Window size changes when tab bar appers/disappers
Submitted by Kay Bouché
Assigned to Igor @f2404
when I open/close a tab so the tab bar appers/disappers, the window size changes (the actual terminal screens keep their size). To me, this is unexpected/annoying, especially when arranging multiple windows on my screen. xfce4-terminal eithers goes beyond the screen or overlaps with another window, when the tab bar appers.
I looked into the code and found a fix:
diff --git a/terminal/terminal-window.c b/terminal/terminal-window.c index bb455937..1a7f4a1b 100644 --- a/terminal/terminal-window.c +++ b/terminal/terminal-window.c @@ -2682,14 +2682,8 @@ terminal_window_notebook_show_tabs (TerminalWindow window) / set the visibility of the tabs */ if (gtk_notebook_get_show_tabs (notebook) != show_tabs) {
/* store size */
terminal_window_size_push (window);
/* show or hide the tabs */ gtk_notebook_set_show_tabs (notebook, show_tabs);
/* update the window geometry */
terminal_window_size_pop (window);
This seems to be the same issue as reported in (looks like has become an issue again after that) and also (solution presented: never hide tab bar, which is not favorable I'd say).
Would be great to see this go into the master branch! Please tell me, if any further changes are favorable (e.g. providing an option in the settings or so...).
Kind Regards Kay