diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7b89d294d78f36eafdecbe62f489a1a648b80e4c..e5bce036bd6b23be7e8770a37aa30828bce1cdb1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ At a high level, `bztogl` needs to be able to do these:
 look at bugs that are already closed.*  Here, by "bugs that are open"
 we mean bugs with status `NEW, ASSIGNED, REOPENED, NEEDINFO,
-You can migrate CLOSED/RESOLVED bugs with `--resolved` switch.
+You can migrate `CLOSED, RESOLVED` bugs with `--resolved` switch.
 # Know what you are doing
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ test project instead.
 1. Create a personal project for testing
 2. Get an API key
-3. Run `bztogl --xfce --production`
+3. Run `bztogl --production`
 Each of these steps is detailed below.
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ talk to Gitlab.
 You need to create an "admin" account for the migration, to be able to get all
 user informations (user email etc).
 Get an API key at https://gitlab.xfce.org/profile/personal_access_tokens
  — you can use "`bztogl`" for in the **Name** field of the application you want
 **Turn on** the checkboxes for **api** and **read_user**, so that `bztogl` can
@@ -101,10 +102,10 @@ virtualenv activated with the `activate` command form that example.
 Now you can run this:
-bztogl --xfce --token <your_api_token> --product Libxfce4util --target-project bugzilla-migration/libxfce4util
+bztogl --token <your_api_token> --product Libxfce4util --target-project bugzilla-migration/libxfce4util
-Be aware that Xfce production on bugzilla start with an Uppercase!
+Be aware that Xfce products on bugzilla start with an Uppercase!
 Using the `--production` switch will effectively do the migration ! So be sure to run it on a test `target-project`
diff --git a/bztogl/bztogl.py b/bztogl/bztogl.py
index 77cb76fbf97406b05815f022df2ee5cb197e410c..a2ca5cb9ae80c6d0d067a6701c81bcdbf72d800b 100644
--- a/bztogl/bztogl.py
+++ b/bztogl/bztogl.py
@@ -26,35 +26,6 @@ import gitlab
 from . import common, milestones, template, users
-NEEDINFO_LABEL = "2. Needs Information"
-    "accessibility": "8. Accessibility",
-    "newcomers": "4. Newcomers",
-    "security": "1. Security"
-    'Accessibility': '8. Accessibility',
-    'Backend: Broadway': 'Broadway',
-    'Backend: Quartz': 'MacOS',
-    'Backend: X11': 'X11',
-    'Backend: Wayland': 'Wayland',
-    'Backend: Win32': 'Windows',
-    'Documentation': '8. Developer Docs',
-    'Input Methods': 'Input',
-    'Language Bindings': 'Introspection',
-    'Themes': 'Theme',
-    'Widget: GtkComboBox': 'GtkComboBox',
-    'Widget: GtkEntry': 'GtkEntry',
-    'Widget: GtkFileChooser': '5. FileChooser',
-    'Widget: GtkFontChooser': 'GtkFontChooser',
-    'Widget: GtkMenu': 'GtkMenu',
-    'Widget: GtkNotebook': 'GtkNotebook',
-    'Widget: GtkScrolledWindow': 'GtkScrolledWindow',
-    'Widget: GtkSpinButton': 'GtkSpinButton',
 def processbug(bgo, bzurl, instance, resolution, target, user_cache,
                milestone_cache, bzbug, migrate_components):
     print("Processing bug #%d: %s" % (bzbug.id, bzbug.summary))
@@ -136,27 +107,6 @@ def processbug(bgo, bzurl, instance, resolution, target, user_cache,
         return '\n\n'.join(converted_paragraphs)
-    def is_yorba_import(comment):
-        body = comment['text']
-        is_yorba = (
-            'Original URL: http://redmine.yorba.org/issues/' in body and
-            'Searchable id: yorba-bug-' in body
-        )
-        if is_yorba:
-            body = re.sub(r'####\n\n#', '---\n\nComment ', body)
-            body = re.sub(
-                r'\n(Original [a-zA-Z ]+: [a-zA-Z0-9.:\/ ]+)', r'\n\1  ', body
-            )
-            body = re.sub(
-                r'\n(Searchable id: [a-zA-Z0-9-]+)', r'\n\1  ', body
-            )
-            body = re.sub(r'\n(related to [a-zA-Z]+ - )', r'\n * \1', body)
-            body = re.sub(r'\n(duplicated by [a-zA-Z]+ - )', r'\n * \1', body)
-            body = re.sub(r'\n(blocked by [a-zA-Z]+ - )', r'\n * \1', body)
-            comment['text'] = body
-        return is_yorba
     def analyze_bugzilla_comment(comment, attachment_metadata):
         body = comment['text']
@@ -203,7 +153,6 @@ def processbug(bgo, bzurl, instance, resolution, target, user_cache,
     comments = bzbug.getcomments()
     firstcomment = None if len(comments) < 1 else comments[0]
-    is_yorba = is_yorba_import(firstcomment)
     desctext = None
     if firstcomment and 'author' in firstcomment:
         author = firstcomment['author']
@@ -211,35 +160,17 @@ def processbug(bgo, bzurl, instance, resolution, target, user_cache,
         author = firstcomment['creator']
         author = None
-    if is_yorba or author == bzbug.creator:
-        desctext = firstcomment['text']
-        if 'attachment_id' in firstcomment:
-            desctext += '\n' + migrate_attachment(firstcomment,
-                                                  attachment_metadata)
-        comments = comments[1:]
     description = \
         template.render_issue_description(bzurl, bzbug, desctext, user_cache)
-    # Add a "bugzilla" label on all imported bugs
-    labels = ['bugzilla']
-# Only set "bugzilla' label when migrating. Labels present in bz are not revelant 
-#    if bzbug.status == 'NEEDINFO':
-#        labels += [NEEDINFO_LABEL]
     if migrate_components:
         if bzbug.component.lower() not in ('general', '.general', target.product):
-#    for kw in bzbug.keywords:
-#        if kw in KEYWORD_MAP:
-#            labels += [KEYWORD_MAP[kw]]
-# No milestone on migration
+    # No milestone or label on migration
     milestone = None
-#    bz_milestone = bzbug.target_milestone
-#    if bz_milestone and bz_milestone != '---':
-#        milestone = milestone_cache[bz_milestone]
+    labels = []
     if user_cache[bzbug.creator]:
         sudo = user_cache[bzbug.creator].id
@@ -291,8 +222,8 @@ def processbug(bgo, bzurl, instance, resolution, target, user_cache,
             'body': gitlab_comment,
-            'created_at': str(comment['creation_time'])
-        })#, sudo=sudo)
+            'created_at': str(comment['creation_time'])})
+            #, sudo=sudo)
     # Do last, so that previous actions don't all send an email
     for cc_email in itertools.chain(bzbug.cc, [bzbug.creator]):
@@ -363,10 +294,6 @@ def options():
                         help="project name for gitlab, like \
                               'username/project'. If not provided, \
                               $user_namespace/$bugzilla_product will be used")
-    parser.add_argument('--fdo', action='store_true',
-                        help="import for freedesktop.org rather than GNOME")
-    parser.add_argument('--xfce', action='store_true',
-                        help="import for xfce.org rather than GNOME")
     parser.add_argument('--resolved', action='store_true',
                         help="import resolved bugs (default: no)")
     parser.add_argument('--migrate-components', action='store_true',
@@ -394,33 +321,14 @@ def check_if_target_project_exists(target):
 def main():
     args = options()
-    if args.fdo:
-        if args.production:
-            glurl = "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/"
-        else:
-            glurl = "http://localhost:8080/"
-        bzurl = "https://bugs.freedesktop.org"
-        giturl = "https://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/"
-        instance = "freedesktop.org"
-        bzresolution = 'MOVED'
-    elif args.xfce:
-        if args.production:
-            glurl = "https://gitlab.xfce.org/"
-        else:
-            glurl = "http://localhost:8080/"
-        bzurl = "https://bugzilla.xfce.org"
-        giturl = "https://git.xfce.org/"
-        instance = "xfce.org"
-        bzresolution = 'MOVED'
+    if args.production:
+        glurl = "https://gitlab.xfce.org/"
-        if args.production:
-            glurl = "https://gitlab.gnome.org/"
-        else:
-            glurl = "https://gitlab-test.gnome.org/"
-        bzurl = "https://bugzilla.gnome.org"
-        giturl = "https://git.gnome.org/browse/"
-        instance = "GNOME"
-        bzresolution = 'OBSOLETE'
+        glurl = "http://localhost:8080/"
+    bzurl = "https://bugzilla.xfce.org"
+    giturl = "https://git.xfce.org/"
+    instance = "xfce.org"
+    bzresolution = 'MOVED'
     target = common.GitLab(glurl, giturl, args.token, args.product,
                            args.target_project, args.automate)
diff --git a/bztogl/phabtogl.py b/bztogl/phabtogl.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 3b5111b75f6aa814d8d837210877e9e8f35c45d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/bztogl/phabtogl.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-import base64
-import datetime
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import phabricator
-from . import bt
-from . import template
-from . import users
-from . import common
-ON_WINDOWS = os.name == 'nt'
-    "Pitivi tasks for newcomers": "4. Newcomers",
-    "translations": "8. Translation",
-    "titles editor": "title clips",
-    "bundles": "binaries"
-MIGR_TEMPLATE = """# GitLab Migration Automatic Message
-This bug has been migrated to freedesltop.org's GitLab instance and has been closed \
-from further activity.
-You can subscribe and participate further through the new bug through this \
-link to our GitLab instance: {}.
-class Colors:
-    HEADER = '\033[95m'
-    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
-    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
-    WARNING = '\033[93m'
-    FAIL = '\033[91m'
-    ENDC = '\033[0m'
-    force_disable = False
-    @classmethod
-    def disable(cls):
-        cls.HEADER = ''
-        cls.OKBLUE = ''
-        cls.OKGREEN = ''
-        cls.WARNING = ''
-        cls.FAIL = ''
-        cls.ENDC = ''
-    @classmethod
-    def enable(cls):
-        if cls.force_disable:
-            return
-        cls.HEADER = '\033[95m'
-        cls.OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
-        cls.OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
-        cls.WARNING = '\033[93m'
-        cls.FAIL = '\033[91m'
-        cls.ENDC = '\033[0m'
-class PhabGitLab(common.GitLab):
-    """GitLab pabricator importer"""
-    def __init__(self, glurl, giturl, token, product, target_project=None,
-                 automate=False, close_tasks=False):
-        super().__init__(glurl, giturl, token, product, target_project,
-                         automate)
-        self.close_tasks = close_tasks
-    def import_from_phab(self, phab, start_at):
-        """Imports project tasks from phabricator"""
-        if self.target_project:
-            projname = self.target_project.split("/")[1]
-        else:
-            projname = self.project
-        for _id, task in sorted(phab.tasks.items()):
-            if start_at and _id < start_at:
-                continue
-            description = \
-                template.render_issue_description(
-                    None, task, phab.escape_markdown(
-                        task["description"]), phab.users,
-                    importing_address=os.path.join(phab.phabricator_uri, "T"),
-                    bug_url_function=phab.task_url)
-            labels = ['phabricator']
-            for project in task.projects.values():
-                if project["name"] != projname:
-                    # FIXME - Find a way to generically strip what should be
-                    # stripped.
-                    label = KEYWORD_MAP.get(project["name"], project["name"])
-                    for to_strip in ["pitivi_", "pitivi", "ptv_", "ptv",
-                                     "Pitivi", " "]:
-                        label = label.strip(to_strip)
-                    labels.append(label)
-            if not task["title"]:
-                print("WARNING task %s doesn't have a title!" % _id)
-                continue
-            # Assign bug to actual account if exists
-            phabauthor = phab.users.get(task["authorPHID"])
-            if phabauthor:
-                author = self.find_user_by_nick(phabauthor.username)
-                if author:
-                    author = author.id
-            else:
-                author = None
-            phabowner = phab.users.get(task["ownerPHID"])
-            if phabowner:
-                assignee = self.find_user_by_nick(phabowner.username)
-            else:
-                assignee = None
-            issue = self.create_issue(_id, task["title"],
-                                      description, labels,
-                                      None,
-                                      datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
-                int(task["dateCreated"])
-            ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')#, sudo=author
-            )
-            if assignee:
-                issue.assignee_id = assignee.id
-            print("Created %s - %s: %s" %
-                  (_id, issue.get_id(), issue.attributes['title']))
-            for comment in task.comments:
-                emoji, action, body = ('speech_balloon', 'said',
-                                       comment["comments"])
-                author = phab.users[comment["authorPHID"]]
-                if phabowner:
-                    sudo = self.find_user_by_nick(author.username)
-                    if sudo:
-                        sudo = sudo.id
-                else:
-                    sudo = None
-                assignee = None
-                gitlab_comment = template.render_comment(
-                    None, emoji, author.display_name(),
-                    action, phab.escape_markdown(body),
-                    "", bug_url_function=phab.task_url)
-                issue.notes.create({
-                    'body': gitlab_comment,
-                    'created_at': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
-                        int(task["dateCreated"])
-                    ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
-                })#, sudo=sudo)
-            state_event = 'reopen'
-            if task.resolved:
-                state_event = "close"
-            issue.state_event = state_event
-            issue.save(state_event=state_event)
-            if self.close_tasks:
-                phab.phabricator.maniphest.edit(
-                    objectIdentifier=str(_id),
-                    transactions=[{
-                        "type": "comment",
-                        "value": MIGR_TEMPLATE.format(issue.web_url)}])
-                phab.phabricator.maniphest.update(id=_id, status='resolved')
-class Task:
-    def __init__(self, entry, all_projects, all_tasks):
-        self.entry = entry
-        self.projects = {}
-        for phid in entry["projectPHIDs"]:
-            self.projects[phid] = all_projects.data[phid]
-        self.depends_on = []
-        for phid in self.entry["dependsOnTaskPHIDs"]:
-            if phid in all_tasks:
-                self.depends_on.append(all_tasks[phid]["id"])
-    @property
-    def assigned_to(self):
-        if self.entry["ownerPHID"]:
-            return self.entry["ownerPHID"]
-        return self.entry["authorPHID"]
-    @property
-    def id(self):
-        return self.entry["id"]
-    @property
-    def resolved(self):
-        return self.entry["isClosed"]
-    @property
-    def creator(self):
-        return self.entry["authorPHID"]
-    @property
-    def comments(self):
-        return self.entry.get("comments", [])
-    @property
-    def blocks(self):
-        # FIXME!
-        return []
-    @property
-    def see_also(self):
-        return []
-    @property
-    def version(self):
-        return None
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return self.entry[key]
-class Phab:
-    FILES_REGEX = re.compile(r'\{F[0-9\(\)]+\}', re.MULTILINE)
-    def __init__(self, options, gitlab):
-        self._phabricator = None
-        self.arcrc = None
-        self.phabricator_uri = "https://phabricator.freedesktop.org/"
-        self.projects = options.projects
-        self.users = {}
-        self.ensure_project_phids()
-        self.retrieve_all_tasks()
-        self.gitlab = gitlab
-    def migrate_attachment(self, fileid):
-        finfo = self.phabricator.file.info(id=int(fileid))
-        attfile = self.phabricator.file.download(phid=finfo["phid"])
-        ret = self.gitlab.upload_file(
-            finfo["name"], base64.b64decode(attfile.response))
-        return ret['markdown']
-    def escape_markdown(self, markdown):
-        markdown = bt.quote_stack_traces(markdown)
-        # Revert possibly double quoted backtraces
-        markdown = re.sub(re.compile(
-            r'```\n```\n', re.MULTILINE), '\n```\n', markdown)
-        for filelink in re.findall(Phab.FILES_REGEX, markdown):
-            fileid = filelink.strip("{F").strip("}")
-            try:
-                markdown = markdown.replace(
-                        filelink, self.migrate_attachment(fileid))
-            except phabricator.APIError:
-                print("WARNING: Could not migrate file: %s" % filelink)
-                pass
-        # Prevent spurious links to other GitLab issues
-        markdown = re.sub(r'([Cc]omment) #([0-9]+)', '\\1 \\2', markdown)
-        # Prevent unintended linking to issues.
-        markdown = re.sub(r'(\W)#([0-9]+)', '\\1# \\2', markdown)
-        # Link Tasks and Differentials
-        markdown = re.sub(
-            r'\b#?([TD][0-9]+)', '[\\1](%s/\\1)' % ("https://phabricator.freedesktop.org"),
-            markdown)
-        # Avoid losing new lines.
-        markdown = re.sub(r'([^\n])\n', '\\1  \n', markdown)
-        # Quote XML-like tags which would otherwise be stripped by GitLab
-        tags_outside_quotes = re.compile(r"""
-            (
-                ^[^`]*                    # An initial string with no backticks
-                (?:                       # Then zero or more of...
-                    (?:
-                        \n```.*?\n```     # A matched pair of triple backticks
-                    |
-                        `[^`]+`           # Or a matched pair of backticks
-                    )
-                    [^`]*?                # Followed by a str without backticks
-                )*?                       # These are skipped before finding
-            )
-            (\<\/?[a-zA-Z0-9_="' -]*?\>)  # ...an XML-like tag
-            """, re.VERBOSE)
-        nsubs = 1
-        while nsubs > 0:
-            # Matches may overlap, so we have to keep substituting until
-            # none left
-            markdown, nsubs = tags_outside_quotes.subn('\\1`\\2`', markdown)
-        return markdown
-    def task_url(self, garbage, task_id):
-        return os.path.join(self.phabricator_uri, "T" + task_id)
-    def retrieve_all_comments(self, ids, users):
-        all_transactions = self.phabricator.maniphest.gettasktransactions(
-            ids=ids)
-        for tid, transactions in all_transactions.items():
-            for transaction in sorted(transactions,
-                                      key=lambda x: x['dateCreated']):
-                if transaction["transactionType"] == "core:customfield":
-                    user = self.users[transaction["authorPHID"]]
-                    transaction["comments"] = "%s set git URI to %s" % (
-                        user.display_name(), transaction["newValue"]
-                    )
-                if transaction["comments"]:
-                    self.tasks[int(tid)].entry.setdefault(
-                        "comments", []).append(transaction)
-    def retrieve_all_users(self, usersphids):
-        all_users = self.phabricator.user.query(limit=99999999)
-        for user in all_users:
-            user = users.User(email=user["phid"],
-                              real_name=user["realName"],
-                              username=user["userName"], id=None)
-            self.users[user.email] = user
-    def retrieve_all_tasks(self):
-        ids = []
-        self.tasks = {}
-        users = set()
-        all_tasks = self.phabricator.maniphest.query(limit=9999999999, status="status-open", projectPHIDs=self.project_phids)
-        for task in all_tasks.items():
-            for phid in task[1]['projectPHIDs']:
-                if phid in self.project_phids:
-                    task = task[1]
-                    id = int(task["id"])
-                    ids.append(id)
-                    self.tasks[id] = Task(task, self.all_projects, all_tasks)
-                    users.add(task["authorPHID"])
-                    users.update(task["ccPHIDs"])
-                    users.add(task["ownerPHID"])
-                    break
-        self.retrieve_all_users(users)
-        self.retrieve_all_comments(ids, users)
-    def ensure_project_phids(self):
-        self.all_projects = self.phabricator.project.query(limit=9999999999, status="status-open")
-        self.project_phids = []
-        project_map = {}
-        for (phid, data) in self.all_projects.data.items():
-            project_map[data["name"].lower()] = phid
-            for s in data["slugs"]:
-                project_map[s.lower()] = phid
-        try:
-            for p in self.projects:
-                if p not in project_map:
-                    print("%sProject `%s` doesn't seem to exist%s" %
-                          (Colors.FAIL, p, Colors.ENDC))
-                    raise
-                self.project_phids.append(project_map[p])
-        except Exception:
-            self.die("Failed to look up projects in Phabricator")
-    def setup_login_certificate(self):
-        token = input("""LOGIN TO PHABRICATOR
-Open this page in your browser and login to Phabricator if necessary:
-Then paste the API Token on that page below.
-Paste API Token from that page and press <enter>: """ % self.phabricator_uri)
-        path = os.path.join(os.environ['AppData'] if ON_WINDOWS
-                            else os.path.expanduser('~'), '.arcrc')
-        host = self.phabricator_uri + "/api/"
-        host_token = {"token": token}
-        try:
-            with open(path) as f:
-                arcrc = json.load(f)
-                if arcrc.get("hosts"):
-                    arcrc["hosts"][host] = host_token
-                else:
-                    arcrc = {
-                        "hosts": {host: host_token}}
-        except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError):
-            arcrc = {"hosts": {host: host_token}}
-        with open(path, "w") as f:
-            print("Writing %s" % path)
-            json.dump(arcrc, f, indent=2)
-        return True
-    def die(self, message):
-        print(message, file=sys.stderr)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    @property
-    def phabricator(self):
-        if self._phabricator:
-            return self._phabricator
-        if self.arcrc:
-            try:
-                with open(self.arcrc) as f:
-                    phabricator.ARCRC.update(json.load(f))
-            except FileNotFoundError:
-                self.die("Failed to load a given arcrc file, %s" % self.arcrc)
-        needs_credential = False
-        try:
-            host = self.phabricator_uri + "/api/"
-            self._phabricator = phabricator.Phabricator(timeout=120, host=host)
-            if not self.phabricator.token and not self.phabricator.certificate:
-                needs_credential = True
-            # FIXME, workaround
-            # https://github.com/disqus/python-phabricator/issues/37
-            self._phabricator.differential.creatediff.api.interface[
-                "differential"]["creatediff"]["required"]["changes"] = dict
-        except phabricator.ConfigurationError:
-            needs_credential = True
-        if needs_credential:
-            if self.setup_login_certificate():
-                self.die("Try again now that the login certificate has been"
-                         " added")
-            else:
-                self.die("Please setup login certificate before trying again")
-        return self._phabricator
-def options():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description="Phabricator migration helper for bugzilla.gnome.org "
-                    "products")
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description="Bugzilla migration helper for bugzilla.gnome.org "
-                    "products")
-    parser.add_argument('--production', action='store_true',
-                        help="target production (gitlab.gnome.org) instead \
-                              of testing (gitlab-test.gnome.org)")
-    parser.add_argument('--recreate', action='store_true',
-                        help="remove the project at GitLab if it exists and \
-                              import the project from the original repository")
-    parser.add_argument('--only-import', action='store_true',
-                        help="only import the module, no migration of issues")
-    parser.add_argument('--automate', action='store_true',
-                        help="don't wait on user input and answer \'Y\' (yes) \
-                              to any question")
-    parser.add_argument('--token', help="gitlab token API", required=True)
-    parser.add_argument(
-        '--close-tasks', help="Close phabricator tasks", action='store_true')
-    parser.add_argument('--project', help="phab project name", dest="projects",
-                        required=True, action="append")
-    parser.add_argument('--target-project', metavar="USERNAME/PROJECT",
-                        help="project name for gitlab, like \
-                              'username/project'. If not provided, \
-                              $user_namespace/$bugzilla_product will be used")
-    parser.add_argument('--start-at',
-                        help="The ID of the first task to import",
-                        type=int)
-    return parser.parse_args()
-def check_if_target_project_exists(target):
-    try:
-        target.get_project()
-    except Exception as e:
-        print("ERROR: Could not access the project `{}` - are you sure \
-               it exists?".format(target.target_project))
-        print("You can use the --target-project=username/project option if \
-               the project name\n\is different from the Bugzilla \
-               product name.")
-        exit(1)
-def main():
-    args = options()
-    target = PhabGitLab("https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/",
-                        "https://cgit.freedesktop.org/",
-                        args.token, args.projects[0],
-                        args.target_project,
-                        args.automate, args.close_tasks)
-    target.connect()
-    if not args.recreate and args.target_project is not None:
-        check_if_target_project_exists(target)
-    if not args.target_project and args.recreate:
-        target.import_project()
-    phab = Phab(args, target)
-    if phab.tasks:
-        target.import_from_phab(phab, args.start_at)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/fdo-import-repo.py b/fdo-import-repo.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 4976cea127d23d325674171c96e5c1791eb8d874..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/fdo-import-repo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# freedesktop.org GitLab import script
-# This script will read from stdin line-by-line, with the following format:
-# fdorepo/name gitlabgroup/gitlabproject
-# It will:
-#   - disable direct pushes to ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/fdorepo/name
-#     and enable force-pushes so it can be a perfect mirror
-#   - create a GitLab repo at https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gitlabgroup/gitlabproject
-#   - mirror the content from the fd.o repo into the GitLab repo
-# It does _not_ set up mirroring from GitLab to fd.o, as this requires direct
-# shell access to the GitLab cluster. To do so, please send admins entries in
-# the same format you feed as input to this script.
-# This requires you have sufficient shell access to kemper.freedesktop.org, and
-# that the 'gitlab-mirror' user has been added to the correct group on LDAP.
-# Author: Daniel Stone <daniels@collabora.com>
-import argparse
-import json
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-import traceback
-import urllib.parse
-import gitlab
-class Config:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.gitlab_token = None
-        self.gitlab = None
-        self.kemper_host = None
-        self.issues = False
-        self.merge_requests = False
-        self.gitlab = None
-class Repo:
-    def __init__(self, config, url_fdo, url_gitlab):
-        self.config = config
-        self.url_gitlab = url_gitlab
-        self.url_fdo = url_fdo
-        self.project = None
-        self.imported = False
-    def gitlab_repo_file_path(self):
-        return "/gitlab-data/git-data/repositories/%s.git" % self.url_gitlab.lower()
-    def gitlab_repo_mirror_cmd(self):
-        return 'pushd %s && git config --local fdo.mirror-dir %s && mkdir %s/custom_hooks && ln -s /gitlab-ssh-keys/git-post-receive-mirror %s/custom_hooks/post-receive; popd' % (self.gitlab_repo_file_path(), self.url_fdo, self.gitlab_repo_file_path(), self.gitlab_repo_file_path())
-    def legacy_file_path(self):
-        return "/srv/git.freedesktop.org/git/%s.git" % self.url_fdo
-    def legacy_clone_path(self):
-        return "git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/%s" % self.url_fdo
-    def prepare_repo_kemper(self):
-        # Accept non-fast-forwards (to make a perfect mirror), and disable
-        # direct user pushes, as the only pushes will come from GitLab.
-        cmd = ["ssh", self.config.kemper_host, "sh", "-c",
-               "'GIT_DIR=%s git config --local receive.denynonfastforwards false && ln -s /srv/git.freedesktop.org/hooks/pre-receive-gitlab %s/hooks/pre-receive'" % (self.legacy_file_path(), self.legacy_file_path())] 
-        subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
-    def rollback_repo_kemper(self):
-        # Accept non-fast-forwards (to make a perfect mirror), and disable
-        # direct user pushes, as the only pushes will come from GitLab.
-        cmd = ["ssh", self.config.kemper_host, "sh", "-c",
-               "'GIT_DIR=%s git config --local receive.denynonfastforwards true && rm -f %s/hooks/pre-receive'" % (self.legacy_file_path(), self.legacy_file_path())] 
-        subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
-    def get_namespace_id(self):
-        # Surely there has to be a cleaner way to do this ... ?
-        namespace = self.url_gitlab.split('/')[:-1]
-        for ns in self.config.gitlab.namespaces.list(search=namespace[-1]):
-            if ns.full_path.lower() == "/".join(namespace).lower():
-                return ns.id
-        raise Exception("Couldn't find GitLab namespace %s" % namespace)
-    def begin_gitlab_import(self):
-        self.project = self.config.gitlab.projects.create({
-            "name": self.url_gitlab.split('/')[-1],
-            "namespace_id": self.get_namespace_id(),
-            "import_url": self.legacy_clone_path(),
-            "issues_enabled": self.config.issues,
-            "merge_requests_enabled": self.config.merge_requests,
-            "wiki_enabled": False,
-            "merge_method": "ff",
-            "visibility": "public"
-        })
-    def get_import_status(self):
-        self.config.gitlab.session.headers = { "PRIVATE-TOKEN": self.config.gitlab_token }
-        url = "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/api/v4/projects/%d" % self.project.id
-        ret = self.config.gitlab.session.get(url)
-        if ret.status_code != 200:
-            raise Exception("Status query for %s failed: %s" % (self.url_gitlab, ret.text))
-        return json.loads(ret.text).get("import_status") == "finished"
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="fd.o GitLab repo import",
-                                     epilog="""
-This script imports a repository from fd.o's old Git hosting into GitLab.
-It accepts input on stdin in the following format, one per line:
-fdorepo/name gitlabgroup/gitlabproject
-For example:
-wayland/wayland wayland/wayland
-wayland/weston wayland/weston
-wayland/wayland-web wayland/wayland.freedesktop.org
-You will need SSH access to kemper (either being in the group, or being root),
-as well as a GitLab access token (user menu -> settings -> access tokens) for
-an admin account. To make this quicker, you almost certainly want a master
-connection active.
-The script will create the GitLab project itself, as well as disabling pushes
-to the old repository. It will _not_ set up mirroring from GitLab to the old
-repository, which will need to be done by someone with shell access to the
-Kubernetes cluster.
-Please co-ordinate with an admin when doing this script, and later send them
-a copy of the repository list you imported.
-    parser.add_argument("--kemper-host",
-                        default="kemper.freedesktop.org",
-                        help="Hostname to pass to SSH for access to kemper",
-                        required=True)
-    parser.add_argument("--gitlab-token",
-                        help="GitLab access token",
-                        required=True)
-    parser.add_argument("--issues",
-                        default=False,
-                        action="store_true",
-                        help="Enable issues on migrated repos")
-    parser.add_argument("--merge-requests",
-                        default=False,
-                        action="store_true",
-                        help="Enable merge requests on migrated repos")
-    config = Config()
-    parser.parse_args(namespace=config)
-    config.gitlab = gitlab.Gitlab("https://gitlab.freedesktop.org",
-                                  config.gitlab_token,
-                                  api_version=4)
-    repos = []
-    for line in sys.stdin:
-        try:
-            (url_fdo, url_gitlab) = line[:-1].split(' ')
-        except:
-            print("Malformed line '%s': must be in format fdorepo/name gitlabgroup/gitlabproject" % line[:-1])
-            continue
-        repo = Repo(config, url_fdo, url_gitlab)
-        repos.append(repo)
-        try:
-            repo.prepare_repo_kemper()
-        except Exception as e:
-            print("Failed to migrate %s to %s: '%s'" % (url_fdo, url_gitlab, e))
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            continue
-        try:
-            repo.begin_gitlab_import()
-        except Exception as e:
-            print("Failed to migrate %s to %s: '%s'" % (url_fdo, url_gitlab, e))
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            continue
-    all_imported = False
-    while not all_imported:
-        time.sleep(2)
-        all_imported = True
-        for repo in repos:
-            if repo.project and not repo.imported:
-                repo.imported = repo.get_import_status()
-                if not repo.imported:
-                    all_imported = False
-    print("")
-    print("")
-    for repo in repos:
-        if repo.project:
-            print("%s -> %s" % (repo.url_fdo, repo.url_gitlab))
-    print("")
-    print("")
-    print("")
-    print("FAILED MIGRATION:")
-    for repo in repos:
-        if not repo.project:
-            print("%s -> %s" % (repo.url_fdo, repo.url_gitlab))
-            repo.rollback_repo_kemper()
-    print("")
-    print("")
-    print("")
-    print("Run on GitLab Kubernetes cluster:")
-    for repo in repos:
-        print(repo.gitlab_repo_mirror_cmd())
-    print("")
-    print("")
-    print("")
-    print("")
-    print("Done!")
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 752bb49d466c34af00f424c3a479c561e3ac4222..3620f3d84caebfdf9125eeec554e6c04870f94fc 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ setup(
-    install_requires=['python-bugzilla', 'python-gitlab', 'phabricator'],
+    install_requires=['python-bugzilla', 'python-gitlab'],