compressed + flushed)
+        #
+        write_chunk(outfile, b'IEND')
+        return i + 1
+    def write_preamble(self, outfile):
+        #
+        outfile.write(signature)
+        #
+        write_chunk(outfile, b'IHDR',
+                    struct.pack("!2I5B", self.width, self.height,
+                                self.bitdepth, self.color_type,
+                                0, 0, self.interlace))
+        # See :chunk:order
+        #
+        if self.gamma is not None:
+            write_chunk(outfile, b'gAMA',
+                        struct.pack("!L", int(round(self.gamma * 1e5))))
+        # See :chunk:order
+        #
+        if self.rescale:
+            write_chunk(
+                outfile, b'sBIT',
+                struct.pack('%dB' % self.planes,
+                            * [s[0] for s in self.rescale]))
+        # :chunk:order: Without a palette (PLTE chunk),
+        # ordering is relatively relaxed.
+        # With one, gAMA chunk must precede PLTE chunk
+        # which must precede tRNS and bKGD.
+        # See
+        if self.palette:
+            p, t = make_palette_chunks(self.palette)
+            write_chunk(outfile, b'PLTE', p)
+            if t:
+                # tRNS chunk is optional;
+                # Only needed if palette entries have alpha.
+                write_chunk(outfile, b'tRNS', t)
+        #
+        if self.transparent is not None:
+            if self.greyscale:
+                fmt = "!1H"
+            else:
+                fmt = "!3H"
+            write_chunk(outfile, b'tRNS',
+                        struct.pack(fmt, *self.transparent))
+        #
+        if self.background is not None:
+            if self.greyscale:
+                fmt = "!1H"
+            else:
+                fmt = "!3H"
+            write_chunk(outfile, b'bKGD',
+                        struct.pack(fmt, *self.background))
+        #
+        if (self.x_pixels_per_unit is not None and
+                self.y_pixels_per_unit is not None):
+            tup = (self.x_pixels_per_unit,
+                   self.y_pixels_per_unit,
+                   int(self.unit_is_meter))
+            write_chunk(outfile, b'pHYs', struct.pack("!LLB", *tup))
+    def write_array(self, outfile, pixels):
+        """
+        Write an array that holds all the image values
+        as a PNG file on the output file.
+        See also :meth:`write` method.
+        """
+        if self.interlace:
+            if type(pixels) != array:
+                # Coerce to array type
+                fmt = 'BH'[self.bitdepth > 8]
+                pixels = array(fmt, pixels)
+            return self.write_passes(
+                outfile,
+                self.array_scanlines_interlace(pixels)
+            )
+        else:
+            return self.write_passes(
+                outfile,
+                self.array_scanlines(pixels)
+            )
+    def array_scanlines(self, pixels):
+        """
+        Generates rows (each a sequence of values) from
+        a single array of values.
+        """
+        # Values per row
+        vpr = self.width * self.planes
+        stop = 0
+        for y in range(self.height):
+            start = stop
+            stop = start + vpr
+            yield pixels[start:stop]
+    def array_scanlines_interlace(self, pixels):
+        """
+        Generator for interlaced scanlines from an array.
+        `pixels` is the full source image as a single array of values.
+        The generator yields each scanline of the reduced passes in turn,
+        each scanline being a sequence of values.
+        """
+        #
+        # Array type.
+        fmt = 'BH'[self.bitdepth > 8]
+        # Value per row
+        vpr = self.width * self.planes
+        # Each iteration generates a scanline starting at (x, y)
+        # and consisting of every xstep pixels.
+        for lines in adam7_generate(self.width, self.height):
+            for x, y, xstep in lines:
+                # Pixels per row (of reduced image)
+                ppr = int(math.ceil((self.width - x) / float(xstep)))
+                # Values per row (of reduced image)
+                reduced_row_len = ppr * self.planes
+                if xstep == 1:
+                    # Easy case: line is a simple slice.
+                    offset = y * vpr
+                    yield pixels[offset: offset + vpr]
+                    continue
+                # We have to step by xstep,
+                # which we can do one plane at a time
+                # using the step in Python slices.
+                row = array(fmt)
+                # There's no easier way to set the length of an array
+                row.extend(pixels[0:reduced_row_len])
+                offset = y * vpr + x * self.planes
+                end_offset = (y + 1) * vpr
+                skip = self.planes * xstep
+                for i in range(self.planes):
+                    row[i::self.planes] = \
+                        pixels[offset + i: end_offset: skip]
+                yield row
+def write_chunk(outfile, tag, data=b''):
+    """
+    Write a PNG chunk to the output file, including length and
+    checksum.
+    """
+    data = bytes(data)
+    #
+    outfile.write(struct.pack("!I", len(data)))
+    outfile.write(tag)
+    outfile.write(data)
+    checksum = zlib.crc32(tag)
+    checksum = zlib.crc32(data, checksum)
+    checksum &= 2 ** 32 - 1
+    outfile.write(struct.pack("!I", checksum))
+def write_chunks(out, chunks):
+    """Create a PNG file by writing out the chunks."""
+    out.write(signature)
+    for chunk in chunks:
+        write_chunk(out, *chunk)
+def rescale_rows(rows, rescale):
+    """
+    Take each row in rows (an iterator) and yield
+    a fresh row with the pixels scaled according to
+    the rescale parameters in the list `rescale`.
+    Each element of `rescale` is a tuple of
+    (source_bitdepth, target_bitdepth),
+    with one element per channel.
+    """
+    # One factor for each channel
+    fs = [float(2 ** s[1] - 1)/float(2 ** s[0] - 1)
+          for s in rescale]
+    # Assume all target_bitdepths are the same
+    target_bitdepths = set(s[1] for s in rescale)
+    assert len(target_bitdepths) == 1
+    (target_bitdepth, ) = target_bitdepths
+    typecode = 'BH'[target_bitdepth > 8]
+    # Number of channels
+    n_chans = len(rescale)
+    for row in rows:
+        rescaled_row = array(typecode, iter(row))
+        for i in range(n_chans):
+            channel = array(
+                typecode,
+                (int(round(fs[i] * x)) for x in row[i::n_chans]))
+            rescaled_row[i::n_chans] = channel
+        yield rescaled_row
+def pack_rows(rows, bitdepth):
+    """Yield packed rows that are a byte array.
+    Each byte is packed with the values from several pixels.
+    """
+    assert bitdepth < 8
+    assert 8 % bitdepth == 0
+    # samples per byte
+    spb = int(8 / bitdepth)
+    def make_byte(block):
+        """Take a block of (2, 4, or 8) values,
+        and pack them into a single byte.
+        """
+        res = 0
+        for v in block:
+            res = (res << bitdepth) + v
+        return res
+    for row in rows:
+        a = bytearray(row)
+        # Adding padding bytes so we can group into a whole
+        # number of spb-tuples.
+        n = float(len(a))
+        extra = math.ceil(n / spb) * spb - n
+        a.extend([0] * int(extra))
+        # Pack into bytes.
+        # Each block is the samples for one byte.
+        blocks = group(a, spb)
+        yield bytearray(make_byte(block) for block in blocks)
+def unpack_rows(rows):
+    """Unpack each row from being 16-bits per value,
+    to being a sequence of bytes.
+    """
+    for row in rows:
+        fmt = '!%dH' % len(row)
+        yield bytearray(struct.pack(fmt, *row))
+def make_palette_chunks(palette):
+    """
+    Create the byte sequences for a ``PLTE`` and
+    if necessary a ``tRNS`` chunk.
+    Returned as a pair (*p*, *t*).
+    *t* will be ``None`` if no ``tRNS`` chunk is necessary.
+    """
+    p = bytearray()
+    t = bytearray()
+    for x in palette:
+        p.extend(x[0:3])
+        if len(x) > 3:
+            t.append(x[3])
+    if t:
+        return p, t
+    return p, None
+def check_bitdepth_rescale(
+        palette, bitdepth, transparent, alpha, greyscale):
+    """
+    Returns (bitdepth, rescale) pair.
+    """
+    if palette:
+        if len(bitdepth) != 1:
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "with palette, only a single bitdepth may be used")
+        (bitdepth, ) = bitdepth
+        if bitdepth not in (1, 2, 4, 8):
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "with palette, bitdepth must be 1, 2, 4, or 8")
+        if transparent is not None:
+            raise ProtocolError("transparent and palette not compatible")
+        if alpha:
+            raise ProtocolError("alpha and palette not compatible")
+        if greyscale:
+            raise ProtocolError("greyscale and palette not compatible")
+        return bitdepth, None
+    # No palette, check for sBIT chunk generation.
+    if greyscale and not alpha:
+        # Single channel, L.
+        (bitdepth,) = bitdepth
+        if bitdepth in (1, 2, 4, 8, 16):
+            return bitdepth, None
+        if bitdepth > 8:
+            targetbitdepth = 16
+        elif bitdepth == 3:
+            targetbitdepth = 4
+        else:
+            assert bitdepth in (5, 6, 7)
+            targetbitdepth = 8
+        return targetbitdepth, [(bitdepth, targetbitdepth)]
+    assert alpha or not greyscale
+    depth_set = tuple(set(bitdepth))
+    if depth_set in [(8,), (16,)]:
+        # No sBIT required.
+        (bitdepth, ) = depth_set
+        return bitdepth, None
+    targetbitdepth = (8, 16)[max(bitdepth) > 8]
+    return targetbitdepth, [(b, targetbitdepth) for b in bitdepth]
+# Regex for decoding mode string
+RegexModeDecode = re.compile("(LA?|RGBA?);?([0-9]*)", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
+def from_array(a, mode=None, info={}):
+    """
+    Create a PNG :class:`Image` object from a 2-dimensional array.
+    One application of this function is easy PIL-style saving:
+    ``png.from_array(pixels, 'L').save('foo.png')``.
+    Unless they are specified using the *info* parameter,
+    the PNG's height and width are taken from the array size.
+    The first axis is the height; the second axis is the
+    ravelled width and channel index.
+    The array is treated is a sequence of rows,
+    each row being a sequence of values (``width*channels`` in number).
+    So an RGB image that is 16 pixels high and 8 wide will
+    occupy a 2-dimensional array that is 16x24
+    (each row will be 8*3 = 24 sample values).
+    *mode* is a string that specifies the image colour format in a
+    PIL-style mode.  It can be:
+    ``'L'``
+      greyscale (1 channel)
+    ``'LA'``
+      greyscale with alpha (2 channel)
+    ``'RGB'``
+      colour image (3 channel)
+    ``'RGBA'``
+      colour image with alpha (4 channel)
+    The mode string can also specify the bit depth
+    (overriding how this function normally derives the bit depth,
+    see below).
+    Appending ``';16'`` to the mode will cause the PNG to be
+    16 bits per channel;
+    any decimal from 1 to 16 can be used to specify the bit depth.
+    When a 2-dimensional array is used *mode* determines how many
+    channels the image has, and so allows the width to be derived from
+    the second array dimension.
+    The array is expected to be a ``numpy`` array,
+    but it can be any suitable Python sequence.
+    For example, a list of lists can be used:
+    ``png.from_array([[0, 255, 0], [255, 0, 255]], 'L')``.
+    The exact rules are: ``len(a)`` gives the first dimension, height;
+    ``len(a[0])`` gives the second dimension.
+    It's slightly more complicated than that because
+    an iterator of rows can be used, and it all still works.
+    Using an iterator allows data to be streamed efficiently.
+    The bit depth of the PNG is normally taken from
+    the array element's datatype
+    (but if *mode* specifies a bitdepth then that is used instead).
+    The array element's datatype is determined in a way which
+    is supposed to work both for ``numpy`` arrays and for Python
+    ``array.array`` objects.
+    A 1 byte datatype will give a bit depth of 8,
+    a 2 byte datatype will give a bit depth of 16.
+    If the datatype does not have an implicit size,
+    like the above example where it is a plain Python list of lists,
+    then a default of 8 is used.
+    The *info* parameter is a dictionary that can
+    be used to specify metadata (in the same style as
+    the arguments to the :class:`png.Writer` class).
+    For this function the keys that are useful are:
+    height
+      overrides the height derived from the array dimensions and
+      allows *a* to be an iterable.
+    width
+      overrides the width derived from the array dimensions.
+    bitdepth
+      overrides the bit depth derived from the element datatype
+      (but must match *mode* if that also specifies a bit depth).
+    Generally anything specified in the *info* dictionary will
+    override any implicit choices that this function would otherwise make,
+    but must match any explicit ones.
+    For example, if the *info* dictionary has a ``greyscale`` key then
+    this must be true when mode is ``'L'`` or ``'LA'`` and
+    false when mode is ``'RGB'`` or ``'RGBA'``.
+    """
+    # We abuse the *info* parameter by modifying it.  Take a copy here.
+    # (Also typechecks *info* to some extent).
+    info = dict(info)
+    # Syntax check mode string.
+    match = RegexModeDecode.match(mode)
+    if not match:
+        raise Error("mode string should be 'RGB' or 'L;16' or similar.")
+    mode, bitdepth = match.groups()
+    if bitdepth:
+        bitdepth = int(bitdepth)
+    # Colour format.
+    if 'greyscale' in info:
+        if bool(info['greyscale']) != ('L' in mode):
+            raise ProtocolError("info['greyscale'] should match mode.")
+    info['greyscale'] = 'L' in mode
+    alpha = 'A' in mode
+    if 'alpha' in info:
+        if bool(info['alpha']) != alpha:
+            raise ProtocolError("info['alpha'] should match mode.")
+    info['alpha'] = alpha
+    # Get bitdepth from *mode* if possible.
+    if bitdepth:
+        if info.get("bitdepth") and bitdepth != info['bitdepth']:
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "bitdepth (%d) should match bitdepth of info (%d)." %
+                (bitdepth, info['bitdepth']))
+        info['bitdepth'] = bitdepth
+    # Fill in and/or check entries in *info*.
+    # Dimensions.
+    width, height = check_sizes(
+        info.get("size"),
+        info.get("width"),
+        info.get("height"))
+    if width:
+        info["width"] = width
+    if height:
+        info["height"] = height
+    if "height" not in info:
+        try:
+            info['height'] = len(a)
+        except TypeError:
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "len(a) does not work, supply info['height'] instead.")
+    planes = len(mode)
+    if 'planes' in info:
+        if info['planes'] != planes:
+            raise Error("info['planes'] should match mode.")
+    # In order to work out whether we the array is 2D or 3D we need its
+    # first row, which requires that we take a copy of its iterator.
+    # We may also need the first row to derive width and bitdepth.
+    a, t = itertools.tee(a)
+    row = next(t)
+    del t
+    testelement = row
+    if 'width' not in info:
+        width = len(row) // planes
+        info['width'] = width
+    if 'bitdepth' not in info:
+        try:
+            dtype = testelement.dtype
+            # goto the "else:" clause.  Sorry.
+        except AttributeError:
+            try:
+                # Try a Python array.array.
+                bitdepth = 8 * testelement.itemsize
+            except AttributeError:
+                # We can't determine it from the array element's datatype,
+                # use a default of 8.
+                bitdepth = 8
+        else:
+            # If we got here without exception,
+            # we now assume that the array is a numpy array.
+            if dtype.kind == 'b':
+                bitdepth = 1
+            else:
+                bitdepth = 8 * dtype.itemsize
+        info['bitdepth'] = bitdepth
+    for thing in ["width", "height", "bitdepth", "greyscale", "alpha"]:
+        assert thing in info
+    return Image(a, info)
+# So that refugee's from PIL feel more at home.  Not documented.
+fromarray = from_array
+class Image:
+    """A PNG image.  You can create an :class:`Image` object from
+    an array of pixels by calling :meth:`png.from_array`.  It can be
+    saved to disk with the :meth:`save` method.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, rows, info):
+        """
+        .. note ::
+          The constructor is not public.  Please do not call it.
+        """
+        self.rows = rows
+ = info
+    def save(self, file):
+        """Save the image to the named *file*.
+        See `.write()` if you already have an open file object.
+        In general, you can only call this method once;
+        after it has been called the first time the PNG image is written,
+        the source data will have been streamed, and
+        cannot be streamed again.
+        """
+        w = Writer(**
+        with open(file, 'wb') as fd:
+            w.write(fd, self.rows)
+    def write(self, file):
+        """Write the image to the open file object.
+        See `.save()` if you have a filename.
+        In general, you can only call this method once;
+        after it has been called the first time the PNG image is written,
+        the source data will have been streamed, and
+        cannot be streamed again.
+        """
+        w = Writer(**
+        w.write(file, self.rows)
+class Reader:
+    """
+    Pure Python PNG decoder in pure Python.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, _guess=None, filename=None, file=None, bytes=None):
+        """
+        The constructor expects exactly one keyword argument.
+        If you supply a positional argument instead,
+        it will guess the input type.
+        Choose from the following keyword arguments:
+        filename
+          Name of input file (a PNG file).
+        file
+          A file-like object (object with a read() method).
+        bytes
+          ``bytes`` or ``bytearray`` with PNG data.
+        """
+        keywords_supplied = (
+            (_guess is not None) +
+            (filename is not None) +
+            (file is not None) +
+            (bytes is not None))
+        if keywords_supplied != 1:
+            raise TypeError("Reader() takes exactly 1 argument")
+        # Will be the first 8 bytes, later on.  See validate_signature.
+        self.signature = None
+        self.transparent = None
+        # A pair of (len,type) if a chunk has been read but its data and
+        # checksum have not (in other words the file position is just
+        # past the 4 bytes that specify the chunk type).
+        # See preamble method for how this is used.
+        self.atchunk = None
+        if _guess is not None:
+            if isarray(_guess):
+                bytes = _guess
+            elif isinstance(_guess, str):
+                filename = _guess
+            elif hasattr(_guess, 'read'):
+                file = _guess
+        if bytes is not None:
+            self.file = io.BytesIO(bytes)
+        elif filename is not None:
+            self.file = open(filename, "rb")
+        elif file is not None:
+            self.file = file
+        else:
+            raise ProtocolError("expecting filename, file or bytes array")
+    def chunk(self, lenient=False):
+        """
+        Read the next PNG chunk from the input file;
+        returns a (*type*, *data*) tuple.
+        *type* is the chunk's type as a byte string
+        (all PNG chunk types are 4 bytes long).
+        *data* is the chunk's data content, as a byte string.
+        If the optional `lenient` argument evaluates to `True`,
+        checksum failures will raise warnings rather than exceptions.
+        """
+        self.validate_signature()
+        #
+        if not self.atchunk:
+            self.atchunk = self._chunk_len_type()
+        if not self.atchunk:
+            raise ChunkError("No more chunks.")
+        length, type = self.atchunk
+        self.atchunk = None
+        data =
+        if len(data) != length:
+            raise ChunkError(
+                'Chunk %s too short for required %i octets.'
+                % (type, length))
+        checksum =
+        if len(checksum) != 4:
+            raise ChunkError('Chunk %s too short for checksum.' % type)
+        verify = zlib.crc32(type)
+        verify = zlib.crc32(data, verify)
+        verify = struct.pack('!I', verify)
+        if checksum != verify:
+            (a, ) = struct.unpack('!I', checksum)
+            (b, ) = struct.unpack('!I', verify)
+            message = ("Checksum error in %s chunk: 0x%08X != 0x%08X."
+                       % (type.decode('ascii'), a, b))
+            if lenient:
+                warnings.warn(message, RuntimeWarning)
+            else:
+                raise ChunkError(message)
+        return type, data
+    def chunks(self):
+        """Return an iterator that will yield each chunk as a
+        (*chunktype*, *content*) pair.
+        """
+        while True:
+            t, v = self.chunk()
+            yield t, v
+            if t == b'IEND':
+                break
+    def undo_filter(self, filter_type, scanline, previous):
+        """
+        Undo the filter for a scanline.
+        `scanline` is a sequence of bytes that
+        does not include the initial filter type byte.
+        `previous` is decoded previous scanline
+        (for straightlaced images this is the previous pixel row,
+        but for interlaced images, it is
+        the previous scanline in the reduced image,
+        which in general is not the previous pixel row in the final image).
+        When there is no previous scanline
+        (the first row of a straightlaced image,
+        or the first row in one of the passes in an interlaced image),
+        then this argument should be ``None``.
+        The scanline will have the effects of filtering removed;
+        the result will be returned as a fresh sequence of bytes.
+        """
+        # :todo: Would it be better to update scanline in place?
+        result = scanline
+        if filter_type == 0:
+            return result
+        if filter_type not in (1, 2, 3, 4):
+            raise FormatError(
+                'Invalid PNG Filter Type.  '
+                'See .')
+        # Filter unit.  The stride from one pixel to the corresponding
+        # byte from the previous pixel.  Normally this is the pixel
+        # size in bytes, but when this is smaller than 1, the previous
+        # byte is used instead.
+        fu = max(1, self.psize)
+        # For the first line of a pass, synthesize a dummy previous
+        # line.  An alternative approach would be to observe that on the
+        # first line 'up' is the same as 'null', 'paeth' is the same
+        # as 'sub', with only 'average' requiring any special case.
+        if not previous:
+            previous = bytearray([0] * len(scanline))
+        # Call appropriate filter algorithm.  Note that 0 has already
+        # been dealt with.
+        fn = (None,
+              undo_filter_sub,
+              undo_filter_up,
+              undo_filter_average,
+              undo_filter_paeth)[filter_type]
+        fn(fu, scanline, previous, result)
+        return result
+    def _deinterlace(self, raw):
+        """
+        Read raw pixel data, undo filters, deinterlace, and flatten.
+        Return a single array of values.
+        """
+        # Values per row (of the target image)
+        vpr = self.width * self.planes
+        # Values per image
+        vpi = vpr * self.height
+        # Interleaving writes to the output array randomly
+        # (well, not quite), so the entire output array must be in memory.
+        # Make a result array, and make it big enough.
+        if self.bitdepth > 8:
+            a = array('H', [0] * vpi)
+        else:
+            a = bytearray([0] * vpi)
+        source_offset = 0
+        for lines in adam7_generate(self.width, self.height):
+            # The previous (reconstructed) scanline.
+            # `None` at the beginning of a pass
+            # to indicate that there is no previous line.
+            recon = None
+            for x, y, xstep in lines:
+                # Pixels per row (reduced pass image)
+                ppr = int(math.ceil((self.width - x) / float(xstep)))
+                # Row size in bytes for this pass.
+                row_size = int(math.ceil(self.psize * ppr))
+                filter_type = raw[source_offset]
+                source_offset += 1
+                scanline = raw[source_offset: source_offset + row_size]
+                source_offset += row_size
+                recon = self.undo_filter(filter_type, scanline, recon)
+                # Convert so that there is one element per pixel value
+                flat = self._bytes_to_values(recon, width=ppr)
+                if xstep == 1:
+                    assert x == 0
+                    offset = y * vpr
+                    a[offset: offset + vpr] = flat
+                else:
+                    offset = y * vpr + x * self.planes
+                    end_offset = (y + 1) * vpr
+                    skip = self.planes * xstep
+                    for i in range(self.planes):
+                        a[offset + i: end_offset: skip] = \
+                            flat[i:: self.planes]
+        return a
+    def _iter_bytes_to_values(self, byte_rows):
+        """
+        Iterator that yields each scanline;
+        each scanline being a sequence of values.
+        `byte_rows` should be an iterator that yields
+        the bytes of each row in turn.
+        """
+        for row in byte_rows:
+            yield self._bytes_to_values(row)
+    def _bytes_to_values(self, bs, width=None):
+        """Convert a packed row of bytes into a row of values.
+        Result will be a freshly allocated object,
+        not shared with the argument.
+        """
+        if self.bitdepth == 8:
+            return bytearray(bs)
+        if self.bitdepth == 16:
+            return array('H',
+                         struct.unpack('!%dH' % (len(bs) // 2), bs))
+        assert self.bitdepth < 8
+        if width is None:
+            width = self.width
+        # Samples per byte
+        spb = 8 // self.bitdepth
+        out = bytearray()
+        mask = 2**self.bitdepth - 1
+        shifts = [self.bitdepth * i
+                  for i in reversed(list(range(spb)))]
+        for o in bs:
+            out.extend([mask & (o >> i) for i in shifts])
+        return out[:width]
+    def _iter_straight_packed(self, byte_blocks):
+        """Iterator that undoes the effect of filtering;
+        yields each row as a sequence of packed bytes.
+        Assumes input is straightlaced.
+        `byte_blocks` should be an iterable that yields the raw bytes
+        in blocks of arbitrary size.
+        """
+        # length of row, in bytes
+        rb = self.row_bytes
+        a = bytearray()
+        # The previous (reconstructed) scanline.
+        # None indicates first line of image.
+        recon = None
+        for some_bytes in byte_blocks:
+            a.extend(some_bytes)
+            while len(a) >= rb + 1:
+                filter_type = a[0]
+                scanline = a[1: rb + 1]
+                del a[: rb + 1]
+                recon = self.undo_filter(filter_type, scanline, recon)
+                yield recon
+        if len(a) != 0:
+            # :file:format We get here with a file format error:
+            # when the available bytes (after decompressing) do not
+            # pack into exact rows.
+            raise FormatError('Wrong size for decompressed IDAT chunk.')
+        assert len(a) == 0
+    def validate_signature(self):
+        """
+        If signature (header) has not been read then read and
+        validate it; otherwise do nothing.
+        No signature (empty read()) will raise EOFError;
+        An invalid signature will raise FormatError.
+        EOFError is raised to make possible the case where
+        a program can read multiple PNG files from the same stream.
+        The end of the stream can be distinguished from non-PNG files
+        or corrupted PNG files.
+        """
+        if self.signature:
+            return
+        self.signature =
+        if len(self.signature) == 0:
+            raise EOFError("End of PNG stream.")
+        if self.signature != signature:
+            raise FormatError("PNG file has invalid signature.")
+    def preamble(self, lenient=False):
+        """
+        Extract the image metadata by reading
+        the initial part of the PNG file up to
+        the start of the ``IDAT`` chunk.
+        All the chunks that precede the ``IDAT`` chunk are
+        read and either processed for metadata or discarded.
+        If the optional `lenient` argument evaluates to `True`,
+        checksum failures will raise warnings rather than exceptions.
+        """
+        self.validate_signature()
+        while True:
+            if not self.atchunk:
+                self.atchunk = self._chunk_len_type()
+                if self.atchunk is None:
+                    raise FormatError('This PNG file has no IDAT chunks.')
+            if self.atchunk[1] == b'IDAT':
+                return
+            self.process_chunk(lenient=lenient)
+    def _chunk_len_type(self):
+        """
+        Reads just enough of the input to
+        determine the next chunk's length and type;
+        return a (*length*, *type*) pair where *type* is a byte sequence.
+        If there are no more chunks, ``None`` is returned.
+        """
+        x =
+        if not x:
+            return None
+        if len(x) != 8:
+            raise FormatError(
+                'End of file whilst reading chunk length and type.')
+        length, type = struct.unpack('!I4s', x)
+        if length > 2 ** 31 - 1:
+            raise FormatError('Chunk %s is too large: %d.' % (type, length))
+        # Check that all bytes are in valid ASCII range.
+        #
+        type_bytes = set(bytearray(type))
+        if not(type_bytes <= set(range(65, 91)) | set(range(97, 123))):
+            raise FormatError(
+                'Chunk %r has invalid Chunk Type.'
+                % list(type))
+        return length, type
+    def process_chunk(self, lenient=False):
+        """
+        Process the next chunk and its data.
+        This only processes the following chunk types:
+        ``IHDR``, ``PLTE``, ``bKGD``, ``tRNS``, ``gAMA``, ``sBIT``, ``pHYs``.
+        All other chunk types are ignored.
+        If the optional `lenient` argument evaluates to `True`,
+        checksum failures will raise warnings rather than exceptions.
+        """
+        type, data = self.chunk(lenient=lenient)
+        method = '_process_' + type.decode('ascii')
+        m = getattr(self, method, None)
+        if m:
+            m(data)
+    def _process_IHDR(self, data):
+        #
+        if len(data) != 13:
+            raise FormatError('IHDR chunk has incorrect length.')
+        (self.width, self.height, self.bitdepth, self.color_type,
+         self.compression, self.filter,
+         self.interlace) = struct.unpack("!2I5B", data)
+        check_bitdepth_colortype(self.bitdepth, self.color_type)
+        if self.compression != 0:
+            raise FormatError(
+                "Unknown compression method %d" % self.compression)
+        if self.filter != 0:
+            raise FormatError(
+                "Unknown filter method %d,"
+                " see ."
+                % self.filter)
+        if self.interlace not in (0, 1):
+            raise FormatError(
+                "Unknown interlace method %d, see "
+                ""
+                " ."
+                % self.interlace)
+        # Derived values
+        #
+        colormap = bool(self.color_type & 1)
+        greyscale = not(self.color_type & 2)
+        alpha = bool(self.color_type & 4)
+        color_planes = (3, 1)[greyscale or colormap]
+        planes = color_planes + alpha
+        self.colormap = colormap
+        self.greyscale = greyscale
+        self.alpha = alpha
+        self.color_planes = color_planes
+        self.planes = planes
+        self.psize = float(self.bitdepth) / float(8) * planes
+        if int(self.psize) == self.psize:
+            self.psize = int(self.psize)
+        self.row_bytes = int(math.ceil(self.width * self.psize))
+        # Stores PLTE chunk if present, and is used to check
+        # chunk ordering constraints.
+        self.plte = None
+        # Stores tRNS chunk if present, and is used to check chunk
+        # ordering constraints.
+        self.trns = None
+        # Stores sBIT chunk if present.
+        self.sbit = None
+    def _process_PLTE(self, data):
+        #
+        if self.plte:
+            warnings.warn("Multiple PLTE chunks present.")
+        self.plte = data
+        if len(data) % 3 != 0:
+            raise FormatError(
+                "PLTE chunk's length should be a multiple of 3.")
+        if len(data) > (2 ** self.bitdepth) * 3:
+            raise FormatError("PLTE chunk is too long.")
+        if len(data) == 0:
+            raise FormatError("Empty PLTE is not allowed.")
+    def _process_bKGD(self, data):
+        try:
+            if self.colormap:
+                if not self.plte:
+                    warnings.warn(
+                        "PLTE chunk is required before bKGD chunk.")
+                self.background = struct.unpack('B', data)
+            else:
+                self.background = struct.unpack("!%dH" % self.color_planes,
+                                                data)
+        except struct.error:
+            raise FormatError("bKGD chunk has incorrect length.")
+    def _process_tRNS(self, data):
+        #
+        self.trns = data
+        if self.colormap:
+            if not self.plte:
+                warnings.warn("PLTE chunk is required before tRNS chunk.")
+            else:
+                if len(data) > len(self.plte) / 3:
+                    # Was warning, but promoted to Error as it
+                    # would otherwise cause pain later on.
+                    raise FormatError("tRNS chunk is too long.")
+        else:
+            if self.alpha:
+                raise FormatError(
+                    "tRNS chunk is not valid with colour type %d." %
+                    self.color_type)
+            try:
+                self.transparent = \
+                    struct.unpack("!%dH" % self.color_planes, data)
+            except struct.error:
+                raise FormatError("tRNS chunk has incorrect length.")
+    def _process_gAMA(self, data):
+        try:
+            self.gamma = struct.unpack("!L", data)[0] / 100000.0
+        except struct.error:
+            raise FormatError("gAMA chunk has incorrect length.")
+    def _process_sBIT(self, data):
+        self.sbit = data
+        if (self.colormap and len(data) != 3 or
+                not self.colormap and len(data) != self.planes):
+            raise FormatError("sBIT chunk has incorrect length.")
+    def _process_pHYs(self, data):
+        #
+        self.phys = data
+        fmt = "!LLB"
+        if len(data) != struct.calcsize(fmt):
+            raise FormatError("pHYs chunk has incorrect length.")
+        self.x_pixels_per_unit, self.y_pixels_per_unit, unit = \
+            struct.unpack(fmt, data)
+        self.unit_is_meter = bool(unit)
+    def read(self, lenient=False):
+        """
+        Read the PNG file and decode it.
+        Returns (`width`, `height`, `rows`, `info`).
+        May use excessive memory.
+        `rows` is a sequence of rows;
+        each row is a sequence of values.
+        If the optional `lenient` argument evaluates to True,
+        checksum failures will raise warnings rather than exceptions.
+        """
+        def iteridat():
+            """Iterator that yields all the ``IDAT`` chunks as strings."""
+            while True:
+                type, data = self.chunk(lenient=lenient)
+                if type == b'IEND':
+                    #
+                    break
+                if type != b'IDAT':
+                    continue
+                # type == b'IDAT'
+                #
+                if self.colormap and not self.plte:
+                    warnings.warn("PLTE chunk is required before IDAT chunk")
+                yield data
+        self.preamble(lenient=lenient)
+        raw = decompress(iteridat())
+        if self.interlace:
+            def rows_from_interlace():
+                """Yield each row from an interlaced PNG."""
+                # It's important that this iterator doesn't read
+                # IDAT chunks until it yields the first row.
+                bs = bytearray(itertools.chain(*raw))
+                arraycode = 'BH'[self.bitdepth > 8]
+                # Like :meth:`group` but
+                # producing an array.array object for each row.
+                values = self._deinterlace(bs)
+                vpr = self.width * self.planes
+                for i in range(0, len(values), vpr):
+                    row = array(arraycode, values[i:i+vpr])
+                    yield row
+            rows = rows_from_interlace()
+        else:
+            rows = self._iter_bytes_to_values(self._iter_straight_packed(raw))
+        info = dict()
+        for attr in 'greyscale alpha planes bitdepth interlace'.split():
+            info[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
+        info['size'] = (self.width, self.height)
+        for attr in 'gamma transparent background'.split():
+            a = getattr(self, attr, None)
+            if a is not None:
+                info[attr] = a
+        if getattr(self, 'x_pixels_per_unit', None):
+            info['physical'] = Resolution(self.x_pixels_per_unit,
+                                          self.y_pixels_per_unit,
+                                          self.unit_is_meter)
+        if self.plte:
+            info['palette'] = self.palette()
+        return self.width, self.height, rows, info
+    def read_flat(self):
+        """
+        Read a PNG file and decode it into a single array of values.
+        Returns (*width*, *height*, *values*, *info*).
+        May use excessive memory.
+        `values` is a single array.
+        The :meth:`read` method is more stream-friendly than this,
+        because it returns a sequence of rows.
+        """
+        x, y, pixel, info =
+        arraycode = 'BH'[info['bitdepth'] > 8]
+        pixel = array(arraycode, itertools.chain(*pixel))
+        return x, y, pixel, info
+    def palette(self, alpha='natural'):
+        """
+        Returns a palette that is a sequence of 3-tuples or 4-tuples,
+        synthesizing it from the ``PLTE`` and ``tRNS`` chunks.
+        These chunks should have already been processed (for example,
+        by calling the :meth:`preamble` method).
+        All the tuples are the same size:
+        3-tuples if there is no ``tRNS`` chunk,
+        4-tuples when there is a ``tRNS`` chunk.
+        Assumes that the image is colour type
+        3 and therefore a ``PLTE`` chunk is required.
+        If the `alpha` argument is ``'force'`` then an alpha channel is
+        always added, forcing the result to be a sequence of 4-tuples.
+        """
+        if not self.plte:
+            raise FormatError(
+                "Required PLTE chunk is missing in colour type 3 image.")
+        plte = group(array('B', self.plte), 3)
+        if self.trns or alpha == 'force':
+            trns = array('B', self.trns or [])
+            trns.extend([255] * (len(plte) - len(trns)))
+            plte = list(map(operator.add, plte, group(trns, 1)))
+        return plte
+    def asDirect(self):
+        """
+        Returns the image data as a direct representation of
+        an ``x * y * planes`` array.
+        This removes the need for callers to deal with
+        palettes and transparency themselves.
+        Images with a palette (colour type 3) are converted to RGB or RGBA;
+        images with transparency (a ``tRNS`` chunk) are converted to
+        LA or RGBA as appropriate.
+        When returned in this format the pixel values represent
+        the colour value directly without needing to refer
+        to palettes or transparency information.
+        Like the :meth:`read` method this method returns a 4-tuple:
+        (*width*, *height*, *rows*, *info*)
+        This method normally returns pixel values with
+        the bit depth they have in the source image, but
+        when the source PNG has an ``sBIT`` chunk it is inspected and
+        can reduce the bit depth of the result pixels;
+        pixel values will be reduced according to the bit depth
+        specified in the ``sBIT`` chunk.
+        PNG nerds should note a single result bit depth is
+        used for all channels:
+        the maximum of the ones specified in the ``sBIT`` chunk.
+        An RGB565 image will be rescaled to 6-bit RGB666.
+        The *info* dictionary that is returned reflects
+        the `direct` format and not the original source image.
+        For example, an RGB source image with a ``tRNS`` chunk
+        to represent a transparent colour,
+        will start with ``planes=3`` and ``alpha=False`` for the
+        source image,
+        but the *info* dictionary returned by this method
+        will have ``planes=4`` and ``alpha=True`` because
+        an alpha channel is synthesized and added.
+        *rows* is a sequence of rows;
+        each row being a sequence of values
+        (like the :meth:`read` method).
+        All the other aspects of the image data are not changed.
+        """
+        self.preamble()
+        # Simple case, no conversion necessary.
+        if not self.colormap and not self.trns and not self.sbit:
+            return
+        x, y, pixels, info =
+        if self.colormap:
+            info['colormap'] = False
+            info['alpha'] = bool(self.trns)
+            info['bitdepth'] = 8
+            info['planes'] = 3 + bool(self.trns)
+            plte = self.palette()
+            def iterpal(pixels):
+                for row in pixels:
+                    row = [plte[x] for x in row]
+                    yield array('B', itertools.chain(*row))
+            pixels = iterpal(pixels)
+        elif self.trns:
+            # It would be nice if there was some reasonable way
+            # of doing this without generating a whole load of
+            # intermediate tuples.  But tuples does seem like the
+            # easiest way, with no other way clearly much simpler or
+            # much faster.  (Actually, the L to LA conversion could
+            # perhaps go faster (all those 1-tuples!), but I still
+            # wonder whether the code proliferation is worth it)
+            it = self.transparent
+            maxval = 2 ** info['bitdepth'] - 1
+            planes = info['planes']
+            info['alpha'] = True
+            info['planes'] += 1
+            typecode = 'BH'[info['bitdepth'] > 8]
+            def itertrns(pixels):
+                for row in pixels:
+                    # For each row we group it into pixels, then form a
+                    # characterisation vector that says whether each
+                    # pixel is opaque or not.  Then we convert
+                    # True/False to 0/maxval (by multiplication),
+                    # and add it as the extra channel.
+                    row = group(row, planes)
+                    opa = map(it.__ne__, row)
+                    opa = map(maxval.__mul__, opa)
+                    opa = list(zip(opa))    # convert to 1-tuples
+                    yield array(
+                        typecode,
+                        itertools.chain(*map(operator.add, row, opa)))
+            pixels = itertrns(pixels)
+        targetbitdepth = None
+        if self.sbit:
+            sbit = struct.unpack('%dB' % len(self.sbit), self.sbit)
+            targetbitdepth = max(sbit)
+            if targetbitdepth > info['bitdepth']:
+                raise Error('sBIT chunk %r exceeds bitdepth %d' %
+                            (sbit, self.bitdepth))
+            if min(sbit) <= 0:
+                raise Error('sBIT chunk %r has a 0-entry' % sbit)
+        if targetbitdepth:
+            shift = info['bitdepth'] - targetbitdepth
+            info['bitdepth'] = targetbitdepth
+            def itershift(pixels):
+                for row in pixels:
+                    yield [p >> shift for p in row]
+            pixels = itershift(pixels)
+        return x, y, pixels, info
+    def _as_rescale(self, get, targetbitdepth):
+        """Helper used by :meth:`asRGB8` and :meth:`asRGBA8`."""
+        width, height, pixels, info = get()
+        maxval = 2**info['bitdepth'] - 1
+        targetmaxval = 2**targetbitdepth - 1
+        factor = float(targetmaxval) / float(maxval)
+        info['bitdepth'] = targetbitdepth
+        def iterscale():
+            for row in pixels:
+                yield [int(round(x * factor)) for x in row]
+        if maxval == targetmaxval:
+            return width, height, pixels, info
+        else:
+            return width, height, iterscale(), info
+    def asRGB8(self):
+        """
+        Return the image data as an RGB pixels with 8-bits per sample.
+        This is like the :meth:`asRGB` method except that
+        this method additionally rescales the values so that
+        they are all between 0 and 255 (8-bit).
+        In the case where the source image has a bit depth < 8
+        the transformation preserves all the information;
+        where the source image has bit depth > 8, then
+        rescaling to 8-bit values loses precision.
+        No dithering is performed.
+        Like :meth:`asRGB`,
+        an alpha channel in the source image will raise an exception.
+        This function returns a 4-tuple:
+        (*width*, *height*, *rows*, *info*).
+        *width*, *height*, *info* are as per the :meth:`read` method.
+        *rows* is the pixel data as a sequence of rows.
+        """
+        return self._as_rescale(self.asRGB, 8)
+    def asRGBA8(self):
+        """
+        Return the image data as RGBA pixels with 8-bits per sample.
+        This method is similar to :meth:`asRGB8` and :meth:`asRGBA`:
+        The result pixels have an alpha channel, *and*
+        values are rescaled to the range 0 to 255.
+        The alpha channel is synthesized if necessary
+        (with a small speed penalty).
+        """
+        return self._as_rescale(self.asRGBA, 8)
+    def asRGB(self):
+        """
+        Return image as RGB pixels.
+        RGB colour images are passed through unchanged;
+        greyscales are expanded into RGB triplets
+        (there is a small speed overhead for doing this).
+        An alpha channel in the source image will raise an exception.
+        The return values are as for the :meth:`read` method except that
+        the *info* reflect the returned pixels, not the source image.
+        In particular,
+        for this method ``info['greyscale']`` will be ``False``.
+        """
+        width, height, pixels, info = self.asDirect()
+        if info['alpha']:
+            raise Error("will not convert image with alpha channel to RGB")
+        if not info['greyscale']:
+            return width, height, pixels, info
+        info['greyscale'] = False
+        info['planes'] = 3
+        if info['bitdepth'] > 8:
+            def newarray():
+                return array('H', [0])
+        else:
+            def newarray():
+                return bytearray([0])
+        def iterrgb():
+            for row in pixels:
+                a = newarray() * 3 * width
+                for i in range(3):
+                    a[i::3] = row
+                yield a
+        return width, height, iterrgb(), info
+    def asRGBA(self):
+        """
+        Return image as RGBA pixels.
+        Greyscales are expanded into RGB triplets;
+        an alpha channel is synthesized if necessary.
+        The return values are as for the :meth:`read` method except that
+        the *info* reflect the returned pixels, not the source image.
+        In particular, for this method
+        ``info['greyscale']`` will be ``False``, and
+        ``info['alpha']`` will be ``True``.
+        """
+        width, height, pixels, info = self.asDirect()
+        if info['alpha'] and not info['greyscale']:
+            return width, height, pixels, info
+        typecode = 'BH'[info['bitdepth'] > 8]
+        maxval = 2**info['bitdepth'] - 1
+        maxbuffer = struct.pack('=' + typecode, maxval) * 4 * width
+        if info['bitdepth'] > 8:
+            def newarray():
+                return array('H', maxbuffer)
+        else:
+            def newarray():
+                return bytearray(maxbuffer)
+        if info['alpha'] and info['greyscale']:
+            # LA to RGBA
+            def convert():
+                for row in pixels:
+                    # Create a fresh target row, then copy L channel
+                    # into first three target channels, and A channel
+                    # into fourth channel.
+                    a = newarray()
+                    convert_la_to_rgba(row, a)
+                    yield a
+        elif info['greyscale']:
+            # L to RGBA
+            def convert():
+                for row in pixels:
+                    a = newarray()
+                    convert_l_to_rgba(row, a)
+                    yield a
+        else:
+            assert not info['alpha'] and not info['greyscale']
+            # RGB to RGBA
+            def convert():
+                for row in pixels:
+                    a = newarray()
+                    convert_rgb_to_rgba(row, a)
+                    yield a
+        info['alpha'] = True
+        info['greyscale'] = False
+        info['planes'] = 4
+        return width, height, convert(), info
+def decompress(data_blocks):
+    """
+    `data_blocks` should be an iterable that
+    yields the compressed data (from the ``IDAT`` chunks).
+    This yields decompressed byte strings.
+    """
+    # Currently, with no max_length parameter to decompress,
+    # this routine will do one yield per IDAT chunk: Not very
+    # incremental.
+    d = zlib.decompressobj()
+    # Each IDAT chunk is passed to the decompressor, then any
+    # remaining state is decompressed out.
+    for data in data_blocks:
+        # :todo: add a max_length argument here to limit output size.
+        yield bytearray(d.decompress(data))
+    yield bytearray(d.flush())
+def check_bitdepth_colortype(bitdepth, colortype):
+    """
+    Check that `bitdepth` and `colortype` are both valid,
+    and specified in a valid combination.
+    Returns (None) if valid, raise an Exception if not valid.
+    """
+    if bitdepth not in (1, 2, 4, 8, 16):
+        raise FormatError("invalid bit depth %d" % bitdepth)
+    if colortype not in (0, 2, 3, 4, 6):
+        raise FormatError("invalid colour type %d" % colortype)
+    # Check indexed (palettized) images have 8 or fewer bits
+    # per pixel; check only indexed or greyscale images have
+    # fewer than 8 bits per pixel.
+    if colortype & 1 and bitdepth > 8:
+        raise FormatError(
+            "Indexed images (colour type %d) cannot"
+            " have bitdepth > 8 (bit depth %d)."
+            " See ."
+            % (bitdepth, colortype))
+    if bitdepth < 8 and colortype not in (0, 3):
+        raise FormatError(
+            "Illegal combination of bit depth (%d)"
+            " and colour type (%d)."
+            " See ."
+            % (bitdepth, colortype))
+def is_natural(x):
+    """A non-negative integer."""
+    try:
+        is_integer = int(x) == x
+    except (TypeError, ValueError):
+        return False
+    return is_integer and x >= 0
+def undo_filter_sub(filter_unit, scanline, previous, result):
+    """Undo sub filter."""
+    ai = 0
+    # Loops starts at index fu.  Observe that the initial part
+    # of the result is already filled in correctly with
+    # scanline.
+    for i in range(filter_unit, len(result)):
+        x = scanline[i]
+        a = result[ai]
+        result[i] = (x + a) & 0xff
+        ai += 1
+def undo_filter_up(filter_unit, scanline, previous, result):
+    """Undo up filter."""
+    for i in range(len(result)):
+        x = scanline[i]
+        b = previous[i]
+        result[i] = (x + b) & 0xff
+def undo_filter_average(filter_unit, scanline, previous, result):
+    """Undo up filter."""
+    ai = -filter_unit
+    for i in range(len(result)):
+        x = scanline[i]
+        if ai < 0:
+            a = 0
+        else:
+            a = result[ai]
+        b = previous[i]
+        result[i] = (x + ((a + b) >> 1)) & 0xff
+        ai += 1
+def undo_filter_paeth(filter_unit, scanline, previous, result):
+    """Undo Paeth filter."""
+    # Also used for ci.
+    ai = -filter_unit
+    for i in range(len(result)):
+        x = scanline[i]
+        if ai < 0:
+            a = c = 0
+        else:
+            a = result[ai]
+            c = previous[ai]
+        b = previous[i]
+        p = a + b - c
+        pa = abs(p - a)
+        pb = abs(p - b)
+        pc = abs(p - c)
+        if pa <= pb and pa <= pc:
+            pr = a
+        elif pb <= pc:
+            pr = b
+        else:
+            pr = c
+        result[i] = (x + pr) & 0xff
+        ai += 1
+def convert_la_to_rgba(row, result):
+    for i in range(3):
+        result[i::4] = row[0::2]
+    result[3::4] = row[1::2]
+def convert_l_to_rgba(row, result):
+    """
+    Convert a grayscale image to RGBA.
+    This method assumes the alpha channel in result is
+    already correctly initialized.
+    """
+    for i in range(3):
+        result[i::4] = row
+def convert_rgb_to_rgba(row, result):
+    """
+    Convert an RGB image to RGBA.
+    This method assumes the alpha channel in result is
+    already correctly initialized.
+    """
+    for i in range(3):
+        result[i::4] = row[i::3]
+# Only reason to include this in this module is that
+# several utilities need it, and it is small.
+def binary_stdin():
+    """
+    A sys.stdin that returns bytes.
+    """
+    return sys.stdin.buffer
+def binary_stdout():
+    """
+    A sys.stdout that accepts bytes.
+    """
+    stdout = sys.stdout.buffer
+    # On Windows the C runtime file orientation needs changing.
+    if sys.platform == "win32":
+        import msvcrt
+        import os
+        msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
+    return stdout
+def cli_open(path):
+    if path == "-":
+        return binary_stdin()
+    return open(path, "rb")
+def main(argv):
+    """
+    Run command line PNG.
+    Which reports version.
+    """
+    print(__version__, __file__)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    try:
+        main(sys.argv)
+    except Error as e:
+        print(e, file=sys.stderr)
diff --git a/themes/ b/themes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88616ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import re
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from pathlib import Path
+import png
+STRIP_CHARS = '", '
+class XpmConfig:
+    width: int
+    height: int
+    colors: int
+    char: int
+def get_xpm_config(config_str: str):
+    s = config_str.strip(STRIP_CHARS).split(' ')
+    width = int(s[0])
+    height = int(s[1])
+    colors = int(s[2])
+    ch = int(s[3])
+    return XpmConfig(width, height, colors, ch)
+def get_colors(xpm: list, config: XpmConfig):
+    colors = {}
+    for i, line in enumerate(xpm):
+        if i >= config.colors:
+            break
+        line = line.strip(STRIP_CHARS)
+        ch = line[:config.char]
+        if 'none' in line.lower():
+            color = 'none'
+        else:
+            x = line.find('c #')
+            s = line[x + 3:]
+            color = '#' + line[5] + line[6] + line[9] + line[10] + line[13] + line[14] if (len(s) > 6) else '#' + s
+        colors[ch] = color
+    return colors
+def hex2rgb(hex_str: str):
+    hex_re = re.compile(r'^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$', re.IGNORECASE)
+    result = hex_re.match(hex_str)
+    if not result:
+        return None
+    return {
+        'r': int(result[1], 16),
+        'g': int(result[2], 16),
+        'b': int(result[3], 16),
+    }
+def get_pixels(xpm: list, config: XpmConfig, colors: dict):
+    pixels = []
+    for i, line in enumerate(xpm):
+        row = []
+        line = line.strip(STRIP_CHARS)
+        for j in range(0, len(line), config.char):
+            ch = line[j:j + config.char]
+            color = colors[ch]
+            try:
+                if color == 'none':
+                    p = [255, 255, 255, 0]
+                else:
+                    rgb = hex2rgb(color)
+                    p = [rgb['r'], rgb['g'], rgb['b'], 255]
+                row.extend(p)
+            except Exception as e:
+                print(f'Error parsing line {i} ({line}): {e}')
+        pixels.append(row)
+    return pixels
+def xpm2png(xpm_file: Path, png_file: Path):
+    xpm = xpm_file.read_text().splitlines()
+    xpm = xpm[2:-1]  # skip header
+    xpm_cfg = get_xpm_config(xpm[0])
+    xpm = xpm[1:]  # skip config
+    colors = get_colors(xpm, xpm_cfg)
+    xpm = xpm[xpm_cfg.colors:]  # skip colors
+    pixels = get_pixels(xpm, xpm_cfg, colors)
+    return png.from_array(pixels, 'RGBA').save(png_file)