Synchronize CLIPBOARD to PRIMARY selection?
Submitted by Olivier
Assigned to Mike Massonnet
When the "CLIPBOARD buffer" is changed, for example when hitting "CTRL+C" in an application, the "PRIMARY selection" is not updated by Clipman, even if synchronization is activated in Clipman. Therefore, it is not possible to paste the content in a terminal by pressing the Middle Mouse Button.
Example: If I click on a cell in LibreOffice Calc, and if I copy the content of the cell with "CTRL+C", only the "CLIPBOARD buffer" is changed and I am unable to paste the text in a terminal because the "PRIMARY selection" is not updated.
- Is it the expected behavior?
- How to paste what was selected with "CTRL+C" when the "PRIMARY selection" is not updated?
- Could there be a setting to synchronize in the direction from "CLIPBOARD" to "PRIMARY selection"?
Clipman 1.4.3 Xfce 4.12 (Debian)