If displaying more then one label, description label takes to much space in deskbar mode.
Submitted by Nikola
Assigned to Harald Judt
Created attachment 9111 Old and new look.
In previous versions, I could not know what was Apparent temperature and what was Temperature. But it wasn't the problem since I could see some temperature. I would add 4 Temperatures, and one Apparent, and I would know what is what by waiting a bit. Now, since I use panel in deskbar mode, "T: " Takes to much space. I would like to have the option should it display more description. Also, previously, icon was larger, and would be half off the screen, witch was something that I also liked since I don't need full icon to see what was the weather. That enabled me to have all weather information in one row. Can I modify this myself somehow? Or add option to customize position of icon or something? I will add old picture and new.
Attachment 9111, "Old and new look.":
Version: 0.10.0