'Replaces initial title' not working in xfce4-terminal (Xfce 4.12)
Submitted by Brock
Assigned to Igor @f2404
Created attachment 8772 This shows the setting that is not working.
My default shell is Bash, and I have the following at the end of my ~/.bashrc file.
case "$TERM" in xterm*|rxvt*) trap 'echo -ne "\e]0;$BASH_COMMAND\007"' DEBUG ;; *) ;; esac
This shows the last command run as the terminal title on the window button and for the window title. In Debian 9.9, xfce4-terminal (0.8.3-1), the Preferences > General > 'Dynamically-set title: Replaces initial title' option works. In Debian 9.9, initially the word 'Terminal' shows in the title bar and window button. Then of course this title changes after the first command is run. However, in (Debian 10), it shows 'Untitled window' on the window button and the title bar is blank until my first command is run. Screenshot attached. The same issue exists in Xubuntu 19.04 with the Xfce 4.14 pre-release ppa enabled. Thank you! I very much appreciate Xfce.
Attachment 8772, "This shows the setting that is not working.":