No feedback to Ctrl-Button1 click on URL
Submitted by Ralph Corderoy
Assigned to Igor @f2404
A URL in the terminal's text can be opened by Button3's menu's Open Link or Ctrl-Button1 click. I read through a load of mail, using the latter to open interesting URLs, and then de-minimise the browser and plough through the tabs. I'm taking it on trust that I've successfully Ctrl-Button1'd the URL and triggered a tab opening. If I didn't, I'd have forgotten by the time I switch from terminal to browser.
It would be nice if there was some visual feedback to acknowledge the ButtonPress. Note, the URL is opened on the Press, not the Release, so there's no possibility of moving before Release to abandon the action. Given that, the feedback would also be on the Press. Inverting the URL's cells for the duration of the Press/Release could be sufficient. Or for a fixed, short, time. It would need trying to see what worked.
Version: 0.8.0