using vim several times results in a 'Terminal - Terminal - Terminal -Terminal' tab title
Submitted by Pete Beardmore
Assigned to Igor @f2404
i don't run Debian but could i please point you to this bug which has irritated me for years?
version 0.4.3, 0.4.5, 0.4.6 are versions i've tested recently which exhibit this bug. the old (also buggy but bearable) behaviour in 0.2.6 was that from title 'Untitled' ..the first vim enter and exit resulted in 'Terminal' ..the next 'Terminal - Terminal' ..but that was as far as it went.
a vim build with the '--with-x' flag is required to trigger this bug. without this flag there is no such issue (and stock builds don't seem to use it now despite the fact it's the only way to enable copying to the registers that point to the X11 clipboard). 'vim --version | grep xterm_clipboard' will tell you whether the flag was used in your build or not (+xterm_clipboard as opposed to -xterm_clipboard).
i assume that the OP of the bug had too many moving parts (using a system that has dependency tracking) and possibly updated vim to a version built with 'without-x' at the same time as moving to 0.4.5, thus the move to 0.4.5 looked like it had fixed the problem when in fact it hadn't.
the reason i've assumed that this bug is 'Terminal' and not 'VIm' related is that tab title interaction with VIm works fine elsewhere (i.e konsole).
cheers, Pete.