diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 277e4746260812763fa8f4819995b59f4cdfe779..7517eef8eb426a819c0b0c6694f227ee82013050 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2006-09-20 18:16 nick
+	* Removed all the toolips in the configure dialog and
+	  added a help button (launch exo-open).
+2006-09-10 11:23 nick
+	* Fix typo in tooltip
 2006-09-05 22:00 nick
 	* Fix typo in desktop file
@@ -25,7 +34,7 @@
 2006-08-10 10:23 piarres
-	* add xfce4-clipman-plugin basque translation 
+	* add xfce4-clipman-plugin basque translation
 2006-08-09 20:48 nick
@@ -120,10 +129,10 @@
 2006-04-20 15:01 nick
-	* panel-plugin/clipman-dialog.c: 
+	* panel-plugin/clipman-dialog.c:
   	* Destroy dialog when plugin is closed
   	* Toggle buttons now apply directly
-	* panel-plugin/clipman.c: 
+	* panel-plugin/clipman.c:
   	* Fix mem leak in read function.
   	* Remove Primairy clips when selection is ignored
   	* Improved the menu destroy function stuff
@@ -134,12 +143,12 @@
 2006-04-09 19:46 nick
-	* panel-plugin/clipman-dialog.c: 
+	* panel-plugin/clipman-dialog.c:
   	* Splitup in tabs
   	* Added tooltips
   	* Removed color button
   	* Removed about dialog
-	* panel-plugin/clipman.c: 
+	* panel-plugin/clipman.c:
   	* Patch from Daichi
   	* Fix crash in free function
   	* Removed colors
@@ -158,10 +167,10 @@
 2005-12-01 13:29 nick
-	* panel-plugin/clipman.c: 
+	* panel-plugin/clipman.c:
   	* Added function clipman_replace_text (code moved from clipman_item_clicked)
   	* Moke some functions shared for use with new dialogs
-	* panel-plugin/clipman-dialog.c: 
+	* panel-plugin/clipman-dialog.c:
   	* Added new rightclick dialog with option to change the clip content.
 	  clipman_question, clipman_question_response
   	* Added clipman_edit, clipman_edit_response
diff --git a/panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c b/panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c
index 1e03f4a2dee22e7872f2d6520c5a515469442bb9..bec751dec2a34fd003fce3ef76862f6b3aef83e3 100644
--- a/panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c
+++ b/panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
 #include "clipman.h"
 #include "clipman-dialogs.h"
+#define GOODIES "http://goodies.xfce.org"
+#define WEBSITE "http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-clipman-plugin"
 typedef struct
     ClipmanPlugin *clipman;
@@ -53,32 +56,54 @@ clipman_configure_response (GtkWidget      *dialog,
                             int             response,
                             ClipmanOptions *options)
-        DBG("Destroy the dialog");
-        g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (options->clipman->plugin), "dialog", NULL);
+    GtkWidget *message;
-        if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (options->Behaviour)))
-            options->clipman->Behaviour = NORMAL;
-        else
-            options->clipman->Behaviour = STRICTLY;
-        if (options->clipman->HistoryItems != gtk_range_get_value (GTK_RANGE (options->HistorySize)))
+	if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_HELP)
-	    options->clipman->HistoryItems   = gtk_range_get_value (GTK_RANGE (options->HistorySize));
-            clipman_check_array_len (options->clipman);
+		if (!xfce_exec_on_screen (gtk_widget_get_screen (dialog),
+            "exo-open --launch WebBrowser " WEBSITE,
+            FALSE, FALSE, NULL))
+        {
+             message = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (dialog)),
+                                  GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
+                                  GTK_MESSAGE_INFO,
+                                  GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE,
+                                  "%s\n\n%s",
+                                  _("Visit the goodies website for more information about this plugin."),
+                                  GOODIES);
+             gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (message));
+             gtk_widget_destroy (message);
+        }
+        return;
-        options->clipman->MenuCharacters = gtk_range_get_value (GTK_RANGE (options->ItemChars));
+    DBG("Destroy the dialog");
+    g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (options->clipman->plugin), "dialog", NULL);
+    if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (options->Behaviour)))
+        options->clipman->Behaviour = NORMAL;
+    else
+        options->clipman->Behaviour = STRICTLY;
+    if (options->clipman->HistoryItems != gtk_range_get_value (GTK_RANGE (options->HistorySize)))
+    {
+        options->clipman->HistoryItems   = gtk_range_get_value (GTK_RANGE (options->HistorySize));
+        clipman_check_array_len (options->clipman);
+    }
+    options->clipman->MenuCharacters = gtk_range_get_value (GTK_RANGE (options->ItemChars));
-        clipman_save (options->clipman->plugin, options->clipman);
+    clipman_save (options->clipman->plugin, options->clipman);
-        clipman_remove_selection_clips (options->clipman);
+    clipman_remove_selection_clips (options->clipman);
-        xfce_panel_plugin_unblock_menu (options->clipman->plugin);
+    xfce_panel_plugin_unblock_menu (options->clipman->plugin);
-        gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
+    gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
-        panel_slice_free (ClipmanOptions, options);
+    panel_slice_free (ClipmanOptions, options);
 static void
@@ -136,12 +161,9 @@ clipman_configure (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin,
     GtkWidget      *dialog, *dialog_vbox, *frame, *button, *label;
     GtkWidget      *vbox, *hbox, *notebook_vbox, *notebook;
-    GtkTooltips    *tooltips;
     ClipmanOptions *options;
     GSList         *group;
-    tooltips = gtk_tooltips_new ();
     options = panel_slice_new0 (ClipmanOptions);
     options->clipman = clipman;
@@ -150,10 +172,9 @@ clipman_configure (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin,
     dialog = xfce_titled_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Clipboard Manager"),
                                                   GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (plugin))),
                                                   GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | GTK_DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR,
+                                                  GTK_STOCK_HELP, GTK_RESPONSE_HELP,
                                                   GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, GTK_RESPONSE_OK,
-/*    xfce_titled_dialog_set_subtitle (XFCE_TITLED_DIALOG (dialog),
-                                     _("Configure the clipboard manager plugin")); */
     gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
     gtk_window_set_icon_name (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), "xfce4-settings");
@@ -187,18 +208,10 @@ clipman_configure (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin,
     g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "toggled",
             G_CALLBACK (toggle_button), options);
-    gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button,
-                          _("Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
-			    "restore it when you login again."), NULL);
     button = options->IgnoreSelection = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Ignore selections"));
     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
     gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button), clipman->IgnoreSelect);
-    gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button,
-                          _("Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of "
-			    "the selection in the history."), NULL);
     g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "toggled",
             G_CALLBACK (toggle_button), options);
@@ -209,9 +222,6 @@ clipman_configure (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin,
     g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "toggled",
             G_CALLBACK (toggle_button), options);
-    gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button,
-                          _("Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent "
-			    "history item will be added to the clipboard."), NULL);
     label = gtk_label_new (_("<b>General</b>"));
     gtk_frame_set_label_widget (GTK_FRAME (frame), label);
@@ -234,12 +244,6 @@ clipman_configure (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin,
     button = options->Behaviour = gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic (group, _("Normal clipboard _management"));
     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-    gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button,
-                          _("When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the "
-			    "Clipman history from the selection clipboard,  only the content "
-			    "location will be changed.\n\nWhen a history item is clicked, the "
-			    "content will be copied to both clipboards."), NULL);
     gtk_radio_button_set_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (button), group);
     group = gtk_radio_button_get_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (button));
@@ -249,16 +253,6 @@ clipman_configure (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin,
     button = gtk_radio_button_new_with_mnemonic (group, _("Strictly separate _both clipboards"));
     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-    gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button,
-                          _("When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman history, "
-                            "there will also be a duplicate in the history from the selection clipboard."
-                            "\n\n"
-                            "When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
-                            "clipboard it origionally came from."
-                            "\n\n"
-                            "This options will work best when you "
-                            "select the \"Separate Clipboards\" option from the Appearance tab."), NULL);
     gtk_radio_button_set_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (button), group);
     group = gtk_radio_button_get_group (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (button));
@@ -297,9 +291,6 @@ clipman_configure (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin,
     g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "toggled",
             G_CALLBACK (toggle_button), options);
-    gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button,
-                          _("Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."), NULL);
     button = options->SeparateMenu = gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic (_("Se_parate clipboards"));
     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
     gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (button), clipman->SeparateMenu);
@@ -307,9 +298,6 @@ clipman_configure (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin,
     g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "toggled",
             G_CALLBACK (toggle_button), options);
-    gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button,
-                          _("Select this option to split up the clipboard and selection history."), NULL);
     label = gtk_label_new (_("<b>Menu Appearance</b>"));
     gtk_frame_set_label_widget (GTK_FRAME (frame), label);
     gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);
@@ -345,9 +333,6 @@ clipman_configure (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin,
     gtk_scale_set_draw_value (GTK_SCALE (button), FALSE);
     gtk_scale_set_digits (GTK_SCALE (button), 0);
-    gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button,
-                          _("The number of items stored in the history list."), NULL);
     button = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range(MINHISTORY, MAXHISTORY, 1);
     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), button, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
     gtk_spin_button_set_value(GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(button), clipman->HistoryItems);
@@ -371,9 +356,6 @@ clipman_configure (XfcePanelPlugin *plugin,
     gtk_scale_set_draw_value (GTK_SCALE (button), FALSE);
     gtk_scale_set_digits (GTK_SCALE (button), 0);
-    gtk_tooltips_set_tip (tooltips, button,
-                          _("The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of characters, the history label will be ellipsized."), NULL);
     button = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range(MINCHARS, MAXCHARS, 1);
     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), button, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
     gtk_spin_button_set_value(GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(button), clipman->MenuCharacters);
diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po
index 5d9ac1b0a772cf6b356d7cc38f7db224a271dddb..b277f065f8ee7695e9fa7a296f8eb65d5fb725c0 100644
--- a/po/ca.po
+++ b/po/ca.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: ca\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-08 21:36+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-10 18:14+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-08-16 15:45+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Pau Ruŀlan Ferragut <paurullan@bulma.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: Catalan\n"
@@ -18,75 +18,39 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:150 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:72
+msgid "Visit the goodies website for more information about this plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:172 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
 msgid "Clipboard Manager"
 msgstr "Gestor de porta-retalls"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:183
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:204
 msgid "Save clipboard contents on _exit"
 msgstr "Desa el contingut del porta-retalls _en sortir"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:191
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
-"restore it when you login again."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:194
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:211
 msgid "_Ignore selections"
 msgstr "_Ignora les seleccions"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:199
-msgid ""
-"Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of the "
-"selection in the history."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:205
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:218
 msgid "Pre_vent empty clipboard"
 msgstr "E_vita tenir el porta-retalls buit"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:213
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
-"item will be added to the clipboard."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:216
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:226
 msgid "<b>General</b>"
 msgstr "<b>General</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:234
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:244
 msgid "Normal clipboard _management"
 msgstr "Gestió del porta-retalls nor_mal"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:238
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman history "
-"from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be changed.\n"
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:249
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
 msgid "Strictly separate _both clipboards"
 msgstr "Separa estríctament am_bdós porta-retalls"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman history, "
-"there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the selection "
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
-"clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
-"This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
-"option from the Appearance tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:268
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:262
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Clipboard Behaviour</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Comportament del porta-retalls</b>"
@@ -94,57 +58,37 @@ msgstr "<b>Comportament del porta-retalls</b>"
 #. *
 #. * Notebook label
 #. *
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:276
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:270
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "<b>General</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:293
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:287
 msgid "_Show item numbers"
 msgstr "Mo_stra el nombre de l’element"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
-msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:303
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:294
 msgid "Se_parate clipboards"
 msgstr "Se_para els porta-retalls"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:311
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:313
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Menu Appearance</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Aparença del menú</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:335
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:323
 msgid "Clipboard history items:"
 msgstr "Historial del porta-retalls:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:349
-msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:362
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:347
 msgid "Menu item characters:"
 msgstr "Menú dels caràcters dels elements:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:375
-msgid ""
-"The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
-"characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:387
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:369
 msgid "<b>Numbers</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Nombres</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:392
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:374
 msgid "Appearance"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
index 30b7ebd1f579f42b386f262fff94f30eae349da0..659cbbc39eabba50d940b8aa6c704ecf676d83f6 100644
--- a/po/cs.po
+++ b/po/cs.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: cs\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-08 21:36+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-10 18:14+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-08-26 21:16+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Michal Várady <miko.vaji@gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Czech <translation-team-cs@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
@@ -21,75 +21,39 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Poedit-Country: CZECH REPUBLIC\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:150 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:72
+msgid "Visit the goodies website for more information about this plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:172 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
 msgid "Clipboard Manager"
 msgstr "Správce schránky"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:183
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:204
 msgid "Save clipboard contents on _exit"
 msgstr "Uložit obsah schránky při _ukončení"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:191
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
-"restore it when you login again."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:194
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:211
 msgid "_Ignore selections"
 msgstr "_Ignorovat výběry"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:199
-msgid ""
-"Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of the "
-"selection in the history."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:205
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:218
 msgid "Pre_vent empty clipboard"
 msgstr "_Zamezit vyprázdnění schránky"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:213
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
-"item will be added to the clipboard."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:216
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:226
 msgid "<b>General</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Obecné</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:234
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:244
 msgid "Normal clipboard _management"
 msgstr "_Správa běžné schránky"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:238
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman history "
-"from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be changed.\n"
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:249
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
 msgid "Strictly separate _both clipboards"
 msgstr "Striktně oddělit _obě schránky"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman history, "
-"there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the selection "
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
-"clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
-"This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
-"option from the Appearance tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:268
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:262
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Clipboard Behaviour</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Chování schránky</b>"
@@ -97,57 +61,37 @@ msgstr "<b>Chování schránky</b>"
 #. *
 #. * Notebook label
 #. *
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:276
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:270
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "<b>Obecné</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:293
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:287
 msgid "_Show item numbers"
 msgstr "_Zobrazovat čísla položek"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
-msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:303
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:294
 msgid "Se_parate clipboards"
 msgstr "O_ddělit schránky"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:311
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:313
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Menu Appearance</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Vzhled nabídky</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:335
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:323
 msgid "Clipboard history items:"
 msgstr "Položky historie nabídky:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:349
-msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:362
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:347
 msgid "Menu item characters:"
 msgstr "Znaky položek nabídky:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:375
-msgid ""
-"The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
-"characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:387
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:369
 msgid "<b>Numbers</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Čísla</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:392
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:374
 msgid "Appearance"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po
index 64d1d1dc10174c655826c63d40a0d9f106726570..582c66ab8d66e7f617862646ca491b0816459d88 100644
--- a/po/eu.po
+++ b/po/eu.po
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: eu\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-08 21:36+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-10 18:14+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-04 00:29+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <pi@beobide.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: librezale <librezale@librezale.org>\n"
@@ -22,150 +22,74 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Poedit-Country: HUNGARY\n"
 "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:150 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:72
+msgid "Visit the goodies website for more information about this plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:172 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
 msgid "Clipboard Manager"
 msgstr "Arbel Kudeatzailea"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:183
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:204
 msgid "Save clipboard contents on _exit"
 msgstr "_Irteterakoan arbel edukiak gorde"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:191
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
-"restore it when you login again."
-msgstr ""
-"Hautatu aukera hau xfce uztean arbel historia gordetzea eta saioa berriz "
-"astean berreskuratzea nahi baduzu."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:194
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:211
 msgid "_Ignore selections"
 msgstr "_Hautapenak alde batera utzi"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:199
-msgid ""
-"Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of the "
-"selection in the history."
-msgstr ""
-"Hautatu aukera hau clipman-ek hautapenaren edukia historian gorde ez dezan."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:205
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:218
 msgid "Pre_vent empty clipboard"
 msgstr "Arbel hutsa Au_rreikusi"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:213
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
-"item will be added to the clipboard."
-msgstr ""
-"Hautatu aukera hau arbela hutsi geratzea sahiesteko. Azkenengo historia "
-"elementua arbelara gehitua izango da."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:216
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:226
 msgid "<b>General</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Orokorra</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:234
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:244
 msgid "Normal clipboard _management"
 msgstr "Arbel _kudeaketa arrunta"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:238
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman history "
-"from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be changed.\n"
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
-msgstr ""
-"Clipman historian dagoeneko badagoen testu bat kopiatu edo mozterakoan.  "
-"Edukiaren kokalekua bakarrik aldatuko da.\n"
-"Historia elementu bat klikatzerakoan edukia bi arbeletara kopiatuko da."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:249
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
 msgid "Strictly separate _both clipboards"
 msgstr "_Bi arbelak guztiz bereizi"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman history, "
-"there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the selection "
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
-"clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
-"This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
-"option from the Appearance tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Testu bat kopiatu edo ebakitzerakoan berau clipman historiara gehituko da, "
-"orduan errepikatze bat egongo da historian hautapen arbeletik.\n"
-"Hsitoria elementu bat klikatzerakoan, edukia jatorriz elementua zegoen "
-"arbelara kopiatua izango da.\n"
-"Aukera honek hobe funtzionatzen du \"Bereiziriko Arbelak\" hautatu ezkero "
-"Itxura fitxan."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:268
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:262
 msgid "<b>Clipboard Behaviour</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Arbela portaera</b>"
 #. *
 #. * Notebook label
 #. *
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:276
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:270
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Orokorra"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:293
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:287
 msgid "_Show item numbers"
 msgstr "Elementu _Zenbakiak Bistarazi"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
-msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
-msgstr "Hautatu aukera hau elementu zenbakiak historia zerrendanbistaratzeko."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:303
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:294
 msgid "Se_parate clipboards"
 msgstr "Be_reiziriko arbelak"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:311
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
-msgstr ""
-"Hautatu aukera hau historia arbela nagusi eta hautapenetan sailkatzeko."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:313
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
 msgid "<b>Menu Appearance</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Menu Itxura</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:335
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:323
 msgid "Clipboard history items:"
 msgstr "Arbela historia elementuak:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:349
-msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
-msgstr "Historia zerrendan gordeko diren elementu kopurua."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:362
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:347
 msgid "Menu item characters:"
 msgstr "Menu elementu karaktereak:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:375
-msgid ""
-"The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
-"characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
-msgstr ""
-"Historia zerrendan agertuko den karaktere kopurua. Karakete kopuru honen "
-"ondoren historia etiketa laburtua izango da."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:387
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:369
 msgid "<b>Numbers</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Zenbakiak</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:392
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:374
 msgid "Appearance"
 msgstr "Itxura"
@@ -204,3 +128,77 @@ msgstr "Xfce idazmahaierako arbel kudeatzailea"
 #: ../panel-plugin/clipman.desktop.in.in.h:2
 msgid "Clipman"
 msgstr "Clipman"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
+#~ "restore it when you login again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hautatu aukera hau xfce uztean arbel historia gordetzea eta saioa berriz "
+#~ "astean berreskuratzea nahi baduzu."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of "
+#~ "the selection in the history."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hautatu aukera hau clipman-ek hautapenaren edukia historian gorde ez "
+#~ "dezan."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
+#~ "item will be added to the clipboard."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hautatu aukera hau arbela hutsi geratzea sahiesteko. Azkenengo historia "
+#~ "elementua arbelara gehitua izango da."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman "
+#~ "history from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be "
+#~ "changed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
+#~ "clipboards."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Clipman historian dagoeneko badagoen testu bat kopiatu edo mozterakoan.  "
+#~ "Edukiaren kokalekua bakarrik aldatuko da.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Historia elementu bat klikatzerakoan edukia bi arbeletara kopiatuko da."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman "
+#~ "history, there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the "
+#~ "selection clipboard.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
+#~ "clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
+#~ "option from the Appearance tab."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Testu bat kopiatu edo ebakitzerakoan berau clipman historiara gehituko "
+#~ "da, orduan errepikatze bat egongo da historian hautapen arbeletik.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Hsitoria elementu bat klikatzerakoan, edukia jatorriz elementua zegoen "
+#~ "arbelara kopiatua izango da.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Aukera honek hobe funtzionatzen du \"Bereiziriko Arbelak\" hautatu ezkero "
+#~ "Itxura fitxan."
+#~ msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hautatu aukera hau elementu zenbakiak historia zerrendanbistaratzeko."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
+#~ "clipboard."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Hautatu aukera hau historia arbela nagusi eta hautapenetan sailkatzeko."
+#~ msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
+#~ msgstr "Historia zerrendan gordeko diren elementu kopurua."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
+#~ "characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Historia zerrendan agertuko den karaktere kopurua. Karakete kopuru honen "
+#~ "ondoren historia etiketa laburtua izango da."
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
index 4eacf4beefe1d7e3efc4535fdd566df93618271f..eafdaf15060a2f98b086a673b67fc3ababb8da5f 100644
--- a/po/fr.po
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: xfce4-clipman-plugin 0.6.2\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-08 21:36+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-10 18:14+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-03 23:18+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gerald Barre <g.barre@free.fr>\n"
 "Language-Team: French <xfce-i18n@xfce.org>\n"
@@ -17,158 +17,74 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:150 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:72
+msgid "Visit the goodies website for more information about this plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:172 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
 msgid "Clipboard Manager"
 msgstr "Gestionnaire de presse-papiers"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:183
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:204
 msgid "Save clipboard contents on _exit"
 msgstr "_Enregistrer le contenu du presse-papiers en quittant"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:191
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
-"restore it when you login again."
-msgstr ""
-"Sélectionner cette option pour enregistrer l'historique du presse-papiers "
-"quand vous quittez Xfce et pour la restaurer quand vous accédez de nouveau à "
-"votre compte."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:194
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:211
 msgid "_Ignore selections"
 msgstr "_Ignorer les sélections"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:199
-msgid ""
-"Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of the "
-"selection in the history."
-msgstr ""
-"Sélectionner cette option pour empêcher Clipman d'inclure le contenu de la "
-"sélection dans l'historique. "
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:205
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:218
 msgid "Pre_vent empty clipboard"
 msgstr "Éviter un presse-papiers _vide"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:213
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
-"item will be added to the clipboard."
-msgstr ""
-"Sélectionner cette option pour éviter d'avoir un presse-papiers vide. "
-"L'élément le plus récent de l'historique sera ajouté au presse-papiers."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:216
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:226
 msgid "<b>General</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Général</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:234
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:244
 msgid "Normal clipboard _management"
 msgstr "Gestion nor_male du presse-papiers"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:238
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman history "
-"from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be changed.\n"
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
-msgstr ""
-"Si vous avez copié ou coupé du texte et qu'il se trouve déjà dans "
-"l'historique du presse-papiers de sélection, seul l'emplacement du contenu "
-"sera changé.\n"
-"Si un élément de l'historique est cliqué, son contenu sera copié dans les "
-"deux presse-papiers."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:249
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
 msgid "Strictly separate _both clipboards"
 msgstr "Séparer les deux _presse-papiers"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman history, "
-"there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the selection "
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
-"clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
-"This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
-"option from the Appearance tab."
-msgstr ""
-"Quand vous avez copié ou coupé du texte, celui-ci sera ajouté dans "
-"l'historique du Presse-papiers, il sera aussi recopié dans l'historique du "
-"presse-papiers de sélection.\n"
-"Si un élément de l'historique est cliqué, le contenu de celui-ci ne sera "
-"copié que dans le presse-papiers d'origine.\n"
-"Cette option fonctionnera bien mieux si vous sélectionnez l'option \"Séparer "
-"les presses-papiers\" dans l'onglet Apparence."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:268
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:262
 msgid "<b>Clipboard Behaviour</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Comportement du presse-papiers</b>"
 #. *
 #. * Notebook label
 #. *
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:276
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:270
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Général"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:293
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:287
 msgid "_Show item numbers"
 msgstr "_Afficher les numéros des éléments"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
-msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-"Sélectionner cette option pour afficher les numéros des éléments dans la "
-"liste de l'historique."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:303
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:294
 msgid "Se_parate clipboards"
 msgstr "Sé_parer les presses-papiers"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:311
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
-msgstr ""
-"Sélectionner cette option pour trier la liste de l'historique par sélections "
-"primaires du presse-papiers."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:313
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
 msgid "<b>Menu Appearance</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Apparence du menu</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:335
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:323
 msgid "Clipboard history items:"
 msgstr "Éléments de l'historique du presse-papiers :"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:349
-msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
-msgstr "Le nombre d'éléments stockés dans la liste de l'historique."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:362
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:347
 msgid "Menu item characters:"
 msgstr "Caractères des éléments du menu :"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:375
-msgid ""
-"The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
-"characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
-msgstr ""
-"Le nombre de caractères affichés dans la liste de l'historique. Au delà de "
-"ce nombre, l'étiquette de l'historique sera abrégée."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:387
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:369
 msgid "<b>Numbers</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Nombres</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:392
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:374
 msgid "Appearance"
 msgstr "Apparence"
@@ -208,6 +124,86 @@ msgstr "Gestionnaire de presse-papiers pour l'environnement de bureau Xfce"
 msgid "Clipman"
 msgstr "Clipman"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
+#~ "restore it when you login again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sélectionner cette option pour enregistrer l'historique du presse-papiers "
+#~ "quand vous quittez Xfce et pour la restaurer quand vous accédez de "
+#~ "nouveau à votre compte."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of "
+#~ "the selection in the history."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sélectionner cette option pour empêcher Clipman d'inclure le contenu de "
+#~ "la sélection dans l'historique. "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
+#~ "item will be added to the clipboard."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sélectionner cette option pour éviter d'avoir un presse-papiers vide. "
+#~ "L'élément le plus récent de l'historique sera ajouté au presse-papiers."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman "
+#~ "history from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be "
+#~ "changed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
+#~ "clipboards."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si vous avez copié ou coupé du texte et qu'il se trouve déjà dans "
+#~ "l'historique du presse-papiers de sélection, seul l'emplacement du "
+#~ "contenu sera changé.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Si un élément de l'historique est cliqué, son contenu sera copié dans les "
+#~ "deux presse-papiers."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman "
+#~ "history, there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the "
+#~ "selection clipboard.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
+#~ "clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
+#~ "option from the Appearance tab."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Quand vous avez copié ou coupé du texte, celui-ci sera ajouté dans "
+#~ "l'historique du Presse-papiers, il sera aussi recopié dans l'historique "
+#~ "du presse-papiers de sélection.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Si un élément de l'historique est cliqué, le contenu de celui-ci ne sera "
+#~ "copié que dans le presse-papiers d'origine.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Cette option fonctionnera bien mieux si vous sélectionnez l'option "
+#~ "\"Séparer les presses-papiers\" dans l'onglet Apparence."
+#~ msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sélectionner cette option pour afficher les numéros des éléments dans la "
+#~ "liste de l'historique."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
+#~ "clipboard."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sélectionner cette option pour trier la liste de l'historique par "
+#~ "sélections primaires du presse-papiers."
+#~ msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
+#~ msgstr "Le nombre d'éléments stockés dans la liste de l'historique."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
+#~ "characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Le nombre de caractères affichés dans la liste de l'historique. Au delà "
+#~ "de ce nombre, l'étiquette de l'historique sera abrégée."
 #~ msgid "Properties"
 #~ msgstr "Propriétés"
diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
index f11210b5d7242a21129bcda234e8bcbffde76acb..644a037507bf20b5f4c4d0bcce00d0cb9beb7bd7 100644
--- a/po/hu.po
+++ b/po/hu.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: xfce4-clipman-plugin 0.6.2\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-08 21:36+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-10 18:14+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-03 10:20+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: SZERVÁC Attila <sas@321.hu>\n"
 "Language-Team: Hungarian\n"
@@ -19,136 +19,74 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Poedit-Language: Hungarian\n"
 "X-Poedit-Country: HUNGARY\n"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:150 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:72
+msgid "Visit the goodies website for more information about this plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:172 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
 msgid "Clipboard Manager"
 msgstr "Vágólap kezelő"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:183
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:204
 msgid "Save clipboard contents on _exit"
 msgstr "Vágólap tartalmak mentése kilépéskor"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:191
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
-"restore it when you login again."
-msgstr ""
-"E lehetőséggel az Xfce kilépéskor elmenti a vágólap történetet és a "
-"következő bejelentkezésnél visszaállítja."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:194
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:211
 msgid "_Ignore selections"
 msgstr "Kijelölések k_ihagyása"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:199
-msgid ""
-"Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of the "
-"selection in the history."
-msgstr ""
-"E lehetőség megadásakor a Clipman nem őrzi meg kijelölés tartalmát a "
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:205
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:218
 msgid "Pre_vent empty clipboard"
 msgstr "Üres vágólap tiltása"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:213
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
-"item will be added to the clipboard."
-msgstr ""
-"E lehetőség megelőzi az üres vágólapot. A legutolsó történet elem a "
-"vágólapra kerül."
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:216
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:226
 msgid "<b>General</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Általános</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:234
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:244
 msgid "Normal clipboard _management"
 msgstr "Szokásos vágólap kezelés"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:238
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman history "
-"from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be changed.\n"
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:249
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
 msgid "Strictly separate _both clipboards"
 msgstr "Vágólapok szigorú elválasztása"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman history, "
-"there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the selection "
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
-"clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
-"This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
-"option from the Appearance tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:268
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:262
 msgid "<b>Clipboard Behaviour</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Vágólap viselkedés</b>"
 #. *
 #. * Notebook label
 #. *
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:276
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:270
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Általános"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:293
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:287
 msgid "_Show item numbers"
 msgstr "Elem_számok mutatása"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
-msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:303
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:294
 msgid "Se_parate clipboards"
 msgstr "Külön vágólapok"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:311
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:313
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
 msgid "<b>Menu Appearance</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Menü megjelenés</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:335
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:323
 msgid "Clipboard history items:"
 msgstr "Vágólap történet elemek:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:349
-msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:362
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:347
 msgid "Menu item characters:"
 msgstr "Menü elem karakterek:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:375
-msgid ""
-"The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
-"characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:387
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:369
 msgid "<b>Numbers</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Számok</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:392
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:374
 msgid "Appearance"
 msgstr "Megjelenés"
@@ -188,6 +126,27 @@ msgstr "Egy Xfce vágólap kezelő"
 msgid "Clipman"
 msgstr "Clipman"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
+#~ "restore it when you login again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "E lehetőséggel az Xfce kilépéskor elmenti a vágólap történetet és a "
+#~ "következő bejelentkezésnél visszaállítja."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of "
+#~ "the selection in the history."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "E lehetőség megadásakor a Clipman nem őrzi meg kijelölés tartalmát a "
+#~ "történetben."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
+#~ "item will be added to the clipboard."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "E lehetőség megelőzi az üres vágólapot. A legutolsó történet elem a "
+#~ "vágólapra kerül."
 #~ msgid "Properties"
 #~ msgstr "Tulajdonságok"
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index f6bca8a2b3216ec913fc3251f4a41d39dbdfa389..c8a4add5345d136262825e41dadf58332cc11565 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: xfce4-clipman-plugin 0.6.2\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-08 21:36+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-10 18:14+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-04-09 19:04+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: Daichi Kawahata <daichi@xfce.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <xfce-users-jp@ml.fdiary.net>\n"
@@ -17,75 +17,39 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:150 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:72
+msgid "Visit the goodies website for more information about this plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:172 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
 msgid "Clipboard Manager"
 msgstr "クリップボードマネージャー"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:183
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:204
 msgid "Save clipboard contents on _exit"
 msgstr "終了時にクリップボードの内容を保存する(_E)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:191
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
-"restore it when you login again."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:194
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:211
 msgid "_Ignore selections"
 msgstr "領域選択を無視する(_I)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:199
-msgid ""
-"Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of the "
-"selection in the history."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:205
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:218
 msgid "Pre_vent empty clipboard"
 msgstr "クリップボードを空にしない(_V)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:213
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
-"item will be added to the clipboard."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:216
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:226
 msgid "<b>General</b>"
 msgstr "<b>全般</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:234
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:244
 msgid "Normal clipboard _management"
 msgstr "通常のクリップボード管理(_M)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:238
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman history "
-"from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be changed.\n"
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:249
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
 msgid "Strictly separate _both clipboards"
 msgstr "クリップボードを二つに分ける(_B)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman history, "
-"there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the selection "
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
-"clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
-"This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
-"option from the Appearance tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:268
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:262
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Clipboard Behaviour</b>"
 msgstr "<b>クリップボードの振る舞い</b>"
@@ -93,57 +57,37 @@ msgstr "<b>クリップボードの振る舞い</b>"
 #. *
 #. * Notebook label
 #. *
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:276
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:270
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "<b>全般</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:293
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:287
 msgid "_Show item numbers"
 msgstr "アイテム数を表示する(_S)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
-msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:303
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:294
 msgid "Se_parate clipboards"
 msgstr "クリップボードを分割する(_P)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:311
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:313
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Menu Appearance</b>"
 msgstr "<b>メニューの外観</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:335
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:323
 msgid "Clipboard history items:"
 msgstr "クリップボードの履歴アイテム数:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:349
-msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:362
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:347
 msgid "Menu item characters:"
 msgstr "メニューアイテムの文字数:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:375
-msgid ""
-"The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
-"characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:387
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:369
 msgid "<b>Numbers</b>"
 msgstr "<b>æ•°</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:392
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:374
 msgid "Appearance"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
index 4ad42be1e8269acbd92cedafa84c87f44e644ed8..d963a34a5921c9d57affc094846c83f03ce4e91f 100644
--- a/po/pl.po
+++ b/po/pl.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: cs\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-08 21:36+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-10 18:14+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-04-08 12:19+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: Piotr Maliński <admin@rk.edu.pl>\n"
 "Language-Team: Polish <translation-team-pl@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
@@ -16,75 +16,39 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:150 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:72
+msgid "Visit the goodies website for more information about this plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:172 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
 msgid "Clipboard Manager"
 msgstr "Menadżer Schowka"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:183
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:204
 msgid "Save clipboard contents on _exit"
 msgstr "Zapisuj zawartość Schowka przy zamykaniu"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:191
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
-"restore it when you login again."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:194
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:211
 msgid "_Ignore selections"
 msgstr "_Ignoruj zaznaczenia"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:199
-msgid ""
-"Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of the "
-"selection in the history."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:205
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:218
 msgid "Pre_vent empty clipboard"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:213
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
-"item will be added to the clipboard."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:216
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:226
 msgid "<b>General</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Ogólne</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:234
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:244
 msgid "Normal clipboard _management"
 msgstr "_Normalne zarzÄ…dzanie Schowkiem"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:238
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman history "
-"from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be changed.\n"
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:249
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
 msgid "Strictly separate _both clipboards"
 msgstr "Rozdzielaj oba Schowki"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman history, "
-"there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the selection "
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
-"clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
-"This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
-"option from the Appearance tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:268
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:262
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Clipboard Behaviour</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Zachowanie Schowkiem</b>"
@@ -92,57 +56,37 @@ msgstr "<b>Zachowanie Schowkiem</b>"
 #. *
 #. * Notebook label
 #. *
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:276
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:270
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "<b>Ogólne</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:293
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:287
 msgid "_Show item numbers"
 msgstr "_Pokazuj numery obiektów"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
-msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:303
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:294
 msgid "Se_parate clipboards"
 msgstr "Rozdziel Schowki"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:311
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:313
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "<b>Menu Appearance</b>"
 msgstr "<b>WyglÄ…d menu</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:335
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:323
 msgid "Clipboard history items:"
 msgstr "Historia Schowka:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:349
-msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:362
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:347
 msgid "Menu item characters:"
 msgstr "Menu obiektów:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:375
-msgid ""
-"The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
-"characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:387
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:369
 msgid "<b>Numbers</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Liczba</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:392
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:374
 msgid "Appearance"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/xfce4-clipman-plugin.pot b/po/xfce4-clipman-plugin.pot
index c4d2d94410b866c4c617711c5e52f16bda007500..20681401c8948780998f24bd08f77053e7d95dc6 100644
--- a/po/xfce4-clipman-plugin.pot
+++ b/po/xfce4-clipman-plugin.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-08 21:36+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-10 18:14+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -16,130 +16,74 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:150 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
-msgid "Clipboard Manager"
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:72
+msgid "Visit the goodies website for more information about this plugin."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:183
-msgid "Save clipboard contents on _exit"
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:172 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
+msgid "Clipboard Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:191
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
-"restore it when you login again."
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:204
+msgid "Save clipboard contents on _exit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:194
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:211
 msgid "_Ignore selections"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:199
-msgid ""
-"Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of the "
-"selection in the history."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:205
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:218
 msgid "Pre_vent empty clipboard"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:213
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
-"item will be added to the clipboard."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:216
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:226
 msgid "<b>General</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:234
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:244
 msgid "Normal clipboard _management"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:238
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman history "
-"from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be changed.\n"
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:249
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
 msgid "Strictly separate _both clipboards"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman history, "
-"there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the selection "
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
-"clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
-"This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
-"option from the Appearance tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:268
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:262
 msgid "<b>Clipboard Behaviour</b>"
 msgstr ""
 #. *
 #. * Notebook label
 #. *
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:276
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:270
 msgid "General"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:293
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:287
 msgid "_Show item numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
-msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:303
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:294
 msgid "Se_parate clipboards"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:311
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:313
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
 msgid "<b>Menu Appearance</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:335
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:323
 msgid "Clipboard history items:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:349
-msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:362
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:347
 msgid "Menu item characters:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:375
-msgid ""
-"The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
-"characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:387
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:369
 msgid "<b>Numbers</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:392
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:374
 msgid "Appearance"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
index 3d77e05f6ab7fbbdd073adec8835a170aa2ddecd..5e1b26c577bcbb8dbf2add879cb61b27800231e6 100644
--- a/po/zh_TW.po
+++ b/po/zh_TW.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: xfce4-clipman-plugin 0.6.2\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-08 21:36+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-10 18:14+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-09-06 21:25+0800\n"
 "Last-Translator: Hydonsingore Cia <hydonsingore@educities.edu.tw>\n"
 "Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <zh-l10n@linux.org.tw>\n"
@@ -17,137 +17,74 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:150 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:72
+msgid "Visit the goodies website for more information about this plugin."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:172 ../panel-plugin/clipman.c:967
 msgid "Clipboard Manager"
 msgstr "剪貼簿管理程式"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:183
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:204
 msgid "Save clipboard contents on _exit"
 msgstr "離開時儲存剪貼簿內容(_E)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:191
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
-"restore it when you login again."
-msgstr ""
-"選取此項可使剪貼簿中成為歷史的字句在您離開 Xfce 時得以保存,並於您再度登入時"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:194
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:211
 msgid "_Ignore selections"
 msgstr "忽視選取的區域(_I)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:199
-msgid ""
-"Select this option will prevent Clipman from including the contents of the "
-"selection in the history."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:205
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:218
 msgid "Pre_vent empty clipboard"
 msgstr "防止剪貼簿空白(_V)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:213
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
-"item will be added to the clipboard."
-msgstr "選取此項來防止剪貼簿空白。最近的歷史項目將被放入剪貼簿中。"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:216
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:226
 msgid "<b>General</b>"
 msgstr "<b>一般</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:234
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:244
 msgid "Normal clipboard _management"
 msgstr "正常的剪貼簿管理(_M)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:238
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman history "
-"from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be changed.\n"
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
-msgstr ""
-"當您從選取的剪貼簿複製或減下 Clipman 歷史中已經有的字句時,只有內容的位置會改"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:249
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
 msgid "Strictly separate _both clipboards"
 msgstr "嚴格區分兩份剪貼簿(_B)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:253
-msgid ""
-"When you've copied or cut some text it will be added to the Clipman history, "
-"there will also be a duplicate  in the history from the selection "
-"When a history item is clicked, the content will only be copied to the "
-"clipboard it origionally came from.\n"
-"This options will work best when you select the \"Separate Clipboards\" "
-"option from the Appearance tab."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:268
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:262
 msgid "<b>Clipboard Behaviour</b>"
 msgstr "<b>剪貼簿行為</b>"
 #. *
 #. * Notebook label
 #. *
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:276
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:270
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "一般"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:293
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:287
 msgid "_Show item numbers"
 msgstr "顯示項目編號(_S)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
-msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
-msgstr "選取此項可顯示歷史字句清單中的項目編號。"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:303
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:294
 msgid "Se_parate clipboards"
 msgstr "分離剪貼簿(_P)"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:311
-msgid ""
-"Select this option to order the history list by primairy and selection "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:313
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:301
 msgid "<b>Menu Appearance</b>"
 msgstr "<b>選單外觀</b>"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:335
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:323
 msgid "Clipboard history items:"
 msgstr "剪貼簿歷史字句項目:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:349
-msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
-msgstr "歷史字句清單包含的項目多寡。"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:362
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:347
 msgid "Menu item characters:"
 msgstr "選單項目字數:"
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:375
-msgid ""
-"The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
-"characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:387
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:369
 msgid "<b>Numbers</b>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:392
+#: ../panel-plugin/clipman-dialogs.c:374
 msgid "Appearance"
 msgstr "外觀"
@@ -186,3 +123,40 @@ msgstr "Xfce 桌面環境的剪貼簿管理程式"
 #: ../panel-plugin/clipman.desktop.in.in.h:2
 msgid "Clipman"
 msgstr "Clipman"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option to save the clipboard history when you exit Xfce and "
+#~ "restore it when you login again."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "選取此項可使剪貼簿中成為歷史的字句在您離開 Xfce 時得以保存,並於您再度登入"
+#~ "時恢復。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Select this option to prevent an empty clipboard. The most recent history "
+#~ "item will be added to the clipboard."
+#~ msgstr "選取此項來防止剪貼簿空白。最近的歷史項目將被放入剪貼簿中。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "When you've copied or cut some text and it is already in the Clipman "
+#~ "history from the selection clipboard,  only the content location will be "
+#~ "changed.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "When a history item is clicked, the content will be copied to both "
+#~ "clipboards."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "當您從選取的剪貼簿複製或減下 Clipman 歷史中已經有的字句時,只有內容的位置"
+#~ "會改變。\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "當歷史項目被點擊時,該內容將會複製到兩份剪貼簿。"
+#~ msgid "Select this option to show item numbers in the history list."
+#~ msgstr "選取此項可顯示歷史字句清單中的項目編號。"
+#~ msgid "The number of items stored in the history list."
+#~ msgstr "歷史字句清單包含的項目多寡。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The number of characters showed in the history list. After this amount of "
+#~ "characters, the history label will be ellipsized."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "歷史字句清單中顯示的字數。超過此字數的的部份,歷史標籤將被省略符號取代。"